What is Clean eating?



  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    For me and some of my other friends it is simply eating right (proportioned servings) with no junk food. This is to include as much fresh food as possible. No canned or packaged foods. This is our interpretation anyhow.
  • Scottg97
    Scottg97 Posts: 9
    Clean eating is a diet program based on the idea that the best way to eat is to abundantly enjoy whole foods -- that is, foods as close to their natural state and you can get them. This means eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins instead of pre-packaged, processed foods or fast food. Clean eating is also committed to replacing saturated fats with healthy fats.
  • carbnut
    carbnut Posts: 3 Member
    clean eating to me is anything that is a whole food. Nothing processed. some people dont eat wheat because it has to be processed in order to eat it i.e. pasta, bread. some people have stomach issues from dairy and wheat so they stay away.
    To me anything that is grown from nature and can cooked in its original form is clean. obviously grassfed meat is much healthier since it usually has no growth hormones in it as well as the stock is eating from the land like it is suppose to instead of slaughter houses feeding the stock grains which they arent intended to eat. so what happens, they get sick. then they are injected with antibiotics. blah. if you cant afford grassfed meat just eat as lean as you can.
    hope this helps.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    so is wheat flour, pasta, bread considered clean? Dairy - only full fat or any? raw?

    Not sure about dairy- I know alot of people drink Almond milk...is that considered dairy? idk

    Most people think that they are eating "clean" by buying whole grain bread... but unless it is 100% whole grain, its not really whole grain.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    It's when I eat a bowl of ice cream and leave nothing left. Seriously, though, people take eating clean too literal to the point they cut out fats and carbs unnecessarily low. Of course, this impacts their caloric intake which results in them eating like birds.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    I'm glad I am not the only one annoyed by this term. It's far to ambiguous to have any real meaning as people tend to just apply what THEY consider "clean" to the word. Ergo pointless.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    It's when I eat a bowl of ice cream and leave nothing left. Seriously, though, people take eating clean too literal to the point they cut out fats and carbs unnecessarily low. Of course, this impacts their caloric intake which results in them eating like birds.

    Birdseed has more than 1 ingredient so unfortunately I just can't eat it.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    It's when I eat a bowl of ice cream and leave nothing left. Seriously, though, people take eating clean too literal to the point they cut out fats and carbs unnecessarily low. Of course, this impacts their caloric intake which results in them eating like birds.

    Birdseed has more than 1 ingredient so unfortunately I just can't eat it.

    And it gets stuck in your teeth. Nobody wants to see that.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I haven't done too much research into the official meaning of "Clean Eating" but to me its food with 1 ingredient and no chemicals

    So chicken is chicken
    beef is well beef
    Tomato is a tomato and so on and so forthe

    Whereas cereal, frozen foods, packaged foods etc is a combination of ingredients we cannot pronounce.

    Now i've made crackers. Which store bought is a complete no-no but i made my crackers from whole ingredients. Which still makes it food that is clean.

    I'm not sure if I explained that well or not :S

    So triscuits and fritos are clean, then?
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It's an obnoxious term that means eating whole, unprocessed, real foods only.

    Does this include making a cake from scratch?

    ETA: with butter churned myself from our cows' milk, of course

    Anyone care to answer this? It's a serious question!
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks, this is helpful (mostly). It pretty much confirms my thought that everyone has their own definition.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    create your own definition :)

    There are always going to be fine lines. People on here say whole grains and wheat, veggies, lean meat, etc.

    FOR me though - I don't eat any whole grains or wheat flour but I have plenty of fresh vegetables, lean meats, anything non-processed, fruits, healthy fats like avocado and almonds.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm glad I am not the only one annoyed by this term. It's far to ambiguous to have any real meaning as people tend to just apply what THEY consider "clean" to the word. Ergo pointless.

    Seems pretty consistent in the answers here (snark answers notwithstanding).

    The only thing that generally ends up in a sort of "gray" area are milk and flour.

    Sticking with the rule, I'd say milk isn't really "clean," unless it's raw milk. Typical store milk goes through pasteurization and homogenization processes that make it pretty much like night and day from raw milk. Given that raw milk is illegal outside of the production process in a good portion of states, though, it does/can technically fall into the "as close as you can get" category of "clean".

    And to the person that asked if almond milk was dairy - no. Diary is animal milk - cows, sheep, goats, etc. That said, almond milk can actually be homemade and quite easily - http://barefeetinthekitchen.blogspot.com/2013/02/how-to-make-almond-milk.html and for good measure, so can coconut milk - http://nourishedkitchen.com/how-to-make-coconut-milk/

    Flour is sketchy I think because of the volume and the fact that most flours are enriched (that is, they have things added to them to increase certain properties, such as micronutrients). Technically speaking, you can grind your own flour, but you'll likely not reach anywhere near the volume that you actually use (especially considering the differences between enriched and unenriched flour).
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    There is no right answer to this, but I've seen some good explanations here. MY definition of "clean eating" would be whole, unprocessed foods in their natural state. That said, I eat "clean" probably 85% of the time. Most of what I cook/prepare myself, I would consider "clean", but I do eat out and at other people's homes occasionally, so in those situations, I try to stick to the simple stuff.
  • j_ringsaker
    j_ringsaker Posts: 47 Member
    I'm doing my best to eat clean as well. I've developed a love for avocados, recently. I have a protein shake for lunch that has sodium polyphosphate in it, that's about the worst I do during the day and that's just an emulsifier.

    Just trying to stick to as few ingredients as possible and eating fresh fruits and veggies.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    To the OP:

    What is the official word on "Clean eating"?---> as you can see from the posts, there is no one official word. It means different things to different people. Most people think of it as eating foods that are less processed, made from ingredients without the use of additives and preservatives. I generally try to choose foods that are not processed over ones that are.

    Is wheat ok? For some people, yes. For others, no. Many people do just fine with wheat. Others have gluten sensitivities which result in chronic inflammation and bloating, or outright intolerance which is an autoimmune disorder and can trigger other autoimmune disorders. You can get tested, or you can try eliminating it for a month to see what effect it has on you. I generally try to avoid wheat because its usually used in foods that are triggers for me to overeat. I try to replace the cals I might get from breads, cereals, cakes, cookies etc with cals from veggies.

    Dairy? Some people are lactose-intolerant. Some people find that dairy causes skin issues. Some people don't like the growth hormones used in non-organic milks. Some people don't like the idea that humans are drinking something intended for another species. Some people have no issues at all with dairy. Some people only consume raw dairy. I LOVE CHEESE and cream, so I choose to keep dairy in my diet. I choose not to buy raw, because I have little kids and I don't believe the benefits outweigh the risks for them.

    organic? Most would consider organic a good thing. I choose organic when I can, especially for the dirty dozen. I prefer to support local organic farms, so I try to buy local organic.

    Grass-fed, pastured meats? Yes, these are great. Grass-fed beef has a better fatty acid profile and generally just tastes better. Pastured chickens are AWESOME... they have great flavor and texture. Pastured eggs taste great and are "perkier" than conventional eggs... the yolk is bright and stands up high. Pastured pork is hard to find, but also great when you can get it. Ultimately, meat from pastured animals means that the animals generally were treated more humanely in life and when they were butchered.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I think of "clean" as the way my grandmother made food, even into the mid-80s when things were more convenient:

    Fresh veggies from the garden with extra veggies bought from the farmers' market, meat from the butcher or a farmer, dairy from a farmer (or as close to raw as you can get), fruits from various orchards and berry patches in the area, homemade bread, homemade pasta, etc. She canned and froze a lot of stuff to use during the winter. I loved her pickles and homemade jam. :)

    The only exception she had was cake mix. She loved Duncan Hines cake mixes. They were the ONLY boxed food she ever used. It was kind of funny to us since everything else was made "from scratch".
  • bananasandbarbells
    bananasandbarbells Posts: 29 Member
    I think it depends on who you ask. I think there are two version of "clean eating". 1) eating healthy foods (wheat products instead of white, raw almonds instead of salty nuts, rice cakes instead of chips, etc. and 2) totally unprocessed raw foods, sauces completely homemade or with only a few ingredients, etc.

    So i think clean eating for you should be whatever you consider it to be(obviously aside from junk!) For example, I started the whole30 this week and not thinking about it, I used prego spaghetti sauce for spaghetti squash. Not really following the whole30 so I decided this week to either make sauces or NONE at all! Some people would have still considered spaghetti squash with sauce clean eating though.
  • veec0
    veec0 Posts: 33 Member
    My clean eating is washing my vegetables and fruits before eating them. Also once the food falls on the ground NO 5-second rule.
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    Washing all the fruits and veggies before you eat them.

    Washing in 1 part vinegar (apple cider or white) to 3 parts water - just water will not wash away the chemicals/wax. I just fill a bowl and dip my veggies/fruit in then rinse with water and dry.