Any ladies with pcos??

Jenkhodge Posts: 8
edited January 20 in Health and Weight Loss

I am looking for any suggestions on diet and activities for weight loss when dealing with pcos?? Any success stories? :)


  • Hi-
    I've had PCOS for about 15 years now and have tried about every diet under the sun. What I am finding for myself is 30 minutes of exercise a day (I do 30 minutes on a stationary bike) and then just eating healthier. I try to watch the number of carbs and calories but just try to make better decisions. For instance, I use spray butter instead of tub butter. I try and add vegetables with every meal and just simple things like that. Since I'm on Metforim I know that I have to eat a certain number of carbs or otherwise my blood sugar drops way too much. I hope this helps a bit!
  • andrbeck
    andrbeck Posts: 45 Member
    Hello :) I have PCOS. I've been on and off of metformin for about three months now. I need to get back on it. I'm just not good at taking it at all. I'm restarting my weightloss adventure. Hope to hear progress over time.
  • khayashi80
    khayashi80 Posts: 45 Member
    I have PCOS, nothing ever seemed to work weight-loss wise for me. However, I have been on SlimGenics for about 14-15 months now and have lost a total of 164lbs. It's just an eating plan and some diet supplements. But I've had major success with it! I've recently added fitness and exercise in as my weight loss has slowed. I have 20.5 more to go. Throughout, my period comes and goes (it's been about 3 months since the last one) so fertility wise it hasn't helped, but I've not needed the medication. Good luck!
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    I have PCOS. I personally believe that the majority of women use it as an excuse to be overweight. It has become just that- an excuse. A copout. A "reason" to be overweight. Because there is no way that your poor eating habits or sedentary lifestyle are to blame. Anyway, before I get off on a rant, a healthier lifestyle (NOT a temporary diet) and regular exercise are what you truly need.
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    Hello. I was diagnosed with PCOS 25 years ago (yikes that made me feel old ;) I was diagnosed with diabetes about 7 years ago and started taking metformin. I dropped 40 lbs. really fast from the metfomin along with switching to diet pop and switching to whole wheat or multigrain bread and pasta. Watch your carbs and work out at least 30 minutes a day that will help tremendously :)
  • Lots and lots of cardio has helped me. I'm also on Metformin, 1500 MG XR. I saw a nutritionist and she taught me to eat better (I needed the shove) and since then I've lost around 35 pounds so far. I'm working on another 35 or so now. However, everything I learned from the nutritionist, you can surely gather from books and online sources. Not only do you need to change what you eat (trade white bread for whole wheat, no pop, etc.), but you need to watch what you eat - as in portion control. Portion control has been the biggest reason for my weight loss.
  • 30sgirl
    30sgirl Posts: 2
    I have PCOS...I was diagnosed in Jan 2010. I was actually losing when I was diagnosed but as soon as I started noticing changes, I've what it was and a whole HOST of issues started that year- hair was thinning, growing hair EVERYWHERE, facial hair out of control, acne was ridiculous...I started on BC and that seems to help for a while because i started losing again. But then I stopped and the weight came back, but I also had stopped working out and watching what I ate. I've been on Metformin on and off for about 2 yrs but have never taken it long enough to help due to the gasiness...I am dedicated to making it work for me because I've been working with a personal trainer 3 days a week for 8 weeks and follow a regime from a registered dietician and I've only lost 4 lbs in that whole time, so I KNOW its my PCOS because any other time I've lost weight, doing just that i would have dropped. So I got a tip from a coworker who uses it and I'm going to start taking BEANO to help with the side effects. I want to feel healthy again so if this is going to help, I just need to stick it out as i'm told the side effects do subside after a while. My Endo doc has me on 2000mg to help with ovulation since I am not regular with periods anymore...Its so crazy how weight affects your entire everything...I'm sure some people do use PCOS as an excuse, but I don't wish this on my worse enemy....I don't want this lock tight device grip fat on my anymore....and YES, my poor diet and lack of activity is what got me here and PCOS is the cause of trying to keep me here...I'm not having it! I do lots of cardio and strength training on mon, wed, fri....I used to be in the military so I have lots of muscle mass underneath, I just hope my body has the muscle memory every keeps saying it has....I am also going to research and try to follow a low glycemic index diet as I hear its a good for metformin users...
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I have it too, diagnosed at 19. Almost 33 now. I had a hard time getting pregnant (but was overweight back then.) If I stay under a certain weight (by clean diet and regular exercise) then the symptoms mostly stay away and I have regular periods (when I was overweight I had maybe 3-4 a year.)
  • Thank-you for all the advice ladies :)
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