My latest weight loss kick!

Recently I did WW and lost 20 lbs, then I quit. Why did I quit? I was tired of it...stupidest reason in the world, because it was working. I'm hoping to find some success through calorie counting and could use some fitness pal friends to keep me accountable. I'm a stay at home mom of two small children in Virginia. I'm not as active as I should be and I struggle hard to eat healthy foods because I hate healthy food. I love junk food. In fact, I'd love some right now. Willpower, don't fail me now!!! ;)


  • jgrajeda18
    First, congrats on the 20 lbs lost! What was it about WW that you got tired of, and how come you don't wanna go back to it? I tried it for a little bit (not enough time to brag about it or anything) but it just didn't hold my attention. I've found you can still eat delicious foods, while being mindful of the bad stuff you put in your belly. The thing that helps me out the most is planning my meals ahead of time and sticking to them. Allowing yourself a cheat night 1x a week perhaps and definitely getting some exercise in at least 3x a week! A nice walk, incline treadmill at the gym, or even the insanity (or like) videos from the comfort of home! Whatever you do, when it comes to calorie counting, you need support behind you and a strong will! You've already proved you can commit to something to lose weight, now you just gotta do it again :-) what's your goal this time around?
  • The_Transforming_Journey
    I also used to be on WW & did have success; however, this site actually does the same thing & it's free. You'll find that it takes a bit of transitioning to go from points to calories, but once you get used to it you'll probably like it better. Also, the food database on here is far bigger and better than that of WW :smile:
  • TBird135
    TBird135 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome! You're gonna love it here. Best of luck to you.