Increased my calories but too frightened to carry on...



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Everything on me is getting saggier or firmer in weird places. Just keep going, re-evaluate after a month.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I could of wrote this post! I went from 1290 calories/day to 1884. Eating at 1884 I'm feeling the same that you describe. I am mainly worried about gaining and getting into bad eating habits again because often I am eating something just to up my calorie intake for the day. If you are looking for friends who eat more, while doing this TDEE -20% thing, add me! I see a lot of my friends eating at 1300 or less and I'm scared that I'm doing this all wrong and all my hard work will be lost as I slowly gain!!!!!!!!!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I personally feel that you should stop dieting until after your surgery. So that your body has not been starved right before your surgery. eat what would be a maintenance diet for you until after you have recuperated from your surgery . Just my humble opinion.

    When it comes to eating more calories. I am having the same debate in my head. The fact that eating more calories can encourage the body to loss more just seems like a contradiction to me. I am slowly increasing my carbs to where this program feels that I should be eating. I am diabetic and keep my blood sugars where I feel that they ought to be by walking 2x a day - 2 miles each walk. So timing of when I eat is important if my blood sugars are going to be back down to where I want them to be before bedtime. I'd like to believe that my body is going to lose more by eating more but so far I am NOT convinced that this is going to work for me. I've got 22 lbs left to lose to reach my goal of 120 lbs. I'm not trying to start any conflict here ...just sharing my concerns about this concept working for someone that isn't a jock and doesn't do a lot of exercising at a gym. I like the terminology referred to here of being a "snowflake" - no I don't think that I am a snowflake. I am currently following Dr Hyman's Blood Sugar Solution. Which is working for me -
    You may not be a special snowflake but you are a diabetic one. The carb setting on MFP is far too high for diabetics.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I'm actually really freaking out now and just feel like I'm safer with lower calories and that's the only thing that'll work and get the weight and inches off for sure... I don't have faith that eating 1900 calories a day will get these 51lbs and masses of inches off me!
    It will. You must have patience.

    Agreed. I've lost 106 lbs eating 1800-2200 cals daily. It's not super quick but it works and it ensures that my loss is fat and inches, not muscle.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I was freaked out when I first started dieting, I watched everything I ate, freaked out if it was over 100 calories, and ate probably 300-500 calories under what I was being told to eat, and worried when I'd weight myself that nothing had changed, or looked in the mirror and been scared that nothing looked different. I had to let that go, and it seems like you're at the same point of needing to let go.

    This is only your second day of increased calories, of course it's going to feel not right, you're not used to doing it, and it may make you feel like you're puffy and gross, because of all those calories you're consuming, how could this help?! Take a deep breath, have faith in what people are telling you, or at least take the time to see if it actually does, or doesn't work for you, 2 days is not enough time to notice anything but potentially water weight changes. Stressing out over how many calories you're consuming, or not consuming is not going to help with any weight loss. Continue the higher calories, with the exercise alone you'll want to consume more, and the weight/strength training will help you tone and loose the inches. Give the combination 2 weeks or so to see how your body reacts. Just breath. :)
  • jsbieniek
    jsbieniek Posts: 76 Member
    I have been having the same issue. I am increasing my calories slowly, 100 at a time, and eating back some, but not all of my exercise calories. I've lost 32 pounds so far and definitely do not want to go backwards on the scale. Feel free to add me!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm actually really freaking out now and just feel like I'm safer with lower calories and that's the only thing that'll work and get the weight and inches off for sure... I don't have faith that eating 1900 calories a day will get these 51lbs and masses of inches off me!

    I also have 50 pounds to lose, and I currently eat 2000ish every day. Some days I go a bit higher. It seriously works. I am still losing consistently by going as high as 2500 (my TDEE) on occasion. Just eat less than you burn. It's that simple.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    nothing wrong with going slow and steady
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    If you're eating to the point that you're bloated, I'm going to say that you're eating too much. Conflicting with what most people here say right? I'm sure there is a lot of misinformation in this thread. If you want to get a better answer to your question instead of conflicting information, you can head on over and ask a Licensed Dietition in the link below.
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    Patience you must have