What is your favorite non-scale victory

Hello, I have been on my weight loss journey for a little over a year and I think it's important to not just focus on the scale although I admit that it's easier said than done. What is your favorite non-scale victory so far on your weight loss journey? Mine is no longer being pre-diabetic and no longer having to be on Metphormine


  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    finally not gasping for air anymore when i put on socks or shoes
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member

    <20% Body Fat
    32" waist jeans

    <14% BF
    Bench > 200 lbs
  • ahbly115
    ahbly115 Posts: 3
    Hey Guys! I just had a non scale victory yesterday! I did a 5k yesterday. My old recorded 5k was 54 minutes and 32 seconds on flat ground. Yesterday my time was 49 minutes and 32 seconds and it was a hilly course. I'm hurting today, but taking 5 minutes and 2 seconds off of my time was so worth it! One of my life goals is to be bale to do marathon. So every small step is a victory for me!
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    Mine is beinging able to run farther and faster then I have ever been able to before.
  • fishsticks913
    fishsticks913 Posts: 123 Member
    Mine would have to be not being insulin dependent.... Funny what losing weight can do for the all over wellness.

    That....and finally starting to be happy with "Me".... that is worth my weight in gold!
  • GoNicoleee
    Being asked out on a date...
    Not that I couldn't do it before, but he accepts that I am working on my weight and getting healthy.
    It just motivates me to keep going and get healthier to enjoy time with him!
  • snooj
    snooj Posts: 69 Member
    My priority is weight loss, but I have a lot of strength related goals. Growing up my knees were terrible. There were days I couldn't walk. Having been preparing to be a competitive skiier, it eventually became too much for my knees. Etc etc. Then I got heavy and it just made it worse. So anyway, my first goal was a practical one: Be able to climb 16 flights of stairs (I lived on the 16th floor) since I couldn't even handle going down that during an evacuation. Three years ago finally did it! Later that year, managed to ski down a block mogul run that was in one of the Olympics. In fact, my knees haven't really given trouble since! A couple weeks ago, I finally was able to deadlift 100 pounds for 4 reps.

    My new goals are: Deadlift 100 pounds for 8 reps, Squat 100 pounds, and do a pull up.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I ate 1500 calories in oreos in one day on the day I hit goal. Man was I ever deprived of oreos.
    I can fit into arm holes:
  • peniculala
    peniculala Posts: 81 Member
    I have two. Being able to slip my wedding ring off and on since 6 months ago I thought I'd have to have it cut off! And todays: I can fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans for the first time in four and a half years! Both feel great! I look forward to not having GERD symptoms anymore, if I can!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Crossing the finish line of my first marathon.
  • ninipower
    ninipower Posts: 5 Member
    That my clothes that were to tight for me a year ago are now to loose to wear. And being capable of swimming, climbing, and doing whole crossfit workout and still be capable to walk the day after.
  • Jedil
    Jedil Posts: 62
    My first walk when I started 16 months ago was 10 minutes and I could hardly make it back home. I am now walking 5 miles regularly and actually started jogging and am preparing for a half marathon in October! :bigsmile:
  • chillmcgren
    chillmcgren Posts: 31 Member
    I thought I could never be a runner because running for a minute made me start to lose vision. The day I ran a mile without stopping was a huge victory for me!
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Using my inhaler once every few weeks instead of a few times a day!
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    These are all so great! I find that non-scale victories have helped me through my weight loss. In fact, when I hit the 50 pound mark, I made a list of the top 50; here it is: Top 50 Favorite Non-scale Victories:
    1. Not being pre-diabetic anymore.
    2. Having more energy in general and when playing with my nieces and nephew.
    3. Happier.
    4. I have gone down two dress sizes and almost down 3 sizes .
    5. Being a size 14 in a bathing suit for the first time in my life.
    6. Having an easier time going up and down hills.
    7. My belly is not as close to the wheel in my car as it used to be when I was bigger.
    8. Being able to do step-ups at the gym at a level 3.
    9. Jump- squats are easier; when I first started I could not do it very well.
    10. I have a higher endurance on the treadmill; I can now go 6.0 on the treadmill more a minute.
    11. Being able to go into GAP and American Eagle and finding things that fit me.
    12. My BMI has dropped significantly; it has dropped about 11 or so points.
    13. I am more productive.
    14. Learning to love lean meats and enjoying salads.
    15. I no longer buy popcorn at the movie theatre every time I go; now it’s once in a blue moon.
    16. My grandparents are very happy for me and are so proud.
    17. Parking my car further away from shops so I can get more steps in.
    18. Finally having the confidence to try BOOT CAMP.
    19. Having the confidence to encourage others with their fitness goals at the gym by saying to them “great job” or something like that.
    20. The seat belt now fits me better on the airplane.
    21. It is now easier to pick up my luggage since losing weight.
    22. My legs are more toned and my arms, too.
    23. I love my facial features; I like the dimples I see when I smile before I could not see them at all.
    24. I am more confident/ comfortable when taking pictures with friends.
    25. Wearing my first American Eagle dress this past August.
    26. I love to grill for my family.
    27. I have an interest in trying new things that can keep me active; I hope my dad teaches me to hunt soon.
    28. I avoid fast food as much as I can. On the road trip I went on with my parents I encouraged them to go to Subway instead.
    29. Easier to wake up earlier.
    30. While I still have quite a bit of stomach fat to lose I know the size of my belly has really decreased.
    31. I drink less diet soda.
    32. Being a size “L” in Life is Good Brand.
    33. Not eating dessert as much as I used too.
    34. Exercise has become an important stress reliever for me.
    35. My exercise clothes are starting to become lose/
    36. I am able to do-sit up’s
    37. Some of the spider-veins on my legs have gone away.
    38. I can now do an abdomen plank for 30 seconds. When I first started losing weight.
    39. I enjoy less sugary fruits more such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
    40. Walking is easier.
    41. I have learned to balance carbs and protein better.
    42. My body fat percentage has decreased.
    43. My health coach is proud of me and my parents, too.
    44. The support that I receive from my family, friends, and trainer really makes me feel good.
    45. I no longer feel blood sugar spikes from the pre-diabetes.
    46. I now know that I can lose this weight I have come so far; I used to have my doubts.
    47. I can swim faster.
    48. Now that I am healthier I feel that I have increased my longevity; I want to be around for my nieces and nephew.
    49. I have more self- confidence.
    50. I am looking forward to more changes 
    PS: Keep up the great work, everyone!!!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    These are all so great! I find that non-scale victories have helped me through my weight loss. In fact, when I hit the 50 pound mark, I made a list of the top 50; here it is: Top 50 Favorite Non-scale Victories:
    1. Not being pre-diabetic anymore.
    2. Having more energy in general and when playing with my nieces and nephew.
    3. Happier.
    4. I have gone down two dress sizes and almost down 3 sizes .
    5. Being a size 14 in a bathing suit for the first time in my life.
    6. Having an easier time going up and down hills.
    7. My belly is not as close to the wheel in my car as it used to be when I was bigger.
    8. Being able to do step-ups at the gym at a level 3.
    9. Jump- squats are easier; when I first started I could not do it very well.
    10. I have a higher endurance on the treadmill; I can now go 6.0 on the treadmill more a minute.
    11. Being able to go into GAP and American Eagle and finding things that fit me.
    12. My BMI has dropped significantly; it has dropped about 11 or so points.
    13. I am more productive.
    14. Learning to love lean meats and enjoying salads.
    15. I no longer buy popcorn at the movie theatre every time I go; now it’s once in a blue moon.
    16. My grandparents are very happy for me and are so proud.
    17. Parking my car further away from shops so I can get more steps in.
    18. Finally having the confidence to try BOOT CAMP.
    19. Having the confidence to encourage others with their fitness goals at the gym by saying to them “great job” or something like that.
    20. The seat belt now fits me better on the airplane.
    21. It is now easier to pick up my luggage since losing weight.
    22. My legs are more toned and my arms, too.
    23. I love my facial features; I like the dimples I see when I smile before I could not see them at all.
    24. I am more confident/ comfortable when taking pictures with friends.
    25. Wearing my first American Eagle dress this past August.
    26. I love to grill for my family.
    27. I have an interest in trying new things that can keep me active; I hope my dad teaches me to hunt soon.
    28. I avoid fast food as much as I can. On the road trip I went on with my parents I encouraged them to go to Subway instead.
    29. Easier to wake up earlier.
    30. While I still have quite a bit of stomach fat to lose I know the size of my belly has really decreased.
    31. I drink less diet soda.
    32. Being a size “L” in Life is Good Brand.
    33. Not eating dessert as much as I used too.
    34. Exercise has become an important stress reliever for me.
    35. My exercise clothes are starting to become lose/
    36. I am able to do-sit up’s
    37. Some of the spider-veins on my legs have gone away.
    38. I can now do an abdomen plank for 30 seconds. When I first started losing weight.
    39. I enjoy less sugary fruits more such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
    40. Walking is easier.
    41. I have learned to balance carbs and protein better.
    42. My body fat percentage has decreased.
    43. My health coach is proud of me and my parents, too.
    44. The support that I receive from my family, friends, and trainer really makes me feel good.
    45. I no longer feel blood sugar spikes from the pre-diabetes.
    46. I now know that I can lose this weight I have come so far; I used to have my doubts.
    47. I can swim faster.
    48. Now that I am healthier I feel that I have increased my longevity; I want to be around for my nieces and nephew.
    49. I have more self- confidence.
    50. I am looking forward to more changes 
    PS: Keep up the great work, everyone!!!
    Yer wicked.

    That is all.
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone., this has helped me as I am at a nasty plateau right now :/ Feel free to look at my top "Top 50 non-scale" victories that I have posted :)
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    When clothes get loose
  • mochablend
    mochablend Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much for this post! I have to admit I kind of needed this... I'm not doing well with regards to losing poundage but I have to admit that I've made other gains (albeit still a bit small).
    It feels that the last time I put back this weight has made me feel worse...
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    I can run 5.2 mph for the whole hour.
    I'm amazed every time! :)