Doing Insanity...

I just joined this website hoping I could find a couple of people to help provide feedback on my current intake of calories right now when it comes to insanity. I'm currently on day five of insanity and have actually gained a pound.
5'6.5'' weighing 152 pounds currently. I haven't done any measurements, because I'm not sure where to properly measure.
I can't follow the plan they show on the nutrition guide, because of time issues and what not, but I'm still trying to eat around 4 or 5 times a day, smaller meals with snacking in between.
I feel like since I gained a pound, I must be doing something wrong and have no idea how to continue on. I don't want to just keep trying with insanity if what I'm eating is just not going to help.
Any tips or tricks would be amazing! Thanks.

Edit: At first, I was consuming only 1200 calories for the first couple of days, but I was so exhausted and lacked so much energy for other things that I increased it to 1400.

Edit(2): If someone could go through my diary and help me pick out things I should probably work on, that would help out so immensely!


  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey! I just started insanity last week and I've also gained weight. It's pretty standard for me when I start a new routine even though I've been at this exercising and eating healthy for over a year. It could be the body adjusting by holding on to water to repair damaged muscles, etc. I've already "lost" some of the weight from my gain last week so it's probably just water weight. You are likely experiencing the same thing. It's also great that you've increased your calories as you are going to need the energy to complete insanity. Your body could also be adjusting to this change and that's why you see a gain on the scale. I've done research on Insanity and many people don't see results on the scale in the first few weeks of the program. Looking in the mirror and taking measurements are what will help you to see the transformations taking place with your body. Personally, I take measurements of my neck, chest, waist (at the smallest part), stomach at the navel, hips (at the biggest part), thighs, calves, ankles, arms, forearms, and wrists. You don't have to do them can pick what works for you. I tend to lose inches slowly so seeing minute changes in a lot of places keeps me going. We also have an insanity group on here that started the program April 1st (there are many others on the site). It's okay if you're behind as some people started later. I don't know if you've joined already but if not check us out, we are pretty active and encouraging. Here's the link:

    Edit: just saw your question about your diary. I took a look back a few weeks and I would suggest trying to cut down on the takeout and prepare as much of your food at home as possible. You should also try to incorporate more fruits and veggies. I see you do have a fair amount (carrots, plums, etc). The cleaner the food you eat, the more of it you will be able to eat. As well, they are more nutritious and will provide better fuel for insanity. You will feel the difference...I know I did the one day I had takeout. This ties into my last observation which is try to cut down on the processed food (chips, cookies, etc). I'm not saying you have to get rid of it completely because I don't think you should cut out things you enjoy but limit it. Hope that helps! Seems you are doing a good job getting in the protein so keep it up!

    Best of luck! Keep with it and you'll see the changes soon enough!
  • courtneycee1
    courtneycee1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much for the input and the link to the insanity group :) I just finished with day five (pure cardio) so now I'm feeling extra motivated!