Eating every 3-4 hrs question..

Should you really eat every 3-4 hours even if your not hungry? They say to eat protein so you stay full if Im not hungry again in 3-4 hours should I wait until Im hungry as long as I get all my calories in for the day? Im at 1200 calories and thats almost too much for me in a day...its hard...grrr


  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Eating often is often suggested as a method to stop people letting themselves get so hungry that it leads to bad choices, or over eating.
    It's just a method, it's not essential.

    ETA: Although it's a method I'd often suggest for people that are struggling to hit their calorie goals. If you leave all of your calories until last thing, then you could potentially end up with a large amount to eat in a sitting.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Should you really eat every 3-4 hours even if your not hungry? They say to eat protein so you stay full if Im not hungry again in 3-4 hours should I wait until Im hungry as long as I get all my calories in for the day? Im at 1200 calories and thats almost too much for me in a day...its hard...grrr

    if 1200 is too much, how did you put on weight in the first place?
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    Should you really eat every 3-4 hours even if your not hungry? They say to eat protein so you stay full if Im not hungry again in 3-4 hours should I wait until Im hungry as long as I get all my calories in for the day? Im at 1200 calories and thats almost too much for me in a day...its hard...grrr

    if 1200 is too much, how did you put on weight in the first place?

    THIS. I don't understand. We all got here by overeating but 1200 is too much? I see people posting this all the time and it makes NO sense to me.
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    Should you really eat every 3-4 hours even if your not hungry? They say to eat protein so you stay full if Im not hungry again in 3-4 hours should I wait until Im hungry as long as I get all my calories in for the day? Im at 1200 calories and thats almost too much for me in a day...its hard...grrr

    if 1200 is too much, how did you put on weight in the first place?

    THIS. I don't understand. We all got here by overeating but 1200 is too much? I see people posting this all the time and it makes NO sense to me.

    When you swap from high calorie, low nutrient food to low calorie, hgh nutrient food it can be hard to make up those calories.
  • MikeNoTalent
    MikeNoTalent Posts: 67 Member
    I eat 50% of my calories in healthy fats and eat only when hungry which usually comes to 3 times a day. I do intermittent fasting as well where I stop eating around 7pm and don't eat again till I'm hungry around 1pm - 2pm just coffee with mct oil and butter in the morning. Keeps me going strong even through the toughest workouts. Also I don't really count the calories as my body is constantly burning the fat for energy.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    You can add in calories by way of high calorie, low density healthy foods. Such as nuts, drizzling olive oil on a salad, adding avocado to a salad or even the odd spoonful of natural peanut butter. Or maybe if you eat dairy, don't chose the low fat options.

    Honestly, 1200 calories a day is not hard, even if eating healthy clean foods. You don't have to eat junk to eat plenty of calories.

    With regards to the 3-4 hour thing, I don't believe it makes any difference. If you only eat 2 times a day, as long as it's not causing you to overeat at other times or get lightheaded between meals it shouldn't matter.

    Just eat when hungry but make sure you are hitting a minimum of 1200 calories (net) a day, espeically if exercising too.
  • I am one of those people that does try to eat something 3-4 hours. I will grab breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and sometimes ( though not often) snack again.

    My current calories are 1350 daily and the reason I eat so often is because I get less hungry and don't want to eat as much during the next meal, but I try to stay as healthy as I can for my snacks. I may eat a banana or some fresh grapes. I found these almond and brown rice chips by blue diamond that I love if I am craving something "bad". They give me the feeling of munching down on some potato chips but the calories are low and their are not really bad for you.

    I use to be the kind of person that ate only when i was hungry, but then i would eat so much to satisfy my hunger. I found FOR ME this was not good. Skipping meals didn't help my metabolism and often made me feel sick or too tired to do anything.

    As for comments about how do people eat less then 1200 and still get fat... that was me. I would work a 10-12 hr day and not touch food. I'd come home eat a 900 or 1000 dinner and then sleep. I was inactive, sat most of the day and my body just decided it needed to store everything I was giving it. No metabolism no exercise and if you do it long enough 260 lbs shows up before you know it.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    For me personally, I am constantly snacking through the day. I love food too much to not eat. I could never eat 1200 calories. Tried that many times in the past, lost tons of weight quickly, and packed it on plus more even faster.
    I pick at things like yogurt, strawberries, nuts/seeds, granola bars etc. throughout the day. If I dont, I get too hungry and crave crap food. Sometimes I get so hungry, that I wont take the time to make a proper dinner, and I'll just devour something stupid. Plus it keeps me going all day at work. I need the energy!! So eating every few hours works for me!! I get crabby and tired if I dont eat often enough!!
  • Kristina661
    Kristina661 Posts: 32 Member
    Should you really eat every 3-4 hours even if your not hungry? They say to eat protein so you stay full if Im not hungry again in 3-4 hours should I wait until Im hungry as long as I get all my calories in for the day? Im at 1200 calories and thats almost too much for me in a day...its hard...grrr

    if 1200 is too much, how did you put on weight in the first place?

    THIS. I don't understand. We all got here by overeating but 1200 is too much? I see people posting this all the time and it makes NO sense to me.

    When you swap from high calorie, low nutrient food to low calorie, hgh nutrient food it can be hard to make up those calories.

    ok well yah 1200 is cake if thats all I was eating ha. Eating 1200 and trying to eat healthy low carbs, low sugar is harder...Im not a big eater anyways unless its junk food...this is a new lifestyle for me. Im not over 5'9 133 lbs..but Im what they call skinny fat...thin frame but not toned..I wanna lose 5 lbs and tone up. 1200 is what this site put me on. I work 12 hour shifts sitting on my *kitten* yah. Thats how :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it does not really matter as meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism.

    you can eat two meals, three meals, or twenty four meals spaced out every hour....

    Really, you should just eat when you are hungry and make sure you hit your calorie/macro goal for the day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Should you really eat every 3-4 hours even if your not hungry? They say to eat protein so you stay full if Im not hungry again in 3-4 hours should I wait until Im hungry as long as I get all my calories in for the day? Im at 1200 calories and thats almost too much for me in a day...its hard...grrr

    if 1200 is too much, how did you put on weight in the first place?

    THIS. I don't understand. We all got here by overeating but 1200 is too much? I see people posting this all the time and it makes NO sense to me.

    When you swap from high calorie, low nutrient food to low calorie, hgh nutrient food it can be hard to make up those calories.

    ok well yah 1200 is cake if thats all I was eating ha. Eating 1200 and trying to eat healthy low carbs, low sugar is harder...Im not a big eater anyways unless its junk food...this is a new lifestyle for me. Im not over 5'9 133 lbs..but Im what they call skinny fat...thin frame but not toned..I wanna lose 5 lbs and tone up. 1200 is what this site put me on. I work 12 hour shifts sitting on my *kitten* yah. Thats how :)

    what is your work our regimen like?