New Runner With a Question

Hi Everyone,

I recently started jogging outdoors. I'm hoping to tone up a bit prior to my wedding this summer and also improve cardiovascular fitness for a backpacking trip I am planning.

I've been taking 2 mile jogs every other day for the past 3 weeks, and so far I love it. I've definitely noticed improved endurance and hope to gradually increase the lengths of my runs now that I no longer get short of breath with the 2 miles. I also don't have any muscle fatigue or soreness as I was already in fairly decent shape to begin with.

My only concern is I've recently started experiencing knee pain while I run. It started by coming in at the end of a jog and now starts earlier and earlier. It's not terrible pain, only discomfort, but I can see where it might hold me back from running a longer distance. It doesn't occur when running on a softer surface (like a trail) but during the week I don't have time to drive to a park and do trail running. Thus my only choice is to pound the pavement near my house which is turning out too be rough on my knees.

I bought good quality running shoes when I started, and am only 25 years old so no arthritis. I am also not overweight which I know can exacerbate knee troubles. So I'm hoping some experienced runners can tell me whether this is normal for beginners, and if there's anything I can do to alleviate it.



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Were the shoes fitted for you by a specialist or did you buy it off the shelf? If I run in normal neutral shoes, my knees are shot within a week - I need stability shoes...Never knew it until I talked to somebody at a running shoe store...
    Other than that it might just be that you started off to fast - even if you are in good shape, you do use joints and muscles differently when running....
  • iumommy
    iumommy Posts: 2
    I agree. Before I was fitted for running shoes I would have terrible knee/shin pain for days after running outside. Now that I am in properly fitted shoes, I run 4-5 miles several times a week with no knee pain or discomfort. I almost choked at the price of my latest running shoes but they are the best investment I have made in a long time!
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    Echoing the others here.

    I have pins in my left knee and experience no knee pain at all... except when my shoes start to wear out and then I experience pain in my left knee very similar to what you are describing.

    If it isn't the shoes themselves, it is something related to your running gait. Either way, having your gait analyzed at a specialty running store (or there are even sites online where you can video yourself running on a treadmill and submit it I think) might give you some tips as far as adjustments.