ab muscle cramp/catch

When I bend over or do sit ups, sometimes I have what feels like a muscle that contracts and holds in a painful position somewhere above my ribs on one side. All I can do is wait for it to release before I can move again. Has anyone else ever had this or know what it is? I've asked doctors and aerobics instructors, but they look at me like I'm crazy. Another woman once told me it is a hernia.


  • kellybelly078
    kellybelly078 Posts: 5 Member
    YES!! I get that sometimes too! Althought mine is right under my sternum where my ribs come together. When it happens I can't move or do anything because it burns / hurts soooo bad! I notice for me, it happens more often when I have done alot of sit-ups. I have no idea what it is though. Sorry I can't be of more help.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    that happened to me when I did that machine at the gym.......where you lift your legs? OMG I could not put my legs down :laugh: oh yeah, I laugh now:grumble:

    The trainer helped me down and actually said to bend deeper into it. I was doubled over until it released.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Do you hold your breath when you do crunches? If so, trying exhaling as you cruch up and inhale as you relax and repeat. It could be that your muscles aren't getting enough oxygen. I have that same problem when I'm running and when I start breathing deeper and getting more oxygen, my muscles relax and it goes away.
  • sherry12carlson
    Yes, I do notice that I'm holding my breath. I'll try that.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I do believe what you're describing is a diaphragm spasm. Hurts REALLY badly, doesn't it? One thing that I've found that helps is called a diaphragm release:

    1. Make your left hand into a fist. Cover the left fist with your right hand.
    2. Place both hands (in the covered fist) directly under the notch in your sternum.
    3. Keep your elbows tightly to your sides
    4. Take a deep breath in...as deep as you can and hold it
    5. While holding your breath, push in towards your abdomen with your fists while holding onto your sides with your elbows...like you're hugging yourself
    6. At the same time, push the abdominal muscles out.
    7. Hold the breath for a count of 5 (or longer if you can). Repeat.