Chemicals and your health

AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
edited January 20 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone. I'm a 31 year old female and I've had unexplained dizziness 24/7 for coming up on a year now. I had a CT done at one hospital which was normal, and I had an MRI done at another hospital which was reviewed there, reviewed by another hospital who combed through it (at my request) and reviewed by my neurologist which were all normal except for the finding of an Arnold-Chiari Brain Malformation in my optical lobe, which my neurologist tells me I was born with and wouldn't cause me to be dizzy due to where it is located. He tells me it's most likely anxiety and migraines, however, my anxiety is due to the dizziness. I recently had the dizzy tests done by an ENT and he did find a slight problem with my left ear sending slower responses to the brain than my right, which causes dizziness. I've been on Phenegren for about 6 weeks now but he said it could take awhile since I've had the problem so long. I pray that it helps because I feel like my quality of life has just gone down so much. I am even going to try a chiropractor next week because it's one of the few things I haven't tried.

Anyway, since I have been struggling with this dizziness, I have been reading a lot more. I have drank diet pop since I can remember, probably since at least 10 years old as my mom always had it in the house, until recently. I am one week and two days clean. I have also been trying to avoid anything with aspartame in it. Did you know there is formeldahyde in aspartame? That's just terrible! I'm also going to try and avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup as much as possible but it will be difficult. I just can't believe the thousands of chemicals that are in our food. Aspartame is banned in other countries, but not here, because companies make too much money off of it. I've also decided to try a deodorant without aluminum in it. I found that Burt's Bee's has one that seems to get pretty good reviews. I also plan on hitting up the local farmer's market here in Michigan when it opens this summer. In the winter I plan on switching to buying organic fruits and veggies as much as possible even though it costs more, but I don't want to be ingesting all those chemicals they spray on them normally. They wear masks to spray those on and we eat that stuff? I've just really had my eyes opened as I've been digging for answers regarding my dizziness. I am going to try to eat cleaner and better for my health. I'm just curious if anyone else has any tips for someone in my shoes....trying to eat healthier and get less chemical exposure?

I also LOVE perfumes and I've read that they can cause dizziness, allergy flare ups, and neurological disorders as well due to all of the chemicals in them. I never even thought about that before. Breathing that stuff in can be terrible for you especially since all of the ingredients don't have to be posted. I'm going to sell off my collection I think. Thanks for reading :)


  • penguinattackstudios
    penguinattackstudios Posts: 79 Member
    It sounds like you might have Vertigo. My friend has it and has to live with it (likely for the rest of her life; she developed it in her early adult years). I know for sure foods with MSG should be treated like the plague when you're dizzy; eat chocolates very sparingly (for some reason that also made it flare up for her). Without any real knowledge on the subject on my end (save for my friend) I would suggest treating it like you have hypertension/diabetes. Basically meaning eat fresh as often as possible; and definitely give the organics a shot. I hope the best for you!
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    That sucks. I really feel for you. I hope you find out what's causing the dizziness, and hopefully your new diet is the solution.

    I know what you mean about chemicals in our food. It's scary what companies put in our food and get away with. Genetically modified foods are another scary one (look up Monsanto, the bio-tech company responsible for GMO foods - scary stuff what this company is up to and the possible long-term repercussions to our health, to farmers, and to the environment). GMO foods can be higher in natural pesticides. Like the gluten in wheat. Fine for most people in normal amounts, but in the high amounts that are found in today's GMO wheat, we are seeing a rise in celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, etc. Same with soy. Most soy is GMO. You really have to read your labels.

    Another "natural" chemical they love to put in our foods is carrageenan. It comes from red seaweed, but it can cause intestinal inflammation, intestinal lesions, and increased risk of colon cancer. It's in A LOT of stuff, including most dairy like yogurts, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. For people such as myself, with IBS, we don't need something that can cause intestinal inflammation. The food companies will deny and claim that the lab tests were faulty, or they used a different type of carrageenan, but they're full of it. All carrageenan has been found to be detrimental.

    And what about propylene glycol? Used in things like a lot of salad dressings. It may be a carcinogen. No one knows for sure. I don't want to be used as a lab rat, thank you.

    Even supposedly harmless additives drive me nuts. Like inulin. It's a fiber, and it's a prebiotic. That's good. Problem is, I have IBS. I don't need or want a prebiotic fiber added to my foods. I have issues with diarrhea... I don't need hidden trigger foods. I've found inulin added to certain brands of coconut milk beverage and even a brand of stevia sweetener that I bought. Had to throw them both out. If people don't eat enough fiber in their diet, that's their problem. I don't need companies artificially adding it in for me. I have to have control over the types of fiber I ingest.
  • Thanks for the comments. Yes, it is scary what they put in our food. I am going to try the organic route as much as possible but someone shared a link with me regarding food's a wikipedia link. Seems like your damned if you do and damned if you don't really. Also if you Google aresenic in chicken there is a news article that talks about how factory farm chickens have discontinued antibiotics, antidepressants, aresenic, tylenol and benadryl in their systems. It's terrible.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Have you considered that your anxiety may be making you hyperventilate or breathe too shallowly, which in turn causes dizziness?

    That's solved fairly simply by learning to breathe slower and deeper.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I own a holistic pet store.... and the things that I have seen that cause so many issues for Pet health have really made me take a better look at what I put in my own body.

    I have TONS of customers that come in with pets that have a slew of medical problems such as chronic ear infections, yeast infections, tummy troubles and more. I tell my customers to stay away from the vet as much as possible because vets know almost nothing about nutrition. They do tons of expensive tests and put the animals on steroids which 9/10 times make things worse rather than better.

    Nutrition is the foundation of a healthy pet and I feel it is the same with people 100%. Since purchasing our holistic pet store, really doing the research on health benefits of certain foods and SEEING with my own eyes how switching these people to a healthy diet for their pets CURES 9/10 ILLNESSES with NO DRUGS WHATSOEVER!

    I am a believer. I have since stopped buying processed foods for the most part. We use whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. I don't buy juice... I make my own. If you really read the ingredients in most of the foods you buy at the grocery store and realize how much CRAP we are putting in our body.. no wonder obesity is such a problem in this country! I am also transitioning myself to using only 100% all natural house cleaners and beauty products.

    Such as: Vinegar & Water for a cleaner, 100% Organic Coconut Oil is a great moisturizer (you can buy it for like $5 at Trader Joes). Use essential oils for "perfume" instead of the store-bought kind (though I rarely spray the perfumes on my body... I usually spray it on my clothes so I still use commercial perfumes). Wash your hair with baking soda & coconut oil.

    I recently read an article on pinterest about boiling water with fruit & spices in it instead of using store-bought candles - I haven't tried it yet.

    So... the short answer is YES I totally agree with you. The "organic" "all-natural" lifestyle isn't for everyone.... but I think if more people would try it, they would live much longer, healthier lives.
  • It's mind boggling the amount of mis-information on the web and what people will blindly believe without doing the research to find the FACTS.
    Plain and simple, carrageenan is not the root of all evil.


    Q. What is Carrageenan??
    A. Carrageenan is a naturally-occurring seaweed extract. It is widely used in foods and non-foods to improve texture and stability. Common uses include meat and poultry, dairy products, canned pet food, cosmetics and toothpaste.
    Q. Why the controversy?
    A. Self-appointed consumer watchdogs have produced numerous web pages filled with words condemning carrageenan as an unsafe food additive for human consumption. However, in 70+ years of carrageenan being used in processed foods, not a single substantiated claim of an acute or chronic disease has been reported as arising from carrageenan consumption. On a more science-based footing, food regulatory agencies in the US, the EU, and in the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) repeatedly review and continue to approve carrageenan as a safe food additive.
    Q. What has led up to this misrepresentation of the safety of an important food stabilizer, gelling agent and thickener?
    A. It clearly has to be attributed to the research of Dr. Joanne Tobacman, an Associate Prof at the University of Illinois in Chicago. She and a group of molecular biologists have accused carrageenan of being a potential inflammatory agent as a conclusion from laboratory experiments with cells of the digestive tract. It requires a lot of unproven assumptions to even suggest that consumption of carrageenan in the human diet causes inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. The objectivity of the Chicago research is also flawed by the fact that Dr Tobacman has tried to have carrageenan declared an unsafe food additive on weak technical arguments that she broadcast widely a decade before the University of Chicago research began.
    Q. What brings poligeenan into a discussion of carrageenan?
    A. Poligeenan (“degraded carrageenan” in pre-1988 scientific and regulatory publications) is a possible carcinogen to humans; carrageenan is not. The only relationship between carrageenan and poligeenan is that the former is the starting material to make the latter. Poligeenan is not a component of carrageenan and cannot be produced in the digestive tract from carrageenan-containing foods.
    Q. What are the differences between poligeenan and carrageenan?
    A. The production process for poligeenan requires treating carrageenan with strong acid at high temp (about that of boiling water) for 6 hours or more. These severe processing conditions convert the long chains of carrageenan to much shorter ones: ten to one hundred times shorter. In scientific terms the molecular weight of poligeenan is 10,000 to 20,000; whereas that of carrageenan is 200,000 to 800,000. Concern has been raised about the amount of material in carrageenan with molecular weight less than 50,000. The actual amount (well under 1%) cannot even be detected accurately with current technology. Certainly it presents no threat to human health.
    Q. What is the importance of these molecular weight differences?
    A. Poligeenan contains a fraction of material low enough in molecular weight that it can penetrate the walls of the digestive tract and enter the blood stream. The molecular weight of carrageenan is high enough that this penetration is impossible. Animal feeding studies starting in the 1960s have demonstrated that once the low molecular weight fraction of poligeenan enters the blood stream in large enough amounts, pre-cancerous lesions begin to form. These lesions are not observed in animals fed with a food containing carrageenan.
    Q. Does carrageenan get absorbed in the digestive track?
    A. Carrageenan passes through the digestive system intact, much like food fiber. In fact, carrageenan is a combination of soluble and insoluble nutritional fiber, though its use level in foods is so low as not to be a significant source of fiber in the diet.
    Carrageenan has been proven completely safe for consumption. Poligeenan is not a component of carrageenan.
    Closing Remarks
    The consumer watchdogs with their blogs and websites would do far more service to consumers by researching their sources and present only what can be substantiated by good science. Unfortunately we are in an era of media frenzy that rewards controversy.
    Additional information available:
    On June 11th, 2008, Dr. Joanne Tobacman petitioned the FDA to revoke the current regulations permitting use of carrageenan as a food additive.
    On June 11th, 2012 the FDA denied her petition, categorically addressing and ultimately dismissing all of her claims; their rebuttal supported by the results of several in-depth, scientific studies.
    If you would like to read the full petition and FDA response, they can be accessed at!searchResults;rpp=25;po=0;s=FDA-2008-P-0347
This discussion has been closed.