30 Day Shred By Jillian Michaels



  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Im just starting it today Ill let ya know how it goes Idid her no more trouble zones if anyone has done that how does it compare to 30 day?
  • jessicaclairel
    I just recently obtained that. Good to know it makes people feel run over by a semi.
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    I did level 1 for 5 days earlier this year but had to stop due to illness. I started it again today.

    The first time I did it? I had breaks, I was literally SHAKING - as in, my muscles were violently shaking and couldn't handle it at all. I was ridiculously sore the next day, in some real pain, but powered through it again. I ended up really hurting my quads though, so now I do a lot of extra stretching before hand and I seem to be ok, but we'll see tomorrow morning!

    This time: It was way easier. Not easy, but easier. No shaking, not remotely as out of breath, not in pain. I'll see how I am tomorrow but a definite improvement.

    My motivation: I work out in front of a full length mirror in my gym shorts and bra. I hate my body, I have really awful flab on my stomach, and I get so mad at myself for letting myself get to this state that it pushes me through. There's nothing like seeing the bulge of your stomach as you do crunches to keep you going.
  • cdnmummy
    cdnmummy Posts: 7 Member
    I've done shred off and on for almost 3 years! It for sure gets easier! Day 4 is when I tend to feel better, and less sore. Keep going! Ripped is a great second video to do after this one.
  • themrsbriggs
    themrsbriggs Posts: 151 Member
    I'm on day 8 and while I am doing Turbo Jam and Zumba with it, I am WIPED OUT by the time it's over. But, I know that this is an uphill climb and if you take it one day at a time, you'll reach the goal :flowerforyou:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I've been doing it for 43 days now! Did it for 30 days, and then started over immediately, no rest. It definitely gets easier, but I still feel like I'm getting a good workout and struggle with parts of it. (especially level 3)
  • sdleischner
    sdleischner Posts: 34 Member
    I completed the sherd in begining of march, focused on pushing to complete each work out at the beginner level. made it though and lost a few inches not as many as i had hoped but i dont think i made some of the best food decisions, now i have started over again this time i am pushing to complete the advanced versions of all the work outs and i am alternating days with jillians six weeks to a six pack video. Trust me. I am on my second time through shred and on the 2nd and 3rd days i hurt more than i did the first time through. but im about 4 days into shred and 4 days into the six pack and i feel the burn after but it dosnt hurt to move anymore. It will get better, just keep working at it!
  • MrsWanland
    MrsWanland Posts: 72 Member
    Just hang in there! It does get better. I did L2D3 this morning and I'm sore. When I started Level 1, I thought my legs were going to give out on me every time I got up to walk. But, towards the end of the first level, I was really getting used to the workout. When I switched to Level 2, my arms feel like jello now. I can't imagine what's going to be sore when I start Level 3...LOL! But, don't let that scare you! In the first 10 days alone, I lost 4.8 lbs and 7.25 inches (3 of those inches were off of my hips) and I'm starting to feel stronger and more energized. The soreness will go away, but nothing about this workout is easy. Feel free to friend me if you want to share your pain! We can do this!
  • MaybeAMonkey
    I started doing JM's 30 Day Shred in April of last year, it kicked my butt! I stuck with it, and combined with modifying my diet so I eat healthier I lost most of the weight I wanted to get rid of. Now I'm doing her No More Trouble Zones (it's twice as long!) and am loving it. I still rotate in my 30 Day Shred dvd, I like level 2 the best. My advice is to do the video on a Friday night, take Saturday off and Sunday if you need it, then do it again on Monday, skip Tuesday, then Wednesday, skip Thursday, then do it again on Friday - following that first week try to do the video 5x week and don't advance to the next level until you've mastered all of the reps on the first level. :) Good luck!
  • jess_goobie
    jess_goobie Posts: 133 Member
    Im on day 3 level one today and think on thursday om going to jump to level 2. So that will be 5 days level 1. I am doing her kettle bell workout too. I do the kettle bell video first then the 30 day shred. Im so excited to get to days 10 20 and 30. Those are my weight and measurment days. I am hoping for good numbers.
  • redneckbride
    redneckbride Posts: 11 Member
    I am just starting this tomorrow, but how do you input your calories burned? I can't find it in the database and I don't have a home monitor.
  • Katieloula
    I was literally AMAZED at myself today. I'm on day 4 - I've been doing it every other day and just pure cardio on the other days. It was like I was doing a completely different video! Don't get me wrong, I'm still modifying the push ups and those anterior lunges or whatever KILL my arms! But my god it is so much easier than the first time!

    Don't give up! I can already tell my arms have gone down so much and my stomach is beginning too as well (I'm taking fortnightly pics vs. scales)

    I just ordered JM's boxset - Ripped in 30, Killer Buns & Thighs and Extreme Shred! Until I finished 30DS I'm going to alternate between 30DS and Killer B&T, then I'm going to move on to Ripped/Extreme & Killer.

    Good luck and don't forget to share your results!
  • CareyE81
    CareyE81 Posts: 4
    I am new to myfitnesspal.com.. so reading all your blogs is definatly motivating me. I am starting the 30DS this evening after work... I am terrified but excited at the same time. Hang in there - I am sure awesome results are to come :wink:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I am just starting this tomorrow, but how do you input your calories burned? I can't find it in the database and I don't have a home monitor.

    I think most people log it as 20 mins of circuit training.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    someone told me circuit training is what you log it under.
    I am just starting this tomorrow, but how do you input your calories burned? I can't find it in the database and I don't have a home monitor.
  • Kandice66
    Hi I'm doing the Jillian Michael 30 day shred. Ive been doing it for 3 weeks now and love it. At first I found that I felt like a mac truck ran over me. Now it's a lot easier and I'm lovin it.:smile:
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    the first time I did it, a few years ago, I didn't even finish day one and I was sore for DAYS!!!

    I do classes at the gym 5 days a week now, and every now and then I will do her video and it is better.

    You get used to it, but you have to keep doing it! You will feel so good afterwards!
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Just finished D4 on Level 1. It completely sucks, but it's doable. I've been a gym regular mostly 5 days a week for the last 11 weeks, doing Aqua Zumba and a Cardio Sculpt class with dumbbells. If not for that, I'm pretty sure someone would've found me passed out in the living room.

    I grunted and panted my way through, only taking a few "5 second" breaks. That 20 minutes makes me sweat like crazy and I'm usually not one to sweat...like literally dripping in my eyes. I do feel fantastic afterward, though, like I can take on anything.
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    day 1 : gave up half way through.
    day 2: gave up half way through but finished it later
    day 3: pushed through it all and nearly died
    day 4: hey, suddenly it's not quite so bad.
    day 5-6-7 : I can actually do this thing!
    ditto!! I'm not doing it twice a day!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Biggest tip hold the stretches in the cool down for a lot longer maybe 30 seconds.
    That stopped the soreness the day after for me.
    Day 7 today and already seeing a big difference.

    Good luck:smile: