Is work killing your diet?

I swear, I cringe when people say they are going out to lunch. I'm in IT and I swear there is a Philly cheese-steak to my right, a pizza in front of me, and something that smells godsend behind me. Are you suffering from the same thing? How do you cope? I've broken my diet AND fast every week since December because of this!


  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    eat a small portion of the yummy stuff, stay within caloric goals, lose weight.
  • rcnsmith
    rcnsmith Posts: 15
    I'm actually trying to do the Juice fast (Just for 5-7 days). I tried to warm myself into it too. Over the course of last month I've swapped out lunch with juice and breakfast i would blend strawberries blueberries and bananas. Then I'd go nuts on dinner. So I really need to say NO to the food and try to survive it for 5 days but if this is day 1 then I don't think I will last.

    I mean, would it kill them to eat in the lunch room!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    there's really not a reason for a "fast" unless it's for religious reasons. most of them are dangerous. all of them are temporary. wouldn't you rather eat at a reasonable deficit and lose weight in a safe, sane, sustainable way?
  • rcnsmith
    rcnsmith Posts: 15
    As for the reason for the fast itself, I've been saying I would do it for a while now and thats the only reason. The best I've felt in years however has been when I cut out the lunch and breakfast for fruit and vegetable juices and focused on whatever I was craving for dinner so I figure once i'm done with this 5 day fast i'm going to go back to that. The problem with eating small portions is the lunch places all around here don't sell small portion and im the kinda guy thats going to finish whats on my plate; and i dont care how big the plate is.

    But, even if i prefer the reasonable deficit, I still end up losing my mind because everyone in this office pigs out. But you know what, just hanging out here seemed to have done the trick as lunch is done now thank god. I guess i'll just be back on the forum around this time tomorrow too!
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    Could you do the juice for breakfast and dinner and eat your main meal at lunch?
  • rcnsmith
    rcnsmith Posts: 15
    Could you do the juice for breakfast and dinner and eat your main meal at lunch?

    Lmao, are you kidding, why the hell didn't I think of this? After the 5 day fast (If i survive it) this is exactly what I will do. If i dont survive it I will try it even faster!

    Do you do this? Does it make you hungry at the end of the day which leads to more eating? I usually eat the big meals at the end of the day as work keeps me busy enough so I dont really think about food and when I get home I have a big meal and it holds me over till bed.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Work kills my diet in a slightly different way. I work 12 hr nightshifts, 3 in a row. I can't really eat during my shift-- it makes my stomach upset-- so basically I go 12 hours w/o eating and come home famished. When I do come home, I'm a zombie and do not make the best food decisions. Hell, sometimes I think I sleep eat 'cause I have trouble recalling that I do consume.

    This past work stretch really threw me off track. I need to jump back on the horse and figure things out!
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    I try to bring my food from home every day so I am not tempted to go out to lunch.
    I try to vary the food I am bringing with me and have also something at hand I enjoy but is not dangerous...
    Those little sweet tomatoes for example or a slices of bell-pepper or gherkins for snack.
    For the sweet tooth I always have a fruitbar in the drawer to hold my self to go an buy a twix or mars or something.
    As long as I like what I have brought with me no other food around me can tempt me that bad that I lose it.

    Only thing is that my home is stucked full of tupperware now :noway: and that I need the discipline to go on preparing next days food before I end the day.

    For example: Tomorrow I'll take some of my todays dinner with me, have a sandwich with raw ham and some tomatoes and a Monster-Rehab Energy Drink for the downtime on early afternoon. :drinker:

    Stay srong! The yummy evil foods will still be there after you reached your goals
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    I hear ya. There is an Arby's right next door to my office, a Tim Horton's across the street, and a Sunterra Market half a block away. On top of that, our office is very ethnically diverse and full of "foodies," and even the home-made lunches several of my colleagues bring are exotic and delicious smelling.

    This office may very well be part of the reason I pudged out.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    My problem is that I have a group of people at work that I like to socialise with at lunchtime, and that means going out to lunch, or at least the staff canteen. Yes, I can say no. Yes, I can eat more healthily if I do go, but it's not always going to work out.

    Like others have said, I try to reduce my intake at breakfast/dinner instead.
  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm actually trying to do the Juice fast (Just for 5-7 days). I tried to warm myself into it too. Over the course of last month I've swapped out lunch with juice and breakfast i would blend strawberries blueberries and bananas. Then I'd go nuts on dinner. So I really need to say NO to the food and try to survive it for 5 days but if this is day 1 then I don't think I will last.

    I mean, would it kill them to eat in the lunch room!

    Maybe you should be the one using the lunchroom. Prepare your meals before hand and avoid going out to lunch all together

    I have a similar situation. It's bad enough to work a desk job when you are trying to lose weight, but it doesnt help when the office is constantly having potlucks, and ordering out for breakfast burritos or lunchtime fast food almost every day. I find avoidance helps me the best. If I already have my healthy lunch prepared from home, I have no excuse to eat poorly, or partake in the not-so-healthy lunch outings.

    Cravings are only difficult to get through in the moment. Once you get through it, you feel so proud of yourself. Stick to your guns, the reward will be greater in the end. Good luck!
  • rcnsmith
    rcnsmith Posts: 15
    I hear ya. There is an Arby's right next door to my office, a Tim Horton's across the street, and a Sunterra Market half a block away. On top of that, our office is very ethnically diverse and full of "foodies," and even the home-made lunches several of my colleagues bring are exotic and delicious smelling.

    This office may very well be part of the reason I pudged out.

    Exactly, sometimes it just feels like the universe is against me. And then they ask if you want some... and it's over at that point!:love:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Options of the women that works in my office ALWAYS keeps a LARGE bowl of candy stocked in our office. With my trigger foods/favorites like Reese's Peanut Butter cups...twix...3 Musketeers.

    It's a struggle but I'm learning to resist it...having to log it every time I take one helps.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    Could you do the juice for breakfast and dinner and eat your main meal at lunch?

    Lmao, are you kidding, why the hell didn't I think of this? After the 5 day fast (If i survive it) this is exactly what I will do. If i dont survive it I will try it even faster!

    Do you do this? Does it make you hungry at the end of the day which leads to more eating? I usually eat the big meals at the end of the day as work keeps me busy enough so I dont really think about food and when I get home I have a big meal and it holds me over till bed.

    I usually do eat my main meal at lunch. My co-workers and I go out to eat a lot and I like to be social and join them. It seems to work for me and I'm usually not hungry in the evening. I also have a snack a few times a day so that helps too. If I don't eat regularly during the day I'll just eat everything in sight when I get home.