Motivational Tough Love Type Of Friends Wanted!! :)

Hello all! My name is Kelly and recently signed up for MFP…I have a One Track Mind and that is to lose my weight once and for all!! I have been signed up for about 5 days now browsing around the boards, figuring out of calorie needs, etc…I began my journey as of today April 7, 2013 (I wish MFP let you choose your start up day), but my first full week according to MFP set up is tomorrow, April 8, 2013…Over the years weight and eating right has been an up and down battle for me…A constant struggle butttttttttt this time I am ready! No if ands or buts just a One Track Mind to get it done the right way once and for all! I am looking for some serious hardcore friends, supporters, and motivators on here…Open diary, frequent loggers, individuals who comment. I want to be the individual who motivates others in every way, whether it be me saying “Great work”, “I see you enjoy X, I have a great recipe”, “”Hey watch how much X your eating”, “Hey challenge yourself today no more slacking on workouts” etc…and that’s what I want too!! I am definitely looking for those hardcore friends who will telling me when I am doing great but also give me a kick in the butt if things seem to be slipping! Ready to lose this weight!!! Cant wait to get to know you and motivate you in this journey together!!!! Wooohooo!!


  • calycias
    calycias Posts: 6 Member
    Add me! I'm needing those same sorts of friends! :)
  • onesongaboutagirl
    onesongaboutagirl Posts: 13 Member
    Bump! These are the sorts of friends I'd like to make on here :) Let's support one another!
  • toshntadd
    toshntadd Posts: 2 Member
    Bring it on!! Tough love could just be the support I need...My name's Natasha
  • nessa552013
    nessa552013 Posts: 18 Member
    Tough love is what I need to at the moment so wouldn't mind giving and getting some of that tough love. :-)
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    ME I can take it and give it! :laugh:
  • gillianhayter
    gillianhayter Posts: 1 Member
    Can I join your gang too? I need the occasional kick up the bum, I've lost the same stone 20 times and each time I put it back on a couple more stone have joined it, I'm an emotional eater and I'm desperately trying to change this, I started my diet a week ago and have lost 10lbs, I was amazed by this as I was planning on a 2lb weight loss, I want to break this vicious cycle of yoyo dieting and finally succeed in losing weight once and for all.
  • 04sprj0
    04sprj0 Posts: 11 Member
    I desperately need some motivation. I have no friends on here and need someone to tell me to keep away from the chips :)
  • carinventer
    Hi there! I've lost +-36kg over a period of a year, it's been really really hard but it can be done. I've also battled with my weight all my life and I know what it feels like to be slim and then gaining everything back. Not a nice place to be! One thing that I've realized is that in order to keep the weight down you need this one thing - and that thing is getting a strong, real motivation why you want to be slim. You can follow all the best diets in the world, exercise from morning to night, drink 20 liters of water per day etc., but at the end you will regain every single kilo if you don't have a very good reason to stay slim.

    Whether it is just for your looks, your health, dressing sexy or just for your self esteem, there should be a very good reason why you want to stay on your goal. I used to overeat because I felt unloved, lonely and had nothing to look forward to. Food was the only "nice" thing in my life. My mind was on food 24/7. Now I've joined the gym, I sing in a band, I have a lot of friends and I go to parties and other gatherings where you have to dress up and look good. Before I used to buy the biggest, most comfortable clothing I could find to hide my fat body and my evenings and weekends consisted of overeating on junk food in front of the tv. I was hiding in my own house, it was a terrible way to live. Now I buy jeans and cute tops, boots, etc., and I enjoy all the attention and people around me. So find out what makes you tick and you will stay slim! Good luck!