Is fitbit worth it to buy?



  • lisaberry12
    lisaberry12 Posts: 5 Member
    My Fitbit One is the best thing I have ever, ever been given as a Christmas present. It motivates me, makes me WANT to take the stairs and makes me feel bad if I lounge around too much. Perhaps if you are a hardcore athlete then a fancy HRM would be more up your street, but for me, the lazy lady trying to change that then it is totally PERFECT. So much so that I was at a show today and Fitbit were selling their Aria scales with 1/3 off and I couldn't resist!

    Everyone keeps going on about the Flex. I saw it in the flesh today and I still don't see the hype. I even asked one of the Fitbit reps why people are going so crazy for it and she didn't know either. Some may prefer a bracelet rather than a clip but functionality wise the One is waaay better. Hell, if I am taking the stairs rather than the lift then I want it to recognise that lol!

    I feel as naked if I forget my Fitbit as I do if I forget my phone, which, is pretty naked I can tell you!!
  • Cbiowriter
    Cbiowriter Posts: 6 Member
    I have loved having mine. It has made me more aware of my activity levels. I don't find it bulky and you can always switch to where it is comfortable for you. After a couple of weeks, I hardly notice its there. Its easy to update. My mom, sister, and niece also have one. My mom is about as far from a techie person as you can get and she has found it easy to work with once I got her past the initial set up. It syncs well with mfp also, so whatever you do in one gets transferred to the other. I found it easier to do food and exercise on mfp. It doesn't transfer food the other way just calories from steps. Hope this helps.
  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    After reading through the posts I think what I really need is a HRM. I'm looking at the MIO Active watch now. Does heart rate monitor (without chest strap), pedometer and calories burned. Thanks for all the info everyone!
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    I bought mine yesterday after longing for a while. I'll be back in a week to give you a rundown on what I think!