getting a bit discouraged!

been counting calories and completely changed my eating habits, doing cardio, strength training, meditating, drinking 8+ glasses of water a day and I'm really getting discouraged.. when I weighed myself I was 2lb heavier than my starting weight! I have lost 1 1/2" off my hips but that's it, my muscles hurt and I really just want to throw in the towel.. it is still early days (been doing this little over a month) but surly I should see some more change? I just feel like giving up


  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    been counting calories and completely changed my eating habits, doing cardio, strength training, meditating, drinking 8+ glasses of water a day and I'm really getting discouraged.. when I weighed myself I was 2lb heavier than my starting weight! I have lost 1 1/2" off my hips but that's it, my muscles hurt and I really just want to throw in the towel.. it is still early days (been doing this little over a month) but surly I should see some more change? I just feel like giving up

    Don't discount losing 1.5" from your hips. Regardless of what the scale says, your body is changing, so all the effort you're putting into is paying off. How many other places do you measure? Keep in mind also that weight loss isn't linear. There will be times that the scale can go forever without moving, but if your measurements change, and if you can tell a difference in muscle density, and overall fitness level, then that's a win. Changing your whole physical routine around is a big deal. It's difficult, and at times, it will suck. If you stick with it, and persevere though, you will succeed. Don't give up!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    A lot of people go by inches rather than the scales due to factors such as water retention, and muscle gain, both of which can make the scales heavier even if you are actually getting thinner! Don't give up yet x
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Yeah I agree with these posts too, weight fluctuates so much it is hard to get a good grasp of it sometimes. If you're working out hard, your muscles will be holding onto water to help fix themselves so you could be retaining water slightly. New regimes take a while to settle in to. You also don't mention how much you're eating, make sure you're eating enough especially if you're working hard. But don't give up - even if you only lose a little weight but dress sizes, that's still awesome right?
  • LisaaBabiie
    thanks guys, I've also just been informed that sore muscles can also retain water while they repair? could be myth though! well I eat 1500 calories a day but burn about 300, always make sure I'm taking a minimum of 1200 though.. I'm very conscious about checking the nutritional values before eating anything and I drink either water or green/peppermint tea.. I've also been measuring waist, thigh, calf and bust along side hips but I've only noticed it off my hips so far.. it just feels like all this is for nothing sometimes or that I can't lose weight (even though I have done in the past without meaning too) just gets on top of me, I haven't told anyone I'm dieting either apart from my doctor so I think I'm lacking support too.. but thanks again for your replies, it's made me feel a lot better :)!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Muscles do retain water after strenuous exercise. Here is an article explaining it.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    What's your height and weight and how much you want to lose? How long have you been on this new change? If it is only a month, based on the date you signed up at mfp, your body might just be retaining water as it adjusts to the stress of dieting and exercising.
  • raegan1215
    i have barely lost any pounds at all but am down two sizes, am WAY stronger, feel healthier, have more energy, sleep better etc. etc. trust me, i get it - i wish the scale would reflect all those changes too but it just doesn't and part of the journey to health and wellness is shifting your perspective to other measures of success. the scale is only one tool and not necessarily the best one to measure overall fitness. keep at it. feel free to send me a friend request!
  • LisaaBabiie
    Muscles do retain water after strenuous exercise. Here is an article explaining it.

    thanks, certainly makes me feel a lot better now, just stay patient and hopefully see it in a few weeks, won't give up yet! :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    been counting calories and completely changed my eating habits, doing cardio, strength training, meditating, drinking 8+ glasses of water a day and I'm really getting discouraged.. when I weighed myself I was 2lb heavier than my starting weight! I have lost 1 1/2" off my hips but that's it, my muscles hurt and I really just want to throw in the towel.. it is still early days (been doing this little over a month) but surly I should see some more change? I just feel like giving up
    I usually say to clients who want to quit because results don't happen quick enough, "If your child/teenager wanted to quit school because they weren't feeling they were getting smarter or learning, what would you do to teach them why it's important?" That's usually when the light bulb brightens.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LisaaBabiie
    i have barely lost any pounds at all but am down two sizes, am WAY stronger, feel healthier, have more energy, sleep better etc. etc. trust me, i get it - i wish the scale would reflect all those changes too but it just doesn't and part of the journey to health and wellness is shifting your perspective to other measures of success. the scale is only one tool and not necessarily the best one to measure overall fitness. keep at it. feel free to send me a friend request!

    thank you, I am going to push myself to stay motivated, and just give it time! just feels a bit of a let down but I've hidden my scales away for now haha
  • LisaaBabiie
    been counting calories and completely changed my eating habits, doing cardio, strength training, meditating, drinking 8+ glasses of water a day and I'm really getting discouraged.. when I weighed myself I was 2lb heavier than my starting weight! I have lost 1 1/2" off my hips but that's it, my muscles hurt and I really just want to throw in the towel.. it is still early days (been doing this little over a month) but surly I should see some more change? I just feel like giving up
    I usually say to clients who want to quit because results don't happen quick enough, "If your child/teenager wanted to quit school because they weren't feeling they were getting smarter or learning, what would you do to teach them why it's important?" That's usually when the light bulb brightens.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    that's amazing! light bulb has defiantly brightened! excellent way to put it! I'll remember that.. thank you so much
  • EchoDelta1013
    EchoDelta1013 Posts: 93 Member
    I would say to stop weighing yourself and concentrate on what what you're doing to stay healthy. I was in your position weighing myself weekly and also became discouraged. So I stopped with the scale. I also stopped thinking about it and weigh myself only once a month now but continue to eat healthy and exercise.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Do not let yourself get discouraged! Recognize all the hard work you have been putting in. Like the exercise, change of eating habits, meditation...Be proud of that! Don't let yourself obsess over the number on the scale. That is only a fraction of it. Like you said, you lost a 1 1/2" off my hips, that's awesome!

    What always helped me stay motivated was changing up my exercise routine every 4-5 workouts. I think that's what helped me from plateauing as well. I always kept my body guessing! And make mini goals! Don't focus on the number. Instead of saying I want to lose 5 lbs this month, say to yourself, I want to run 3 K by such date without stopping, I want to cut pop out of my diet, I want to be able to lift X amount by such date. These mini goals help you notice your accomplishments, but take your focus off the scale! Every time you achieve a mini goal, put 5 dollars in a jar, and at the end of the month treat yourself to a new workout outfit or shopping spree, or whatever you want!

    Good luck! And you can totally do this!!
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    Stay positive and just keep going. It will be worth it...