why everyone else except me?

today was my weigh in day and ihave lost 8kg eich is about 18lbs in 11 weeks, (can't complain):bigsmile:

but comparing to most of you and my mfp friends i've lost very little in this time, which means that it's going to take me much longer than the rest. :sad:

i generally keep under the 1200 kcals rarely eating my exercise kcals (i consider them my safety net) and exercise everyday burning between 600 and 900 kcals. (walking, taebo, step aerobics, crunches) :explode:

is there anyone else who has lost about the same weight in about the same time?:flowerforyou:


  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I think you answered your own question. You are not eating enough. Try eating half your exercise calories and see if that helps. Give it a month, if you don't see results tweak it again. But really 18 pounds in 11 weeks is nothing to be upset about, you are doing great.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    The rate of weight loss is going to be different for everyone. You are doing a great job. My weight loss has been an average of 4 lbs a month over the 44 lbs that I have lost. (I went on maintenace for a while). There will be times it will be slow and times it will fly off.

    Good Luck.:smile:
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I've only lost 4lbs in 3 weeks, but a loss is a loss right? :smile: Just hang in there and you'll get where you want to go eventually! It's not a race, everybody has a different body that will react differently. Eat those exercise calories! It helps!!!!
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I've only lost 23 lbs since January :smile:

    But to be honest I'm not too bothered as slow & steady wins the race :wink:

    The longer it takes to lose the easier it will be to keep it off :smile:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    You have A LOT less to lose than many of the people on here. The more you have to lose the faster it comes off.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i agree with the above....18lbs in 11wks is awesome...that is more than 1 1/2lbs a week...i suggest staying with the 1200 calories a week but try eating at least 1/2 your exercise calories back....the program is set for you to be eating them....but so many people have a hard time with that....think they will lose more if they dont eat them...i'm one of those people...playing around with the numbers too much messes you up, confuses you and then leads you to not know what to do on a daily basis...i say stick with one way and follow it for success....if you dont see success it is time to modify your program...
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    hon, i've been on this site for a few weeks now, nearly a month, and i've lost 5.5 pounds, but it will slow down. this takes time. your body is confused and doesn't like to lose weight. be sure you are eating enough, at least 1200 calories a day, but moreso make sure you're eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and are cooking and preparing a lot of meals yourself. be mindful of what goes in your mouth, take a bit of time to walk or play frisbee or whatnot every day... and I'm telling you, the weight will come off.

    it didn't take you a year to get to whatever shape you're in now, right? it takes time. but it's cool. the journey is a beautiful thing. no worries. :)
  • MikeRay
    MikeRay Posts: 47
    Some people just burn slower. You are not eating late at night are you. Do you take in enough calories to support you workout needs?
    I am just thinking out loud here.
    You will get to your goal, you've already had a great start.
    Keep it up
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    Are you sure about how many calories you are eating? Do you have a digital food scale and weigh your food? Don't trust measuring cups or spoons. Try to weigh. Weight loss is math. And if your eating more calories than you think your deficit will be less and your loss slower.

    Do you track your sodium? To high sodium can cause you to retain water. Some of us have lost a lot of water weight. Especially in the first few weeks.
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    thanks guys i suppose everyone is different and 18lbs is nothing to cry about. :drinker:
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    the calories are ok, i don't know if i'm retaining water or not, perhaps i am?????:noway:
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    Do you weigh your food?
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    sometimes i do, if i'm cooking just for me, but with two kids its hard to prepare meals that always fit into my diet.:smile:
  • little_miss_very_bad
    little_miss_very_bad Posts: 21 Member
    I just want to say that you are doing extremely well, and that at least your weight lost has been consistent. Also you have to remember that it is not all about the numbers on the scale - look at how well your clothes are fiiting and also muscle tone - it all counts. Keep doing and don't feel disheartened.
  • little_miss_very_bad
    little_miss_very_bad Posts: 21 Member
    sorry - I meant keep going (not doing - my typings terrible lol!
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    i needed that, thank littlemvb. :bigsmile: even though the weight is slow i notice that i am going down in volume.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's not the absolute pounds (kg) lost. It's the % of excess weight that matters.

    For example:

    Person A has 200 pounds to lose.
    Person B has 100 pounds to lose.

    Person A loses 15 pounds in two month's time.
    Person B loses 10 pounds in that same timeframe.

    Person A is losing faster, right? Not if you look at % of excess weight and getting to goal!

    That's because Person A has lost 7.5% of their excess weight while Person B has lost 10%. Person B is losing at a faster rate and will get to goal sooner than Person A if they both continue to lose at those rates.
  • geri1geraldinesuzanne
    geri1geraldinesuzanne Posts: 125 Member
    typos are bad, i have one in my first post just after 8 kilos.:blushing:
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    sometimes i do, if i'm cooking just for me, but with two kids its hard to prepare meals that always fit into my diet.:smile:

    Thats probably your issue. You must weigh your foods or you have no clue what your calorie intake is.

    Weight loss is simple math. I would weigh every peice of food. And I weigh my kids food too. They get servings. I don't restrict their calories but they understand portions.

    Weigh your food.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hey girl ... I have lost 15 pounds since january - I'm thrilled of course, but it took 6 months!!!??? Really???

    The bottom line though is it's coming off, and we're healthier every day. It's all good.

    Congrats on your success!!!