Weight Watchers!? Who's done it!?



  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I personally haven't tried WW but I do know loads of people who have, and have successfully lost weight, but they all seemed to put it back on again. I'm afraid to me it really doesn't make much sense, I find the whole points system confusing and don't feel it covers all food items. I dread to think how many points I've consumed today alone!! I mean, I've had 4 cookies and 50g of Stilton! Yes I've also had salad, fruit and vegetables and generally my days are quite healthy, but I'm pretty sure cookies and Stilton would send my points right over!! To me MFP is a more natural way of doing it and fits in better with my daily lifestyle. I can eat exactly the same things as my hubby, just smaller portions...but I certainly don't feel like I'm missing out! And this for me is making it easier to manage. I am now my goal size and have successfully maintained this for a month or so, which was previously unheard of!! I've not given up anything, I just enjoy it in moderation! Calories are now written on
    Most food items, so if I'm out and about and have forgotten my phone, I can still make a note of what I've consumed and still work out how many I have remaining...I'm not sure WW is as easy to follow when out and about?

    However, if you try it, love it and are successful on it, then go for it! We are all so different, and just because it may not work for some on here doesn't mean it won't work for you.
    Best of luck in whatever you decide and enjoy these steps to a healthier you :-)
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Did WW

    Found out after I started MFP how many extra calories I was getting everyday because WW called them free foods. 0 points. Plugged in fruits and veges in MFP and found a ton of extra calories I was eating I didn't know about.

    MFP much better.. And if you look at some of the success stories here you can find plenty of bodies as good or better than JH.

    And they're regular, normal people here! I have issues with celebrities endorsing weight loss programs, because they have the money for personal trainers. I know people on MFP do as well, but it seems most of the people here are using themselves as their motivators, not someone they pay, and people on MFP are not getting paid to lose the weight. I did WW probably 10 years ago. I was young, and really didn't need to lose much weight then, so I didn't care. I've looked into it as an adult, and it's just an expense I'd rather save. Besides I'd rather use the time I'd have to spend going to a meeting with WW to going to the gym instead! I vote MFP!
  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
    I am on WW right now. I like it because it sort of forces you to increase you fruits and veggies intake. It also encourages you to increase whole grains and dairy. I got in on a deal so I didn't spend that much. I eat off the WW plan, log it in WW, and then log it in MFP. When I finalize my food for the day, it always states something like if I continue to have days like today then I will lose a certain amount of weight. I do the online version of WW and I don't go to meetings. Logging the food is slightly more complicated than MFP. The least MFP stated I would lose in a 5 week period was 10lbs. You have to make your foods a favorite for them to show up like they do on MFP. I also like that you don't have a meal plan. You adjust your meals/recipes to fit within the plan. For instance, I like nachos so I decreased the amount of meat, added beans, and used fat-free cheese and sour cream to decrease the point range from 10 to 6 so I could enjoy the chips with the Nachos.

    Now for the down side (for me). I eat like to plan requires and I don't go way over my daily points (over about 1 or 2 points). The only time I go over is for special occassions, stuff like wedding cake. I am about 3 weeks in and really haven't lost anything (8 oz). I am active and workout about 4 to 6 times a week. The program adds points but it doesn't require that you use them. It also doesn't enourage you to use the points you earn through activity. It is great for overeaters because it eases you down into a more appropriate food portions. However, I am not an overeater. I am a dedicated faster :laugh: I make a habit of eating one meal a day.

    I recommend that if you are losing with MFP, then you should just stick with it. However, if you need some assistance with managing appropriate foods and making better food choices, then you should definitely do WW. It is absolutely fabulous for that. I don't eat regularly in general. So WW helped me to increase the amount of food I eat. I track my hunger signals and found that I have started to have hunger pains throughout the day. In general, my body didn't start talking to me until dinner time before WW. By this time, I had fasted the entire day. So, WW is good for certain things. If you need help with picking appropriate food, then do it. So maybe you should figure out where your down fall is and ask if WW helps with that. I choose WW because I couldn't follow a meal plan. I want to make my meal plan and I have busy life. So, I needed something to assit with food choices on the run. (What fits in my program at this eating establishment?)

    Revision - I quit WW because I lost the initial 10lbs and have kept it off but didn't lose any further. When I talked to a Nutritionist, she suggested macro-nutrient diet (veggies, quality protein, and healthy fat) with a serving of fruit as a dessert. WW discourages healthy fats but a macronutrient diet encourages healthy fat. We will see how it works out.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Did it, lost almost 60 lbs and kept it off - if you gain the weight back, it just means that you are overeating and not sticking to what works - not the programs fault...
    It is expensive, and you can do the same on MFP for free....
    If you need the meetings and one on one encouragement ww is tha way to go - otherwise, enjoy MFP....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    The program is just fine...expensive, but it works. My mom did it about 10 years ago and lost a lot of weight. She counts calories now though and she works out like a beast in the weight room. WW never taught her how to properly fuel her body for her the gym....when she lost all of her weight, she was skinny, but high BF%. Counting calories and managing her macro nutrients along with real weight lifting (i.e. more than just dumbbell curls with 2 Lb pink dumbbells) has produced something much more incredible, especially for a 60 year old

    Also, Jennifer Hudson's rockin' body is a product of a lot more than just WW and diet...that's very important, but I guarantee you she hits the weight room hard.
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    I tried the online program but I quit after a couple of days and got my money back. The points database was pitifully small compared to MFP, with very few brands and only options to add grams of each food. The tracker was also clunky as hell to use, and had to open in a separate window. The forums aren't even that busy.

    Basically there is NO reason to pay for WW online while MFP is going.

    Never tried the classes, but I wouldn't mind trying those if I could afford it.
  • ciarabubs
    ciarabubs Posts: 66 Member
    I tried it and lost about 21lbs (put it back on) but found the class repetitive and got that I only went to get weighed. An exspensive weigh in. Bought the calculator only to be told if I paid monthly got the app for my phone free. Only been doing MFP for over a week and find it so much easier.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm doing ww now. Have lost 20 lbs in about 12 weeks. I need the accountability of stepping on the scales in front of leader and having to answer to her if I'm up (which I havnt been so far) I have not deprived myself of anything, gone out drinking every weekend and had takeaway aswell using the 49 extra points you get on the new program. I also find the meetings great, seeing other people's successes week after week spurs me on. I also love the success stories on here but actually meeting real people helps me. Also my leader in ww is excellent and I think that has a huge effect on whether ww works or not. I attended a class before and it didn't work for me coz the leader wasn't much good.
    I love this site for the message boards but personally I need the meetings of ww so using both is working for me!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Done it? Yes, started in 2004 (after joining and quitting a half dozen times since 1993)

    Is doing it? Yes, I am now a Lifetime member and still attend meetings once a week.

    What did you like the most? Love the meetings and the accountibility of facing the scale every week

    What DON'T you like about it? The Points Plus program (introduced in 2010) which has "zero" points fruits and veggies. For a lot people at or close to goal, this has caused weight gain.

    Do you notice you have problems with anything? see above

    Is it easy? Yep!

    What's the hardest thing about it? Learning the points values of foods, but it's easy if you use the WW tools (online, apps, etc)

    How successful are you? Lost 113 pounds and have kept that off nearly three years.

    How many lbs per week do you estimate you lose? WW reccomends a healthy weight loss of .5 to 2 pounds a week.

    I know a lot of people on here don't like WW, but like any weight loss program, "It only works if you work the program."

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do! :flowerforyou:
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I did it and lost a few pounds, with the old points system. I didnt like the new points plus system, I didnt care for the weekly meetings and it was expensive. I find MFP much easier to follow, Ive lost more weight and its free. On the other hand, I do know a lot of people that have been in WW for years and love it,,,,even in maintenance. I think it just depends on preference.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I lost all 90 lbs of my excess weight on Weight Watchers Points Plus - the latest version of the plan. The free fruit and veggies did not hinder my weight loss at all. I hit my goal about a year and a half ago, and am in maintenance. I'm Online only, so it's only $18 a month. Meetings wouldn't work for me - I only need to be accountable to myself, so there's no need to pay the extra fees or waste the time.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh my husband started WW Online in January - he's down 20 lbs so far.

    My mom lost 65 lbs on WW Points Plus at the same time I did - she's still at goal as well.

    So yes it works.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I will say that there are a lot of things about MFP that you don't learn on WW, like BMR and TDEE. I didn't know what those things were, even after I hit my goal weight. Since I started coming here, I have learned all kinds of interesting things on how the body works that I wouldn't have learned from WW.

    WW also doesn't have as much focus on fitness and working out. Granted, you don't need those things to lose weight, but you do need the to remain healthy and strong.

    I did try to switch to MFP to save $18 a month, but found that I like counting points much better than calories since that's what I'm used to.
  • juliacougarrrr
    juliacougarrrr Posts: 48 Member
    Did it, and actually still have a couple months left on WWonline that are pre-paid. It's not a bad program and you can lose weight. The pluses were how it promoted healthy choices because fruits and veggies were 'free' so they were always a good snack choice instead of packaged snacks, and how it promoted getting your servings of produce, water, and healthy fats. The support is nice too, but honestly if you are just going to do online, you are better off saving your money and using the MFP trackers and online community. It's free and more accurate because it actually tracks your caloric intake which is the true determination of weight loss. I also in the past week (which is how long I've been on MFP) have learnt A LOT about how important fat and protein are in your metabolism and why it's important to make sure you have a caloric deficit to lose, but not too large of one. That part was missing with my online WW experience. Maybe the inperson meetings have more value.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I'm on Weight Watchers and LOVE it. I am also able to eat all my Weekly and Activity points and still lose.
  • murphey21
    murphey21 Posts: 126 Member
    I did it recently and did lose weight on it, but like other members here said, the whole point thing didn't make any sense. They had free foods which you could eat and it didn't count as any points, but fruit and vegetables do have calorie value. Weight watchers wanted you to eat the healthy fruits and vegetables and not use points so you feel full and make better choices, but it was like I wasn't counting my fruits especially because they had no point value. The meetings I did not like at all, they were a waste of time except to get you weighed and informational meeting. If you have a smartphone, they have a great app, but it is 14.95 a month, and you can quit the membership and do it on your own and drop to etools which is what you get for the 14.95 a month. So, I dropped that after a while. Also, my main reason for dropping it, was the online fior weight watchers was terrible, there was no support like there is here on MFP. I am not bashing Weight watchers because it does work depending on the type of person you are and what you like. Me personally, I like to interact with people, like here on MFP, and weight watchers it was like I was the only one on it and no support or motivation from your peers. That is my opinion. Hope it helps! Good luck!
  • skdandmkd
    skdandmkd Posts: 10
    I agree 2nd timer with them. Oct to Apr 20 lb loss. Now doing both. Amazed how on WW you actually put yourself into starvation mode when you break down like on MFP. Going to do both for a while and see if I can balance it out for a 30# loss. Please feel free to add as friend.
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    Alright guys, I was contemplating doing weight watchers because, well, who DOESN'T wan't Jennifer Hudson's awesome slammin' body? Anyhoo....it was just a THOUGHT so was going to ask who all has;

    Done it?
    Is doing it?
    What did you like the most?
    What DON'T you like about it?
    Do you notice you have problems with anything?
    Is it easy?
    What's the hardest thing about it?
    How successful are you?
    How many lbs per week do you estimate you lose?

    And if you guys can think of anything more please please feel free to share!


    Done it? Yes. Four times as a paying member. Three times in meetings and once online only. I'm a pro. LOL

    Is doing it? Nope

    What did you like the most? The recipe builder. Seriously it calculated my meals which I thought to be awesome. MFP has it too, and free!

    What DON'T you like about it? #1 Cost. But lets face it we would all pay anything to lose the weight so who cares about that. #2 Meetings would totally get off track and was a bit like high school cliches #3 I could not keep the weight off and found myself saving points for crap food.

    Do you notice you have problems with anything? I think that I ate more processed foods because they were lower points. Lots and lots of 1 and 2 point snacks just so I could eat more throughout the day. In the end that actually makes you hungrier. The new 360 program gives you free fruit. Which is crazy and made me GAIN weight. When I first did WW in 2007 a banana was 3pts and now its 0pts. Explain that to me please.

    Is it easy? It is because there are tons of phone apps including ones made by weight watchers. But they push you to buy lots of books and gadgets to make it easier. I would spend $40 a month on my membership and another $20 easily on "stuff" at meetings.

    What's the hardest thing about it? Sticking to it afterwards. Because its all points you get used to never having a clue what food really has in it. You see a can of green beans and know they are zero points so you can eat ten cans if you want. I think MFP or any calorie based program is better, because its calories that make us or break us.

    How successful are you? I struggle.... a lot, but I always get back at it. I have a long journey ahead of me. I lost 40lbs on weight watchers and gained every bit of it back plus another 40! So what's that tell ya!

    How many lbs per week do you estimate you lose? 1-3

    ***** Good luck in whatever you do! Feel free to add me if you'd like. If you can find a good meeting its great to go in and be held accountable which is what truly worked about WW for me. I do love MFP and will never pay to be on WW again!
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    OH! One more thing to help you out. One weight watchers point that your allowed is equal to about 50-55 calories. So you can easily figure out how many points you'd be allowed :)
  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    Years ago, I did it and reached goal, so I'm a lifetime member. I returned when the weight came back--three times.
    The third time I reached a plateau that I couldn't break, began slowly regaining the weight, and received no help from meeting facilitators despite waiting numerous times after meetings to get help. They left the meeting as soon as it broke up, or talked to one or two people and left the rest of us standing in line as they walked out the door.
    I agree with the comment that all the freebies add up--they may have been my problem.
    The people attending the meetings were helpful with tips and recipes, but I needed more than their help.