I am HALF my dress size!!

G'day fellow human species...and other species on this forum, I come in peace.haha.
I am a 22 year old Aussie sheila who used to be 86 kilos
due to coke addiction (roughly 2 litres a day) and also bad eating habits.
I had tried exercising, and I remember being on the treadmill/ab-swing,all that Hoo Ha and instead of having a bottle of water to gulp down while I was exercising, I had a bottle of....*cough..COKE! Crikey....what was I thinking?!?!?!?!?:-)

AAANYHOOZER, one day I went to the fridge to get a....I think you may guess..haha, and I looked at it and decided right there and then that I will never touch coke again (damn,I just told you what I got out of the fridge!!????
So I poured it down the sink and have NOT TOUCHED coke ever since!????????

So, 1 year later I got down to 66 kilos and dropped to a size 13 and now, 4 years later I am 63 kilos and a lovely size 10! (I have been of good weight for 3 years) I got down to 58 kilos but I had started to basically not eat anything at all because I physically couldnt, I would feel sick, but anyway I snapped out of that and it creeped back up and settled around 62-63
for the first year off going off coke, I replaced it with sugarfree soft drink, but now I hardly have soft drinks (maybe one every 2 weeks).

My main drinks are 1:????WAAAAATER!!!!!!!!!????and 2: home made juice (I have a juicer and put whole carrots,apples,celery,so on and so forth in there)
I also get up at 6:30, put on techno music and WORKOUT until it is time to go to work (which is at 8:30), OR I go for a hardcore bike ride,so hardcore I sometimes limp into work!...ok ok, maybe not THAT hardcore. hehe.

So yeeeeah, I hope you enjoyed my....what do you call this¿?...testimony,confession,(true) story,bragging...I will let you choose which one you think suits the....(page of writing) best.haha


  • bonjovi27
    bonjovi27 Posts: 144 Member
    Way to go!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Congratulations! When I first read "coke" addiction I didn't think of the softdrink first thing. But when I read you averaged two liters a day I realised of course you're talking about the drink :p.

    Awesome that you lost and manage to keep it of!
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    thats awesome - great example of how little life changes can make a huge difference

    way to go!
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    wow!! thanks for sharing your story.
  • SMS090
    SMS090 Posts: 10
    Congratulations! When I first read "coke" addiction I didn't think of the softdrink first thing. But when I read you averaged two liters a day I realised of course you're talking about the drink :p.

    Awesome that you lost and manage to keep it of!
    ???????? haha, I know what you mean, when I tell people about my weight loss I tell them I was addicted to coke but I also say "the drink,not the drug" hehe
    and thank you!
  • SMS090
    SMS090 Posts: 10
    I have never told my story before on a public forum! It feels good????
    What fantastic support and encouragement from you guys (and girls) ????
    Add me if you wish!
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