Couple questions

Do you log your workout? For a little under a month I've been doing various exercises, which I don't log. It usually only takes me about 10 minutes to finish a workout and I usually workout 3 times a week. Is it okay not to log it? Honestly I'm just doing them start toning my muscles and I'm perfectly fine without consuming the extra calories. I don't think I'm burning a whole lot.
And for the past few weeks, every time I lose a pound and mark it down, my calorie limit hasn't been changing. I'm not sure why? It's been at 1400 for a few weeks. Is this normal?


  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Whether you elect to log exercise is a matter of accuracy. Weight management is a matter of calories in and calories out, so if you burn calories you do not record you are creating a defecit which does not show up on your tracker. Therefore, you are actually eating under your daily allotment which if weight loss is your goal is fine, but if maintenance or gain is your goal it is not fine.
    As for your calorie intake not changing, I would say not to worry too much as 1400 per day in the presence of daily exercise is probably fine.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I don't typically log my workouts on here (I have a different app I use to track workouts). It hasn't been a problem for me. I'm not burning a ton of calories or anything since I'm mostly doing strength training with a little bit of cardio. If it's only 10 minutes, you're probably not really losing out on more than (maybe) 100 calories.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Your 1400 intake calories per day doesn't change unless you manually change it in your settings
    or goals. Not logging exercise is no problem. As long as you don't do so much that you're hungry.
    Then you probably ought to log so you know how much to increase calories by.
    If you're only doing 10 minutes a couple of times a week. You're not burning much extra energy.
    There's a split decision on whether to eat back exercise calories.
    Some do, some don't, some eat half back. Each set of believers will tell you their way is right.
    It's a personal decision. Find what works for you.