
I was looking at my sodium for the last couple of days and I have been over the daily requirement. I know processed and fast food no matter where from has a large amount in it. What are some ways you guys cut sodium or is it something I shouldn't worry about if I drink enough water?


  • kdjboogs
    kdjboogs Posts: 5 Member
    Unfortunately you have to worry about it no matter what. .. although our bodies NEED the sodium or electrolytes, we all tend to overdo it and I don’t know about you but it make me blowup like a big balloon if I have to much.
  • sateliteofluv
    sateliteofluv Posts: 19 Member
    I have found that the only days I bust the sodium count are the days that I eat more than one processed food item. For instance, a couple of weeks ago, I had a day where I had a frozen dinner (Healthy Choice maybe?) for lunch and then a can of soup for dinner. But the days I limit it to only one processed food item, I can still hit at or under 2500.

    Basically, I just try to eat unprocessed things, and if I must eat one, I try not to eat a second one that day. I also don't add much salt to things I cook. I try to add other flavors and spices to keep it interesting. I've been cooking with infused olive oil lately. I used a red pepper infused oil to flavor my dinner tonight and it was delicious. Last night I cooked some tilapia with a garlic infused oil.

    There is a study that came out last week that recommends getting your sodium intake at 1500, so I changed my goal on MFP to try and get 1500 or less per day. I have not been successful at that level yet, even on days where I eat NO processed meals.