1/5 of the way there, but look what a difference it makes!

RedheadQuine Posts: 111 Member
Just wanted to encourage those of you who feel that your hard work doesn't show yet... I bet it does! I didn't think I had changed that much, only a couple of people have noticed, however, I can really see now that I have!

Firstly, my old shorts... these are shorts I bought the first time I lost weight, about 10yrs ago. A few weeks ago I had the idea to try them on and take a pic then compare in a few weeks, ad nauseum! It gives me a good visual of my progress. So I had already lost 10lbs+ when I took the first pic. But you can see how far I've come:


Secondly, this is the difference in my face... I was totally shocked when I saw this old pic of me. I was roughly the same weight in this pic in October as I was when I restarted my MFP journey in January.


So to those of you who have a long journey, like I do, hang in there! Every pound counts and will make a difference, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time! You can do it!

Here's to the next fifth!


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