Just made new healthy account

I've been using MyFitnessPal for over a year, but recently I've been using it to restrict to an unhealthy amount(300-500cals) so I made a new account. If anyone doing this the healthy way could add me, that would be really cool :)


  • LdByron10
    LdByron10 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to ask and please don't take this as criticism but how do you think you can survive on so little food. Your body needs calories to loose weight. I know it seems crazy but it does. I started between 60 and 90 pounds about the weight the charts say I should be. Now I don't know who makes the charts and I would truly argue with them and frankly I don't care about them. I made the choice to do this for me and my twin girls. I work a crappy desk job so I resolved to do this low and slow. I did not get to where I was overnight and I am not going to change it overnight.

    I started just over 2 months ago and I record everything I eat or drink. Okay I don't put all the water in but that is okay. that is my accountability to myself. I eat my oreo's and put them in. I go out to lunch with workmates and I put it in. I dropped a few cokes here and there and watch my portions but I still eat enough. I set my goal at 1 pound a week and now exercise. I know I do a little but I don't count the incidental. If it is a weekend and I spend it doing yard work then I count it. If it is walking around at work unless it is for 30 minutes taking laps i don't. Since Jan 29 I am down 22 pounds. I don't see how but I am. I have people at work who have been on the scale back program for 10 weeks and they have not lost a bit. They "walk" everyday. they "exercise". they don't control what they eat.

    We as Americans have lost all sense of portion control. Work this part and take it slow and I promise the weight will come off. I have had weeks where I have lost 0.2 of a pound. It is frustrating. You have to trust and keep working the plan. You can't lie and record most of what you eat and liquid calories will kill you. That part is easy for me. I drink a lot of water and always have. I drink mountain dew and love it, and oh by the way I have one a couple of times a week, but it means I have to monitor other things. Food is the hardest thing to change. We could simply get up and walk for 30 minutes around the block. Take a walk in the park. But we are too busy. Well then we have to do the hard work and control ourselves and watch our portions.

    Fresh is always better and normally less calories. I know we all want instant results but that is not likely to happen, so please take a look at this and make the decision for the long run not the instant loss. I am headed to the beach in a few weeks. I want to look great there. But you know my girls don't car they just want me there. I may not be the skinny one at the beach but I know that I am working my goal and will make it one day. I never expected 20 pounds in this amount of time. I honestly questioned if it would work at all. It does and it I haven't deprived myself of any thing.

    Oh and by the way I have gone over on calories on some days. And that is the thing. I check in weekly, I don;t weigh daily. but week over week I have lost weight. Some weeks it has been very little and I thought I might gain. But from where I started I am down, and I hope to keep working to my goal. Take it one day at a time. If you fall pick yourself back up and start freah the next day.