Where did you start your exercise level?

Hello all :)

So I have heard from numerous people that when they first started, they didn't exercise at all, and gradually built up. Some started pushing hard right away.

Right now, just started a week ago, I'm doing 3 days at the gym per week, 1 hour each session of pure cardio, then weights, and little to no cardio in between sessions. That seems like a lot to me, and I'm really pushing myself, but sometimes I look at people who have more weight to lose going way harder than me.

Basically my question is, where did everyone start out? I have no idea what "the norm" is so I have no idea if the amount I'm doing is in that range.


  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I started off doing P90, which is a beginners work out program (the beginners version of P90x). Did that for 3 months and then jumped right into Insanity. Crazy, I know, but I'm happy that I did and that I took that big step up :)
  • I decided almost unconsciously that I would walk 3 miles(5km) a day. I did that for a month and then increased my activity to running. I also simultaneously changed how I've been eating. And monitoring my calorie intake. Using this mfp app has helped me. Running has helped me double my caloric burn in the same time. I haven't set foot into a gym. But that is me. Good luck to you, and stick with it!! I've lost 10 lbs since February 25th. I am motivated to keep going!! Hope this helps. If you're feeling better then you are on the right track!!
  • trin8ty75
    trin8ty75 Posts: 60 Member
    For the first month I focused on changing my eating habits - no exercise. Then I started walking 4.3 miles per day. Last month I started C25K and 30DS. I still walk on my off days from C25K
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    Listen to your body and do what feels comfortable for you, and really, it depends on what your goals are. Some people are exercise junkies, and some would do anything to avoid it. Personally, I feel so much better physically, when I exercise, so I try to get in some form of exercise each day. My workout routine usually looks something like this:

    10-minute cardio warmup (nothing intense)
    30-45 minutes of upper body or lower body weight machines (alternating upper/lower days)
    30 minutes of higher-impact cardio, as my body allows
    10 minutes of stretching as I cool down

    Fridays I mix it up a bit with an hour of Zumba before I go to the gym, then about a half-hour to recover and get my energy back, then do the weight machines. I'm always able to get my heart rate up while on the machines, so if I'm not able to get in my cardio at the end, I don't beat myself up over it. My primary goal is strength and toning, followed by endurance. And I try to mix up the cardio machines too, so I don't get into a rut and get bored, and I can tailor it to my energy level. High-energy days have me pumping it hard on the elliptical, while low-energy days have me on the recumbent exercise bike, keeping a consistent pace but otherwise not pushing too hard.

    I'd focus on setting personal goals for yourself, like consistently finishing a mile in 10 minutes or less on the elliptical, completing 10K in 30 minutes on the bike, and so forth. Try not to be too hard on yourself when comparing yourself to others. Someone may have a lot more to lose, but they may have been at it for much longer and have built up their endurance over time.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I think 3x a week is a good place to start. Listen to your body and adjust as you are able - adding if you can, taking away if necessary. I don't do anything in moderation, which is what landed me here to begin with, so I have been going 6 days a week for something like 8 months.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I started just going to the gym 3-4 days a week. I found a water aerobics class that pushed me and I would go to that once a week. I changed it up each time. If I did cardio, I did one hour of it. Then I added some weight machines. Every so often I've done a Zumba class. If I couldn't make it to the gym, I found 30DS on YouTube and did that in my living room. I'm now three months into it and starting up the C25K.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I started out just walking then added basic weight lifting with light weights. Now I run, kickbox, lift heavy *kitten* weights and whatever else I feel like doing!
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    I started with focusing mainly on my eating habits and I'm a dog sitter/walker anyway so I was and still am walking almost every day. I have been for the odd swim since I started in the new year but apart from that and the walking that's all I've been doing so far. I'm planning to start the 30 Day Shred very soon though and see how I go. I've lost 23lbs so far just walking and the odd swim.

    It doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with what you're doing :) Maybe just be prepared to gain muscle though so not necessarily losing pounds but inches instead. It's a popular idea on here to keep track of your measurements as well as your weight as that's where a lot of people see results when they're exercising a lot :)

    Wishing you a successful journey! :)
  • WAnnB
    WAnnB Posts: 65 Member
    I started at 5 min at a time on the treadclimber, huffing and puffing. Now I do 30 min 3 times a week. Started 1 year ago.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I started out "trying" to walk around the block. I had to stop several times at first. Then two blocks and so on. it has been 3 years since I started. I hike, bicycle, WATP, and even went snow shoeing a couple of times this year. I have back issues and foot issue-but I am plodding along and it gets progressively better. I would encourage everyone to just start anywhere they can and work up to more. Some can start off intense and some have to go slowly. Both ways and all things in between are good.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    I starting with 3 miles of fast walking and little jogging in between. 2 months later its mostly running with little walking in between.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I hung out on the ellipticals and did Pilates/Zumba for the first few months. After that, I added strength training using the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. Then one evening the spin instructor convinced me to try that. It was really hard but I finished the class and kept going back. I couldn't really keep up at first because I was in terrible shape and had hardly any endurance. But I kept at it and then one day I looked around the room and realized how far I had come. After doing spin several times a week for about two years I decided to start running and have gotten pretty good at it. After I got bored with my beginners strength program, I switched to BodyPump and other group weight classes. Last year I replaced those with New Rules of Lifting for Women and this year I switched to New Rules of Lifting for Abs.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started with MFP for 2 weeks. Honestly I didn't want to start with exercise because it would be too much at once, and I wanted to be comfortable with my new diet before starting anyway (last time I joined the gym I was so hungry after that I ate way too much anyway).

    Then I did slim in 6 (one of those programs you have to do 6 times a week for 6 weeks). I managed to do maybe 5 minutes of it the first day, and I was in so much pain for 3 days afterwards, but I stuck to it... it's helped strengthening my body (and I lost 19lbs the first two months). I tried a few more things that I still use occasionally (the walk away the pounds series, I still use it when I just want to have a quick workout), but got bored and decided to join the gym. I go to two classes a week (bodypump for lifting and bodyjam for pure cardio), rest of the time I alternate between home dvd's or gym for lifting/treadmill. My day 'off' is after the bodypump class because I'm usually pretty sore, so I usually just do some cardio then (like today I watched a movie while jogging in place for 30 minutes and burned almost 200 calories).

    But I really don't exercise that much. 30-55 minutes a day really. I want to build muscle but I do cardio so I can eat more (but I do love bodyjam).
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I was a total couch potato, so I started with walking. Slowly and not very far. Gradually I started walking further and faster. When I was reasonably comfortable with walking, I incorporated running into my walks until I could run longer distances.

    Now I try everything! I still walk and run, but I also do workout DVD's, hike, backpack, snowshoe, spin bike, bike outside... whatever sounds fun, I give it a try. :smile:
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    They aren't for everyone but when I started the gym I thought I was in an ok state.... I'd been doing the wii active for months! I soon realised I wasn't when I tried my first step class... I never laughed to much at myself but I was determined to stick with t and I got good too! But I've had t move gyms so now I'm doing combat and pump and I feel like I've gone back to square one fitness wise it kills me!!! Same with spin if I ever try that it makes me want to cry
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    I lost the first 30+ pounds with very little exercise, in fact all I really did was some walking and roller skating (which I had been doing for years anyway) and a few home DVD's, and not all that consistently. I did walk and move more, but that was really it.

    I joined a local YMCA at the begin of the year and now do deep water exercise class for 50 minutes each 2-4 times a week, work out with a personal trainer once a week doing various weights and other weight/cardio exercises, I try to lift 1-2 days beyond that. I had also been doing a spinning class once a week up until a few weeks ago when I fell and sprained my ankle. I am taking a mom and me zumba class starting tomorrow, I will see how my ankle likes it, still healing. I hope to return to spinning again, and as the weather is getting better more walks too, and I just resumed roller skating on Friday, slower but I could do it, so I will do that several times a month.

    I feel better, and I do feel my body has tightened up and is definitely changing but the weight is coming off MUCH slower...which of course I should expect, as I have lost most of the "easy" weight. I am now just 10 pounds outside my heights weight range. It is a bummer that I am doing so much more and the weight is so slow to come off, in general it is ok, and I understand it is going to happen.

    Everyone is different, for me in the begin being 80+ pounds overweight I had a lot to lose so small changes to my lifestyle equaled big changes on the scale.

    I do have a before pic in my profile, I was totally apple shaped and do feel through exercise that has changed, I am now carrying most weight in my upper half, bust, arms and some in my thighs.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I really want to try the spin classes they do at my gym, but everyone in there is already so fit and I'm afraid that my *kitten* will be too big for the seat and will fall asleep (like it is on the bike I use outside that class). I guess I'm a bit intimidated. Plus the class is an hour and well, I know I couldn't manage a whole hour and while I normally don't care, people watching me walk away from something is not what I look forward to. :ohwell:

    Maybe when I've lost a bit more and can do more than 30 minutes on the bike at level 5 I can try spin class. It does look so much fun :)
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    after about a 2-3 weeks I started with light exercise like walking and progressed to running and some circuit training videos. and really just grown from there.

    Spin hurts your butt at first but you will get used to it. I love it because you choose your own intensity level. It's a great workout! TRY IT!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Setting fitness goals that are independent of calorie burn and weight loss goals will answer this question for you. When I first started out here, I didn't exercise at all...just ate my calorie goal and lost weight. As the weight started to come off, I started looking at the fitness aspect of my life...once upon a time, I was a reasonably good athlete and I wanted some of that back. My goals initially....

    - Improved heart health (as evidenced by my blood work)
    - Improved level of overall fitness (as evidenced by resting HR and how fast my HR comes down post workout)
    - Increased strength
    - Run a 5K without stopping to walk

    I started a C25K program which I did 3x weekly. I incorporated walking on my non 5K training days for my overall heart health; I incorporated a proper strength training program on these days as well. C25K days ranged from 30-45 minute sessions of variable intensity. Walks in the neighborhood of 3 miles and my strength training takes me about 30 minutes 3x weekly.

    I've greatly improved my fitness level, I can run a 5K without stopping to walk, my blood work is almost completely normal, and I'm stronger than I've been in years and just surpassed my body weight on squats and dead-lifts. Trying to better my 5K time now.