July Challenge

My goal is to burn 15,000 calories this month..I have 30 some more pounds to go..let's do this!


  • goalreached
    wow! that's awesome, I'm with you. What have you been doing to lose the weight, looks like you're getting wonderful results.
  • rjdoell
    rjdoell Posts: 13
    I'd like to join the challenge. I'm down to losing my last 10 pounds and I need to keep it going!
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Well I am in too- only 13000 more to go for me
  • PaulaLG314
    that's an awesome goal, do you have a set exercise plan that you use to achieve a certain calorie burn each day? I am just getting back in to exercising or walking for exercise, My goal is to walk at least 30 minutes each day. not major, but doesn't 21 days of repeating an activity make it a habit? May the force of good health be with you.
  • PaulaLG314
    I can't wait to have a 30 lb loss.
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    I try to exercise for 30 minutes everyday. I work more towards calorie goal then minutes. I am also a brown belt in Tang Soo Do Karate which I try to attend 4 times a week. Classes are between 60 and 90 minutes which = 1400+ calorie burn.
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    Sign me up for trying! (I know, do or do not do...there is no try). But still, here I am! :-)
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I exercise for 1-2 hours a day..usually elliptical, recumbent bike..been adding swimming lately!
  • chirodani
    chirodani Posts: 4
    OK I'm in! I have to up my game--hahahaha! I just started tonight on MFP and already I'm getting competitive---hahaha! I love it! This is what I need! Thanks everyone!
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Well this is officially the first Saturday of our July Challenge. Therefore I am here to up everyone. I weighed in on 7/1/10 to get fresh numbers to start the challenge with. I just weighed in today and I have gone down 2.2 lbs, and lost a few 10ths of an inch in both my waist and hips. I need to to workout today but I have a little more then 12k calories left to burn! Good Luck All
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm down a pound this week..1.5 till my next mini goal..I think I'm going to hot 15k early!!!
  • lisa_08
    lisa_08 Posts: 16
    I want in on this! I need something to motivate me!
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome Lisa_08, the goal is to burn 15000 calories in the month of July. Good Luck
  • kelewis
    kelewis Posts: 18 Member
    I want in on this too! 15000 calories it is!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Can I be in on this too please?? My husband and I are going to Cabo on the 22nd and need some motivation to get my body toned for the vacation and lose a few extra pounds. This sounds great!! I definately would like to be exercising everyday for at least 30 minutes. Makes me accountable for the 15000 calories too.

    Make sure I'm checkin in. :laugh:
  • HaleyAlexandra
    I want in on this! I'm going off to school in the beginning of august and definitely need to be kept accountable this month! 15000 burned cals sounds great!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    so far: 574 calories burned
    power yoga and circuit training yesturday and the elliptical today. Woot!! :bigsmile: I am on my way to 15,000 calories burned! Lets go team! How is everyone else doing????
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    another 470 calories burned!!! thats 1044 in total now.
    Did Jillian Michaels Metabolism Booster dvd last night and on the elliptical again this morning.

    I hope everyone else is gettin their workouts in!!! check in and let us know.:bigsmile:
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Well all this is the 2nd Saturday in July - Which means time to check in. Congrats to everyone for getting in there workouts. Also welcome to all the new comers! :) Here is my update.

    So I was just a little heavier this morning. Not to mention mother nature is messing with my body - blah - I tend to hate mother nature at least when she is visiting me.

    I did however lose 3/8 inch in my neck, 1 6/8 inch in the waist, and 1/2 inch in my hips.

    For my July Challenge of burning 15k calories I am doing awesome. So far I have burned 9396/15000 :)
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Well all this is the 3rd Saturday in July - Which means time to check in. Congrats to everyone for getting in there workouts. Also welcome to all the new comers! :) Here is my update.

    I was able to log a weight reduction of 6.6 lbs this week (talk about excited). I do believe most of the loss came from mother nature taking her leave :)

    My neck and waist measurements remained the same and I lost another 7/10 of an inch in my hips.

    For my July Challenge of burning 15k calories I am doing awesome. So far I have burned 12742/15000 :)