Night binges?

I'm doing really well during the day most of the time. When I go over, I can just go on the treadmill later in the day and burn off the extra calories. However, it's like I'm cursed at night. I'll be up in my room...reading, on my iPad, on my phone, etc....and I need to snack. But it's such an urge that like last night, for example, I ended up eating a bunch of strawberries (no problem really), 2 sandwiches with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff (I'm disgusted even writing that down), clif bars, cheese get the point. It's disgusting. It's gluttonous. And I wake up feeling really freaking ****ty with myself. I need to stop.


  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I'm not sure what the point of this was because there's really no question, but I'm gonna go ahead and put in my two cents. *WARNING* Tough love to follow!!! ;)

    You will never change unless you want to. There is nothing that makes you get out of bed and binge on food. You simply need to learn to tell yourself no, because if you don't get used to it now you never will, and ultimately, you'll fail. Eat a nice filling meal at dinner (I usually take fiber supplements about an hour before because they help me realize when I should be done eating), and then be done. If the calories allow, treat yourself to a little sweet, like a Hershey's kiss, or a square of dark chocolate, something like that. If you don't think you can handle just one without going overboard, just stop after dinner. Drink some water. Fact is, there is no magic spell or weight loss fairy that grants your wish to be thin. You have to do it by yourself, for yourself, and that means telling your most stubborn self "NO." That is really all the advice I can give you.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    It's hard for all of us. I try to keep busy - I go back to the gym one evening, and have other activities planned for 2 nights.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Save calories for the end of the night. Try eating one sandwich and one cheese stick. Start knitting a scarf to keep your hands busy. Willpower is what really comes in to play here.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    That "Treadmill" thingy WILL get Old fast! Exercise Can NOT fix a Bad diet; GOOD Health, weight loss and maintenance is 85/90% diet (what you eat) and the remainder Activity,whether you do an exercise routine or not.

    There is this "GoBites" thing that is on my computer is a SUPER Idea, especially for Snackers like you or others who eat small meals. But I make My own...I accept the dietary changes that I may have Naturally from eating at a caloric deficit until I reach My desired weight range. Now, I find that I do want a snack late at night ad that is OK, in fact it helps to fill My caloric needs and so i also make sure it fills My NUTRITIONAL needs...and understand that the Body does NOT care when it gets what it needs Nutritionally.

    I have My own Nutritional Packets (Snacks), like: (1) dried fruit, nuts and seeds; (2) cheerios, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries; (3) Just seeds and nuts; (4) Just Honey Nut Cheerios; (5) dried banana chips, coconut, seeds and nuts... Look, PREPARE for your Nutritional needs, and I HOPE you are not on some crazy very low calorie eating plan that is Unrealistic to follow and Live with, that means you are setting up to Yo-Yo diet, maybe for life! The KEY to losing weight, maintenance and most of all good health is to change slowly making New Good HABITS as you go along. What you are doing is a short term fix with eventual bad results.
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    I tell you that you sound like me! I know I have a problem and now that I realize that I am going to do my best not to binge eat tonight. I am going to take it one day at a time. The thing is I just realized that I packed my lunch today. A nice healthy lunch and I will go to the gym and try to do 45 min cardio. Now why would I go home and undo everything I had worked hard on all day just to binge at night!!!!!! I know I have a problem. So I am going to either go to bed early or read, or do something cause I am not eating over!!!!!! I ate an extra 1000 calories last night :( and for what? What am I trying to fill? I have a deep void in me but I can assure you food is not the answer. So lets you and I work on this one night at a time.
  • teddabod
    teddabod Posts: 222 Member
    For some reason when I glanced at this subject I thought it said "Bite Ninjas".

    getlostweight, curious to know if you're taking any sleep medication at night? That can reek havoc on your appetite.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I tell you that you sound like me! I know I have a problem and now that I realize that I am going to do my best not to binge eat tonight. I am going to take it one day at a time. The thing is I just realized that I packed my lunch today. A nice healthy lunch and I will go to the gym and try to do 45 min cardio. Now why would I go home and undo everything I had worked hard on all day just to binge at night!!!!!! I know I have a problem. So I am going to either go to bed early or read, or do something cause I am not eating over!!!!!! I ate an extra 1000 calories last night :( and for what? What am I trying to fill? I have a deep void in me but I can assure you food is not the answer. So lets you and I work on this one night at a time.

    Or, it could just mean that your BODY is not getting what IT needs, Nutritionally. So just like you packed that healthy lunch, why not do that also for a late night snack. Maybe if you PREPARE for this and give your Body something Nutritional (Nuts, Seeds, Dried and/or Fresh Fruit, Water) as a late night snack...eventually it will get satiated, and Healthy in the process. have you thought that with activity and low calories during the day, at night it is "beat-Up" and craving something healthy to EAT, and NOT Your MIND craving a companion! Cause I tell Ya, a Healthy, feel good Body definitely makes for a quiet Mind and Spirit!
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Yesterday I didn't eat healthy. I sit up when everyone else goes to bed and eat.... its a bad habit.... but today I am going to eat a healthy snack and go to bed... NO sitting up till 12 watching tv. THat is the only down time I have is after everyone goes to bed and I just over do it. But you can be right....
  • boneist
    boneist Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know how much of this was actual physical change or whether it was mostly psychosomatic, but I managed to get out of my carb-craving cycle by switching over to having chicken for snacks, on the basis that protein makes you feel more satiated than carbs do.

    I went from having a big bag of M&Ms (or crisps or other chocolatey yumminess...) on the train home pretty much every night to not needing to have anything at all - unless I've left work really late.

    Most days (*coffcoff* not ones straight after easter, where I'm slowly getting rid of the easter choccy stash!), I don't even fancy a snack! (Having said that, I don't tend to eat dinner until at least 7:45pm most nights, due to the long commute!). I'm very fortunate that there's an M&S food shop in the train station that does pre-packaged sliced cooked chicken, which is yummy, and works very nicely for me as a snack.

    You might find that doing something similar (ie. upping your protein intake) helps you too.

    Good luck!
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I'm not sure what the point of this was because there's really no question, but I'm gonna go ahead and put in my two cents. *WARNING* Tough love to follow!!! ;)

    You will never change unless you want to. There is nothing that makes you get out of bed and binge on food. You simply need to learn to tell yourself no, because if you don't get used to it now you never will, and ultimately, you'll fail. Eat a nice filling meal at dinner (I usually take fiber supplements about an hour before because they help me realize when I should be done eating), and then be done. If the calories allow, treat yourself to a little sweet, like a Hershey's kiss, or a square of dark chocolate, something like that. If you don't think you can handle just one without going overboard, just stop after dinner. Drink some water. Fact is, there is no magic spell or weight loss fairy that grants your wish to be thin. You have to do it by yourself, for yourself, and that means telling your most stubborn self "NO." That is really all the advice I can give you.

    This is the best advice I read on MFP so far - and I have been logging in faithfully since July '12. Well said!
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Old habits die hard. I am dealing with this as well. I am living with my in laws, and my sister in law brought home literally 15 bags of pretzel M&Ms because of where she works. I try my hardest to stay focused, but does one stay focused with 15 bags of pretzel m&ms calling their name?!! It is way mega hard. Im not about depriving myself. Do yourself a favor and get rid of everything naughty, anything that might be a trigger for you and stick with little treats.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I'm not sure what the point of this was because there's really no question, but I'm gonna go ahead and put in my two cents. *WARNING* Tough love to follow!!! ;)

    You will never change unless you want to. There is nothing that makes you get out of bed and binge on food. You simply need to learn to tell yourself no, because if you don't get used to it now you never will, and ultimately, you'll fail. Eat a nice filling meal at dinner (I usually take fiber supplements about an hour before because they help me realize when I should be done eating), and then be done. If the calories allow, treat yourself to a little sweet, like a Hershey's kiss, or a square of dark chocolate, something like that. If you don't think you can handle just one without going overboard, just stop after dinner. Drink some water. Fact is, there is no magic spell or weight loss fairy that grants your wish to be thin. You have to do it by yourself, for yourself, and that means telling your most stubborn self "NO." That is really all the advice I can give you.

    This is the best advice I read on MFP so far - and I have been logging in faithfully since July '12. Well said!

    Well thank you, miss! I try :blushing:
  • pjnsydsmoma
    pjnsydsmoma Posts: 10 Member
    when I logged on today (first time in nearly 2 months) I was looking specifically for this. nice to know I am not alone.