share your tips to succeed

Hi! I would like to get as much advice as I can get from the amazing stories some of you have had.Tips to keep on track,to stay motivated and finally reach your goal.
This is not a post about eating xxxx calories,BMR or TDEE...just little things you have been finding out on your journey to make it a bit easier.Thank you!!!!!!!


  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Protein, fiber and water fill you up.

    Not eating too many carbs stops your blood sugars jumping all over the place and making you constantly hungry.

    Good food and body scales are imperative.

    Sodium ruins weigh ins if not controlled a few days before hand.

    Have a little of what you want some days, just not the amounts you would have had at one time.

    With my fitness pal you get back what you put in, put a lot in, you'll get a lot back.

    We all mess up... Just have to keep working on it.

    Plateaus happen, don't let it derail you. No matter how hard it seems some times, it will all be worth it. You are worth it!

    Biggest lesson... Weight loss is made in the kitchen, fitness is made in the gym!

    Every day is a new start!

    Zara :-)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,212 Member
    Don't be in a hurry to lose. If it takes you 3 weeks to lose one pound, let it. What you are doing you will do for life so there is no reason to rush it. Success is measured not only in weight lost but the time that passes that you keep it off.
  • Something that helped me was during the work week, I pretty much had the same meals (with a little variation) for breakfast and lunch. Then I knew how many calories I had to play with for dinner. I ate a lot of meatless meals - soy burgers, butternut squash ravioli, and also a lot of fish. This allowed me to eat more sides so I didn't get bored. Weekends I did completely different meals.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    .Tips to keep on track

    Follow or devise a fitness plan. That way, you'll be committed to it. I'm doing insanity at the moment and because it's a scheduled workout, I always find the time to do it :smile:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Lift heavy 4 days a week
    Run 5-10km a couple of times a week (pro tip: it's more fun on the beach)
    Forget about counting water and sodium
    Eat pizza and ice cream (pro tip: ice cream tastes better as part of a sundae)
    Stay under your calories most days but cheat one day a week
    Get outside as much as you can (pro tip: it's good for your tan)
    Throw away your scale and pay attention to size and the mirror
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Lift heavy 4 days a week
    Run 5-10km a couple of times a week (pro tip: it's more fun on the beach)
    Forget about counting water and sodium
    Eat pizza and ice cream (pro tip: ice cream tastes better as part of a sundae)
    Stay under your calories most days but cheat one day a week
    Get outside as much as you can (pro tip: it's good for your tan)
    Throw away your scale and pay attention to size and the mirror


    I especially like the fact that there was no mention of pop tarts.
  • Flintbeats810
    Flintbeats810 Posts: 84 Member
    ask questiions, get advice, do research and find out what works best for you! Not everyone is the same. Find out whats fits you best and roll with it. Also if you cook.....COOK! not knocking any healthy choice dinners ro anything like that but most of the time you can make version of a "healthy microwave/oven dinner" even healthier but making it yourself.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Lift heavy 4 days a week
    Run 5-10km a couple of times a week (pro tip: it's more fun on the beach)
    Forget about counting water and sodium
    Eat pizza and ice cream (pro tip: ice cream tastes better as part of a sundae)
    Stay under your calories most days but cheat one day a week
    Get outside as much as you can (pro tip: it's good for your tan)
    Throw away your scale and pay attention to size and the mirror


    I especially like the fact that there was no mention of pop tarts.

    I suspect that I'm the only one on MFP that lifts heavy that doesn't eat pop tarts or toaster strudel. I really have no clue how I've had any success!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    This is not 'easy' but it is necessary:

    Take steps to love, appreciate and respect your body FIRST in whatever shape it happens to be in now...explore the reasons you use food to soothe your emotions or fill an emptiness and summon up the courage to face and challenge your fears, then let them go. Work on those two issues while you go through the mechanics of removing excess weight (diet, exercise, blah, blah, blah) and your success will pretty much be assured.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    1: Strength training. I've been a dancer all my life. Strength training is new to me but it's moved from most dreaded thing ever to number 1 for seeing the biggest improvement over myself. There are so many misconceptions about weight lifting it's not even fit. To many ideas of muscled up chicks that aren't 'long and lean' lol. Well, I'm not a hulk yet and I don't intend to be. Start lifting, yesterday. Stronglifts are popular, but anything is better then nothing.

    2: The macronutrients on MFP are terribly configured. They had me set to 45g when I eat about 100 now. Read up on nutrients. And figure out why people are doing what they're doing. And why .8g of protein/lb is common among all the good looking members lol.

    3: Don't be sedentary. Just don't. It's not good for you. I lost 30 pounds like that. It was an awful awful idea, I looked terrible looking back at myself. I felt weak. All my muscle mass was gone. I was just fat skin and bone. I thought I suddenly got old and saggy but really I was just being a couch potato. Lift your *kitten* off the couch and your *kitten* well be uplifted, literally in many ways.
    120 sedentary ->120 hiking -> 130 lifting and eating more
    4: Weight. Stop caring about it. Focus on losing fat not losing weight. I've lost 30 pounds and purposely gained 10 back to look better. I dieted away my muscle mass, do you know how hard it is to put that stuff back on? Now I'm heavier and look a whole lot thinner then I did the first time around.
    120 sedentary ->120 hiking->130 sedentary -> 130 lifting:
    5: Eat enough. Figure out what your TDEE is. Figure out what your BMR is. Don't eat the minimum amount of food ever. There's a long explanation as to why which people won't bother to read or they don't understand. The longest explanation that people seem to understand is Tasos list of why you shouldn't eat at such a large deficit:
    And a favorite of mine:

    6: Who cares about sodium for weigh ins or exercise for weigh ins etc. Your weight is suppose to fluctuate, with good reason. If you are constantly losing weight you have a severe health issue.

    7: If you hit a Plateau eat at your TDEE for a bit and do a cut again. Works every time.

    8: Oh, and take lots of pics, if for nothing else to keep them for yourself for the rainy days you're feeling down, just to see your progress. I have no before pics, only when I'm half way through. And I kind of regret it, because even from there I seen progress
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    This is not 'easy' but it is necessary:

    Take steps to love, appreciate and respect your body FIRST in whatever shape it happens to be in now...explore the reasons you use food to soothe your emotions or fill an emptiness and summon up the courage to face and challenge your fears, then let them go. Work on those two issues while you go through the mechanics of removing excess weight (diet, exercise, blah, blah, blah) and your success will pretty much be assured.

    Fantastic advice. I took myself off to therapy to shed light on why I ate the way I did. Very enlightening!
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    Log EVERYTHING every day. The good, the bad, and the UGLY. It is the only way to figure out how your bady works with different foods and holds you accountable to what you are eating. There were days I hated looking at my macros, but I needed to see taht to help me understand the importance of portion control.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    5 things:

    Portion Control
    Healthy eating


    I exercise for 60 minutes 5-6 days a week. But even just 30 minutes a day 3 days a week can give results!

    *Portion Control
    Yes, it seems like a no brainer, but you'd be shocked about the real, true sizes of portions. Do your research!! Learn proper amounts and portions and stick to them. Allow time for your body to adjust to these new changes.

    It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. So there are going to be those times when you do want that burger, or those fries, or that bowl of ice cream. It's okay! Just moderate how often you have your guilty pleasures and of course, your portion control. Instead of 3 scoops of ice cream, try 1 scoop and toss in some mixed berries! The only thing I gave up 100% was Soda. I gave it up almost 2 years ago and I don't even miss it!! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, and I will never give that up!

    There are healthier subs for those much loved foods! I still have that scoop of ice cream from time to time, but most the time I will sub for some yogurt with mixed berries. Instead of chips, I have fallen in love with Kale chips. They are so easy to prepare and so healthy. Air-popped popcorn does the trick too. It's all about experimenting. You'd be surprised what you can replace something unhealthy with something healthy!
  • ImFlawesome
    ImFlawesome Posts: 7 Member
    Love it! Thank you for posting that!
  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    Protein, fiber and water fill you up.

    Not eating too many carbs stops your blood sugars jumping all over the place and making you constantly hungry.

    Good food and body scales are imperative.

    Sodium ruins weigh ins if not controlled a few days before hand.

    Have a little of what you want some days, just not the amounts you would have had at one time.

    With my fitness pal you get back what you put in, put a lot in, you'll get a lot back.

    We all mess up... Just have to keep working on it.

    Plateaus happen, don't let it derail you. No matter how hard it seems some times, it will all be worth it. You are worth it!

    Biggest lesson... Weight loss is made in the kitchen, fitness is made in the gym!

    Every day is a new start!

    Zara :-)

    this is so true. Minnie this is an excellent reply. thanks
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Its kind of a cliche around here...but don't think of this as a "diet". Diets are temporary,quick fix, unsustainable. Think of this as a new and permanent way of thinking about food and about your body. Things don't happen overnight, and that's ok...its your life, its a work in progress, and you can enjoy and adjust as needed.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I find having a hearty breakfast helps me snack less. And then if you keep your fridge with veggies and fruit, you're more likely to snack on those
  • Bump. I one day hope to share tips, but I have not succeeded yet.

    But I do think that optimism is necessary, and belief in yourself that you can do it and that you can reach your target (at least that's what I'm telling myself anyway).
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I loved reading these tips from everyone.
    Mine is to try out EVERYTHING, every exercise and class you can get to. Not only does that stop your fitness routine from becoming boring but you might just surprise yourself and find one you love. For me I learned that I HATE kettlebells (never again) but I LOVE running, boxing and weights. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try something new :happy:
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    One of the biggest things that helped me and still helps me to keep going even if I gain weight is to pay attention to my measurements :) I also keep an eye out on clothes I'd like to fit into so I have something tangible to have as a goal instead of just a number on the scale or a specific size.
    When I think I am hungry I have to stop and ask myself "Are you really hungry?" if my stomach is not rumbling then I am usually bored lol As I ponder that question I drink some water and after a few sips I know if I am A. hungry. B. thirsty or C bored

    I have to keep an eye on my sugar, carbs and sodium (High blood pressure and diabetes runs in my fam) what good is it to lose weight and not be healthy right?

    Good luck doll!
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    My biggest boosts to my motivation, and what helps me keep going:

    - Measure! There have been months that I have lost less than I thought I "should" have, and didn't see the difference in the mirror that I thought I should have - but then hearing I lost over an inch on my waist that month shuts up any voices in my head that would want to tell me I was failing. Taking monthly progress photos (front, side, back) has been helpful for the same reason :). I might think I have a ways to go (and maybe I do), but I look AWESOME compared to my starting picture. That makes me feel successful!

    - Find an exercise that you love. For me that's been Zumba. The endurance I've been getting from doing Zumba 3 times a week has been really helpful in other areas of activity as well. I used to think I could NEVER be a runner, but when the gym was closed I'd use a treadmill to replace the workout and have found that I could run for about 45 minutes now (my previous best was an excruciating 5 minutes). And I ENJOY those 45 minute runs (holy crap!!). I used to make excuses for not going to the gym, but since I learned what I love and what energizes me, I'm honestly upset/sad when I miss a workout.
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Do something active you love. And do it LOTS! Not only will calories be burned but while doing it no food can be eaten.

    For me it's cycling. Others it's running. One friend it's gardening!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I loved reading these tips from everyone.
    Mine is to try out EVERYTHING, every exercise and class you can get to. Not only does that stop your fitness routine from becoming boring but you might just surprise yourself and find one you love. For me I learned that I HATE kettlebells (never again) but I LOVE running, boxing and weights. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try something new :happy:

    Aw... Why? I love Kettle bells!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Protein, fiber and water fill you up.

    Not eating too many carbs stops your blood sugars jumping all over the place and making you constantly hungry.

    Good food and body scales are imperative.

    Sodium ruins weigh ins if not controlled a few days before hand.

    Have a little of what you want some days, just not the amounts you would have had at one time.

    With my fitness pal you get back what you put in, put a lot in, you'll get a lot back.

    We all mess up... Just have to keep working on it.

    Plateaus happen, don't let it derail you. No matter how hard it seems some times, it will all be worth it. You are worth it!

    Biggest lesson... Weight loss is made in the kitchen, fitness is made in the gym!

    Every day is a new start!

    Zara :-)

    this is so true. Minnie this is an excellent reply. thanks

    Aw your welcome. Also to add, you have to find what works for your body, everything on the forums isn't true. May be true for them, but necessarily for you.

    Zara x
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I loved reading these tips from everyone.
    Mine is to try out EVERYTHING, every exercise and class you can get to. Not only does that stop your fitness routine from becoming boring but you might just surprise yourself and find one you love. For me I learned that I HATE kettlebells (never again) but I LOVE running, boxing and weights. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try something new :happy:

    Aw... Why? I love Kettle bells!
    I hated every minute of it including the instructors awful choice in music and an hour of fast repetitive squats made my thigh muscles go into spasm resulting in days of agony followed by needing muscle relaxants prescribed from the doctor (well you did ask :blushing: ) x
  • beenisafe
    beenisafe Posts: 49 Member
    A good thread. Bump
  • csmith822
    csmith822 Posts: 46 Member
    I don't know what I would do without my food scale. Before I started measuring things, my portions were so out of whack! Using the food log to plan my meals for the day ahead of time is really helpful. That way, I know if there's any wiggle room for unexpected food during the day. Having supportive friends really helps, too.
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Be consistent.

    Log everything you eat, even if you know it's been a bad day. Keeps you accountable.

    Stick to your macros.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    lift heavy and avoid machines - check your ego and fear at the door, heavy barbell movements have been my key to reshaping my body and just becoming functionally stronger in regular life

    biggest thing though - its blood, sweat and tears - its blood, sweat and years: consistency and lifestyle changes are key
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    lift heavy and avoid machines - check your ego and fear at the door, heavy barbell movements have been my key to reshaping my body and just becoming functionally stronger in regular life

    And it makes you feel awesome too :) Love the endorphins after lifting.
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