ok.. here it goes.. help please!

I am only of those people who took the chance with the lap band - it didnt work for me. Instead I starved, my body got flabby and well.. i went basicly back to my starting weight after dropping 80lbs - anyways. I have been eating heathy or trying to 90% of the time for the past month. but im a litle confused on this who BMR / TDEE thing people are talking about. So I calculated both and here ar my numbers.. can someone help me please? what SHOULD i be eating?

BMR: 2,292
TDEE: 3141

I am 5'9 and 329.1 as of this morning - I have been eating around 1900calories a day and about 90% of the time i don't even hit them and its even harder to hit them on the days I work. I eat every 3 hours - greek yogurts, bannans, strawberries chicken very little pastas or carbs now. I try and walk 2miles 3-4 times a week now that the weather is nice and I have started working out in my yard about 30mins every few days when its not too muddy.

So any help is welcomed. I have lost 13lbs and super happy with that! I guess im just wondering where I should be really eating and some more insight to these new numbers i never knew about!



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Looking at the numbers you provided, I would say you probably should be eating a little more. the BMR is what your body needs to survive. Granted, having the extra stores of fat means you have extra stores your body can draw on, when you eat below that base level, your body will try to hang onto everything coming in. (usually!)

    To help boost calories, try adding in some sort of protein/fat combination like nuts, peanut butter, real butter (instead of margarine) oils, avocados, red meats, whole milk or even half and half creamers, and other such calorie dense foods. Most of these have a huge whallop of calories for their stated portion, so you don't need much of them to get a huge boost in your calories. And, to make them even better, most of the calorie dense foods have a nice whallop of healthy fats/oils which help keep your body running.

    I'm sure you will get tons of advice about where to eat relative to your TDEE, and as this is one area I tend to get lost in, I'll leave it to others who are more knowledgeable.

    Congrats on the 13 pound loss so far, and I'm sure you will manage the rest! Keep up the good work!
  • texasblackrose
    bump - because i want more answers. =)
  • texasblackrose
    Ok so by follow this thread http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/943139-weight-loss-cheat-sheet-ipoarm?page=12

    I should only be eating 1400 calories with the calculator he shows to use and the excel sheet. Could that really be right??

    I ate 1300-1400 calorise for a few days last week and didn't loose a thing.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    I think you have an error in your calculations. You should be eating at least at your BMR amount.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    according to the thread you are using and your tdee calc. (I have used as well) you should be eating about 2500 calories (tdee * .80) The tdee includes your exercise as well so you do not eat burned back....if you can not reach that high - opt for higher protein - higher calorie snacks or meals. Make you sure you have protein with every meal.