Losing that Pesky Baby Weight...and then some!

I gained 60 lbs with my Son, and it took me 20 months to take it all off. MFP was the only thing that worked for me. I wanted to lose more weight in addition to the baby weight. BUT, the week I finally lost the last bit of baby weight from my first pregnancy, I found out I was pregnant again (not planned). And its not advised to diet while pregnant. That wasnt the real kicker though...A month or so later, at my first Appt. I found out that there were TWO babies in there. As far as health and fitness goes, I was terrified. I didnt want to gain all that weight! For a healthy Twins Pregnancy, they want you to gain 40-45 lbs. Which I did, and a tiny bit more.

The good thing though, is that I knew that as soon as the Twins were born I would know right away what worked for me....MFP! I wouldnt have to spend months and months yoyo dieting to find out what worked for me, and that was half the reason it took me so long to take off the pregnancy weight the first time around.

NOW...my twins are 2 months today and I only have 3 lbs to lose till I am at my Pre-Pregnancy weight...again. However, like I said....I still need/want to lose an additional 30 lbs (give or take) in order to be in a healthy BMI.

Any Moms, Moms of Multiples, Nursing Moms have any advice to give me? :)

Also, please feel free to add me as a friend, I am looking for as much support and advice as I can get!


  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Congrats on losing what weight you have and also on the birth of your twins :smile:. Ive not got multiples but I have got a 4 month old daughter (my first and last). I gained about 42lbs with that pregnancy and ive lost about 11bs so far, not to great, lol. Im really powering at it now as I hate what I see in the mirror and also hate that ive got lumpy bits/folds that you can see when clothed.

    I cant give you much advice, but I wish you the best of luck! :heart:
