Someone please help me figure out how many calories I need

Hey y'all. So I'm trying to come up with a solid number of calories I need to eat daily to lose weight. I have been through the IPOARM many times which is probably why I need help... I've done the calculations so many times I'm all jumbled up. I've lierally changed my calorie goal about four times in the last 3 days haha. I would also like to mention I like adding in my exercise (using MFP calculations, but I just ordered a HRM so it will soon be based off of that) and eating them back rather than having a static calorie goal.

So here are my current stats:
Weight:173 pounds
Height: 5'5"
Activity Level: For the majority of the day, I am sitting. I work in an office for nine hours a day. In terms of exercise, I work out 6 days a week doing 30DS each of those days along with about 20 minutes of jogging thrown in 2-3 days a week.

I would just like someone to give me a number with an objective eye as I've really confused myself haha. My current calorie goal is 1550, not including the calories I eat back with exercise.

I am not in a rush to get the rest of this weight off, I just want to get it off the healthy way and for good! And help is really, really appreciated!

Also my diary is open :smile:


  • Bumpity bump
  • Bipitty boppity bumpitty
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Diet coke with a green smoothie seems like a contradiction.
  • Is that before I factor in exercise or should I be eating that every day and not eating additional cals for exercise?
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    I'd say it sounds like you're in a pretty good place right now. I'm close to the same weight (lil over), but a little taller and my doctor told me to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day. I also don't log my exercise because I feel like, even when I work out, I shouldn't be eating more calories than that. Since you're trying for slower weight loss, I would say 1,500 is good. BUT, don't eat 1,500 calories worth of jelly beans or something. Protein is great. Carbs are not. Try to eat a lot of meat and vegetables.
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    I'd say it sounds like you're in a pretty good place right now. I'm close to the same weight (lil over), but a little taller and my doctor told me to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day. I also don't log my exercise because I feel like, even when I work out, I shouldn't be eating more calories than that. Since you're trying for slower weight loss, I would say 1,500 is good. BUT, don't eat 1,500 calories worth of jelly beans or something. Protein is great. Carbs are not. Try to eat a lot of meat and vegetables. Good luck!!
  • Diet coke with a green smoothie seems like a contradiction.

    Hahahaha I didn't really drink them at the same time... Just close enough to both be considered lunch :p
  • I'd say it sounds like you're in a pretty good place right now. I'm close to the same weight (lil over), but a little taller and my doctor told me to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day. I also don't log my exercise because I feel like, even when I work out, I shouldn't be eating more calories than that. Since you're trying for slower weight loss, I would say 1,500 is good. BUT, don't eat 1,500 calories worth of jelly beans or something. Protein is great. Carbs are not. Try to eat a lot of meat and vegetables. Good luck!!

    Thanks! I'm really starting to focus on more protein and less carbs. I just changed my macro goals because my protein goal seemed so low.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    It depends what/how you want to do it. I do TDEE-20% cause it's easier for me and I've found it works (it took awhile to figure out that "perfect" number though). I went back and forth as well but once you pick a number-you need to give it at least 3-6 weeks before changing it up. If you do TDEE don't eat back your workout calories. If you do it through MFP instead, then yes, eat back the workout calories. I was going to do through another website ( I've found that is similar to the numbers I got from fat2fit and looking there your TDEE is 2791 for 6 days of working out. if you did that, you'd change MFP to 2233 (TDEE-20%) and not record your workout calories.
  • ileen327
    ileen327 Posts: 21
    Wow , you are eating good and should be considently losing! I am much heavier than you and eat 1200 a day and try not to eat back any exercise calories but some days eat up to 1400 but never more. I am confused too. I am going to a dietiation 3 weeks from now and see what she thinks! I exercised alone 5 times last week and only ate back 300 of them. So, we will see what the scale says this week! Good luck~!
  • i have been letting the site figure it out based on the input of weight and activity it has been very sucess
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    I use this calculator

    Edited to add: If you use this method then DO NOT eat back your workout calories.
  • Thanks y'all :wink: