New, could definitely use some motivational friends!

I'm Liz, I'm 5'9'' and I started gaining weight when i worked at a gas station. I didn't even notice it until the regular customers started asking if i was pregnant. i then cut out all junk food. over the year and a half that i worked there, i gained about 30 lbs. I am lucky to have access to a health and wellness program where i was told i am not eating nearly enough, even though i'm not hungry for more. so i am trying to slowly build up my calories while losing weight. And tomorrow i'm going to sign up for a personal trainer, so hopefully that helps too.
Anyone feel free to add me!


  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey, Liz! I'm def a big fan of eating MORE and it's been my experience that you CAN get and stay thin while eating more! Sending FR now :)
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    That's great that you cut out all junk food!

    I'm here to support you, Liz. You're 2 inches taller than me hehe

  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    It was a lot easier than I expected, especially since my husband doesn't need it either so I just don't keep it in the house