
I have a sports related case of edema(fluid build up in muscle). I was playing rugby and a player with metal cleets stomped on my right calf. 2 weeks later there is still a little bruising (nothing compared to what was there before) and the edema is still there. I dont really feel like waiting for 6 hours in a hospital (live in niagara falls and its both sides long weekend).

It is considered a pitting edema but swell back up in a few minutes.

A co-worker told me to go see a massage therapist so Ive been getting the wife to do it.

Does anyone have any suggestions to get rid of it?


  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Have you had an EKG recently is my first question.? I used to work in a cardiology practice, dialysis and urgent care and pitting edema is never "normal". There is always a cause. I hope I don't come across as preachy but I truly am concerned after reading this. Are you sure it is truly related to your injury? And if so you may have a hairline fracture. It is not uncommon. My husband found out he had one 2 years ago and didn't even know. They would put you in a brace. Also, if you elevate your leg above heart level you may see some decrease but it may come back depending on what is going on.
    Best advice...... Go see your Dr. I know , pain in the rear, but sometimes things let go get worse and are soooooo preventable. Good luck.
  • treisch
    treisch Posts: 13
    you definitely need to go to the doctor... you don't need to go to the hospital but GO TO THE DOCTOR... don't put it off. it could be a cellulitis or a blood clot or many other things...none of which you want to wait on