Can't Stop Shopping!!

happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
I am not even halfway through my weight-loss journey yet, but already rather than the weight loss - the shaping/toning has made a HUGE difference to me! I haven't dropped a dress size or anything so wonderful, but everything is so much more "comfortable" and starting to look great!!

I have a whole new problem now.....I can't stop shopping!!! I the past week, I have spent more on clothes than I have spent in the previous year.... :blushing: Everything just looks so much better on and I keep buying it just because it makes me feel so good to actually look that way in it - rather than grimacing as I couldn't zip it up!

I still have some way to go before some of my old wardrobe looks good - quite a few of those don't look good yet - but being back in "my size" is the best motivation in the world to complete this journey!

Does anyone have any new problems by way of your new self??


  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    My biggest problem is that nothing fits - bra doesn't fit, skirts don't fit (they spend their time moving around my waist like a merry go round!) trouser make my bum look shapeless! Generally - NOTHING FITS!

    On the plus side - I am nearly there for my goal - but my issue is that I can't shop till get to my goal weight and I know exactly what size I am! I am buying a few things on the sale though - I think I deserve them :wink:
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    I'm opposite of you, I don't want to shop.. I am down 3 pants sizes, everything I own is huge on me and I have absolutely nothing I can wear. I don't want to shop though because I am saving up all my shopping money so that when I hit my goal weight I can go on a crazy shopping spree.
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    @ mrsw510 - I so wish i could - but it has started to get silly now - so I am basics so I can look presentable at work - plus I find if I wear my larger clothes - people say I look thin - whereas if I wear clothes that fit - they say I look good!
  • cc_campbell81
    Yes I too kept having to buy new stuff. Last weekend I went through my closet and I had enough different sizes to open a clothing store! I learned to start buying stuff that I could wear even as I lost weight like cargo pants with draw strings so I didn't have to buy something every couple weeks.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    First a funny story: I was about 6 months out from hitting my goal weight. I had maintained and felt wonderful, but no one was saying anything anymore. I thrived on the "HEY! Did you lose weight??"

    It seens this new weight was ME now! So when I went into the office the next time, I wore my one size UP pants,which were droopy. All day ppl said...........OOOH are you losing MORE weight? You look great!! :laugh:

    So when I feel fat I wear my bigger pants and viola~ I am skinny girl again :laugh:

    As for clothes.........consignment and good will baby! I bought lot's of clothes on Marshal's clearence racks.

    Congrats! I hope you have a good seamstress to take in all those new clothes when you drop those last few kgs!
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    I donated a ton of clothes to Goodwill last week. It felt so good to finally be rid of the "fat" clothes that I have had to wear ever since I had my daughter (who is now 3 years old). I got rid of clothing in 4 different sizes as well as all my maternity clothes. I know have a closet full of clothes that fit me now. Some of these clothes I haven't worn since before I was pregnant. I am now down to my pre - baby weight, but I am still working on toning some areas. I look different at that weight then I did before I had a child. I am very tempted to shop, but I am limiting myself b/c I am a teacher & off of work for the summer. I have casual clothes but my wallet will take a major hit come fall when I need to replace my work wardrobe (I had already gotten rid of many of my pre-baby work clothes in a fit of winter "I will never fit in that again" depression!) I had held on to some beloved jeans, capris, & tanks, & I am happy to report that they fit again! Here's to success!!:wink:
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks for sharing your stories everyone!! I'm glad I'm not alone with my little quirks...just a little worried when the credit card bill comes through as I'm supposed to be saving for my holidays! :ohwell: Oh well, good job I am Mrs. Frugal normally! (And yippee for the sales!)

    This made me laugh....
    First a funny story: I was about 6 months out from hitting my goal weight. I had maintained and felt wonderful, but no one was saying anything anymore. I thrived on the "HEY! Did you lose weight??"

    It seens this new weight was ME now! So when I went into the office the next time, I wore my one size UP pants,which were droopy. All day ppl said...........OOOH are you losing MORE weight? You look great!! :laugh:

    So when I feel fat I wear my bigger pants and viola~ I am skinny girl again :laugh:

    I can see that being so true, people are so strange!! People in my office always say I look slim when I wear my black yoga pants and a dark brown sweater dress (to me, they swamp me - it's comfort clothing!) whereas when I'm trying out something new, no-one comments, but now you put it in this all makes sense!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I'm heading off to the mall in like 30 minutes... haha. I have dropped a size or two depending on the clothing item, and a lot of my clothes from last summer aren't fitting. My tank tops gap under my arms, my shorts can come off without unzipping them, and the dress that I was DYING to be able to fit into again is just about too big... lol. I've been shopping sales though. And I've been buying clothes a bit snug so they'll last longer. I just replace a few things at a time and try to not spend too much. Today I'm going to the sale at Old Navy for a new pair of denim shorts, a new denim skirt, and some cheap cheap tank tops. And maybe a bikini bottom... lol.
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    Be careful by shopping to much before you get to your goal or you will end up doing just like me and having to give away clothes that you just brought because you keep losing weight. I failed to let myself get to my goal and it didnt help that once i got to a 12, i kept on exercising and losing weight by accident. Now im in a size 8 and cannot fit any of the clothes i just purchased 3 mths ago. It is fun though because the smaller you get, the cuter the clothes are. Trust i understand exactly what your going thru. Its nice to by clothes in sizes we have not seen in ages.
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    Since I've been losing weight, I buy a lot of my clothes at a Goodwill Outlet store where the sell clothes for $1.36 a pound. I've found a fair amount of petite sizes from high-end brands that fit my now smaller figure. The "new" outfit I wore to work today only cost $10, half of that was the cost of my shoes from another thrift store! I did splurge and I bought a new pair of jeans at Kohls, but once I hit my new goal weight I'll spend a little extra on new clothes I know I'll be wearing for a long while.

    Happy shopping everyone!:bigsmile:

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