Needing Buddies and Encouragement!!

Hi! I am needing to lose at least 75 lbs! I have tried many times and never seem to stick with it or make excuses to eat like crap! I could use some buddies dealing with the same thing and struggling to lose weight :)


  • CaiteRie
    CaiteRie Posts: 4
    I am in the same general boat as you are and could use/give some support! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi there, I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I too have tried many times, Weight Watchers, etc., this journaling seems to be the only think that really makes me accountable.
  • pasouthernbabe
    pasouthernbabe Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, My name is Michelle,

    I have tried many times to lose weight. I just recently started back and want to loose at least 100 lbs. I need some buddies too. Please free to add me.
  • pasouthernbabe
    pasouthernbabe Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I too have tried many times, Weight Watchers, etc., this journaling seems to be the only think that really makes me accountable.

    Hi Ladyluck747, I know what you mean. As long as I journal it seems to help me. It makes me more accountable and if I see that I go over my calories for the day; I go out and do some walking.
  • HomEDUmom
    HomEDUmom Posts: 3 Member
    Add me to your list. I have been trying for years to lose this weight but it was not until last week when I joined MFP that I found my motivation.
  • AnnaLeigh85
    AnnaLeigh85 Posts: 16 Member
    Same boat here as well. About a year ago I was able to lose 60 pounds by just eating healthy and using MFP. Then I got PG and it is almost ALL back. I need to lose 80 pounds to be at my goal weigh. I need all the help I can get.
  • FindingTimeForMe
    FindingTimeForMe Posts: 29 Member
    Count me in.....I think I have the exercise gig down pat....just got to work on the portion and choices. Support and sharing would be great. I would like to lose 50 pounds or so. First goal is "Onederland". I too have to get serious about this journaling thing. Really takes some mental concentration -- I "allow" other things - family especially to boon doggle my concentration. My result. Count me in.
  • Inadaze2
    Inadaze2 Posts: 4
    Same here,Im trying AGAIN have lost it many times and gained back.Now at age 48 its just not coming off,I need help and friends to stay inspired.Good luck on your journey and hopefully we will both reach our goal,mine is 70 pds..