Exercising and Not losing

I started working out with a personal training right before Thanksgiving. I need to lose about 50 lbs to get into my ideal weight range for my height. From Thanksgiving until about the first of March, I was working out 4 to 5 times a week at about 1 1/2 hours each time. Working up an sweat and keeping my calories within 1400 range. I did 3 days of weights and the other days some form of cardio. At the first of March, still had not lost any weight. Started working with a dietitian in March. Discussed how I could change my eating a little, but mostly doing what I needed to do. Added in more Protein to over 100 g a day and increased my water intake to about 120 oz or more each day. It is now April and I still have not lost 1 lb. I am getting so frustrated.
The dietitian said I needed to increase my calories to about 2000 though, based on the amount of exercises I am doing. Increased workouts to 6 days a week. 3 days of weights, with a little cardio at the end and 3 days of cardio. For me, 2000 calories is a lot of food. Scared to even try eating that much.

Any thoughts?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If what you're doing isn't working, trust the dietician. Have you taken measurements or pictures to compare? Do you feel better? More fit? Are your clothes fitting better?
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    I am in the same boat as you almost exactly! I don' t know what to do but I understand the frustration. Hopefully someone can help you out.
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    I think your dietitian is right. As weird as it sounds when your lifting and doing so much cardio, You need to eat to lose.
  • jdinbd
    jdinbd Posts: 1 Member
    Weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise...sounds like you are also building muscle (which weighs more than fat) That could be part of the problem. Stick with it...you should look better even if the weight hasn't dropped off yet with all of the weight training that you are doing, toning and building muscle.
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    I think you're eating more than you think. Weigh everything. It's impossible to not lose a single pound if everything you say is correct.
  • JanaB2011
    JanaB2011 Posts: 20
    Yes, I have taken measurements and pics and have seen no change. My husband said that I am looking firmer, but I can't see it. clothes are still fitting the same. The Personal trainer took all kinds of measurements about a month ago. I need to find time to get back with him and do that one day. Just always pushed for time because I would rather work-out then do measurements when time is limited.

    Honestly, I am scared to eat that much food. HA

    I have decided to get a check-up with my doctor. I haven't head blood work up done in several years. The dietitian did say to check blood sugars and thyroid to be on the safe side. Maybe there will be answers there. I just can't get over not losing anything with all the working out. I know I am gaining muscle, but I would like to see it. HA
  • k1431
    k1431 Posts: 18 Member
    Perhaps you could try more cardio? I have been losing weight steadily by doing a lot of cardio (1-hr per day, 4x a week) & keeping calories at 1200 a day. I do a little bit of strength training too, but I'm mostly doing cardio at this point. I am planning to get into lifting in the future, but right now I am mostly trying to get my weight down. Like you, I drink a lot of water & try to get plenty of protein. Progress has been slow but steady.
  • soonergirl03
    soonergirl03 Posts: 47 Member
    That sounded just like me I was counting calories working out 5-6 days a week and not losing weight, I spoke with two differnt weight trainners they both told me to increase my calories to 1800-2000 tried that and still didin't lose weight and then finally I had a doctors appt and this doctor told me to decrease my calories to 1200 because I'm short 5'1 she said I was consuming too many calories so I tried it and the weight started falling off now that I have lost 54 pounds its much harder to lose though I just started jogging and some of the weight is coming off but much slower now. MFP even has my calories at 1200 and I usually only eat back about 100-200 workout calories.
  • bigsargeofsc
    Working out that hard and only taking in 1400 calories is not a good thing. First, what are calories? Its a measure of the energy your body requires to work. Think of it like this: if you just run your car but dont put fuel in it, what happens? Its shuts down and stops running. The human body is the same way. If you keep burning the fuel but not putting the right fuel back, your body will go into starvation mode and you will loss nothing. Second, it matters where the calories come from. Are they coming from proteins, fats, or carbohydrates? Not all fats are bad, so make sure you're getting the ones your body needs to function properly. If you're not tracking what you eat, start doing so. Keep your carb intake to about 18-22% of your total calorie intake. But, make sure those carbs are not from breads, pastas, and foods with lots of starch. Be careful with fruit, as they are high in sugars, which turn to stored fat.

    I hope this helps you out some.
  • JanaB2011
    JanaB2011 Posts: 20
    Yes, I have been tracking my calories forever it seems. Did weight watchers for about 8 years and then started gaining on the new program when fruit was a free food. From allergy testing, I was informed that I am allergic to sugar and many other foods. Removed those back in August. For sugar, I typically have fruit but always have it with protein. I might have pasta about every few weeks. Really went to a more natural diet and try to buy organic. I have removed all processed foods at the beginning of the year. Rarely eat bread and if I do, I try to go gluten free.