Why are people so discouraging

For one reason or another one day I found myself at 5ft 3.5inches (the half inch matters) and 184 lbs, since which time I’ve lost 30lbs. I’m still overweight according to every chart and calculation and I’m 20lbs heavier than I’ve been most of my life. I’ve done this slowly over a year. Still my friends and family chastise me for watching my diet and regularly exercising implying that I’m wasting away. I really don’t understand this as they were fine with me being a healthy weight 3 years ago so why all the complaining and the discouragement now? Has anyone else experienced this? It's so demoralizing.


  • lindaking47
    I dont know their reasoning for their statements. But you keep up the good work. You know what you are doing is good for you. Im sure you feel A LOT better than you used to. That says something. People dont think before they speak, most od the time. So just smile & say something positive back to them about how great you feel!! As long as you are eating healthy and doing this the right way. I say ignore them, keep it up. Im here for you, add me
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
  • ajschust27
    ajschust27 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like they may be jealous that you are actually doing something positive for yourself. Just ignore them.
  • breezylou2
    breezylou2 Posts: 61 Member
    I find that those people think they are being helpful in saying things like that. Boosting your self-esteem, while, at the same time, trying to sabotage you with a chocolate cake. Ignore them. This is not for them. It is not about them. It is obviously not being done by them. This is all about you and it is all for you. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • gmms57
    gmms57 Posts: 23 Member
    Sometimes when people see you make changes, they try to discourage you because it shines a light on the changes that they need to make, and they don't want to. Also it may be that they feel that you are moving on without them.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    America is fat...America has nary an idea of what a healthy BF% looks like for the most part. if you're not overweight, you're too skinny.
  • error_number_404
    they're just jel cuz they cant stick to a diet lol. people say stuff to me all the time too. i just dont talk about it and dont acknowledge when someone makes a comment so that there's no discussion about it lol.
  • jamiekanellbarry
    jamiekanellbarry Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for responding! I do think there is a lot of sense to what you are all saying. I'm just going to carry on doing what I have been doing. I know it's logical to not let the naysayers get me down but sometimes it's really hard and I whole heartedly thank all of you for lifting my mood and making me feel confidant with my decisions!!:smooched:
  • jamiekanellbarry
    jamiekanellbarry Posts: 4 Member
    You've done great and clearly have an amazing attitude. An inspiration for me to toughen up a little and press on!
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    To throw another possibility out there, maybe they're just concerned? I had a (work) friend once who was pretty thin already, to the point of almost unhealthy. I almost never saw her eat anything. She came in one day with a cup of celery and two grape tomatoes. Apparently this one cup was serving as her food for the day. I asked if she was on a diet. "Yeah, I have to lose another 15 pounds". From what? I don't know where the weight she was trying to lose was hiding. By the time the season was over (winter job), she looked like a poster for an eating disorder. I know that was an extreme example, but since then I've been reluctant to encourage weight loss in folks who already look pretty healthy or thin. It may be people who aren't as encouraging are just worried because they think you already look good and don't want you going too far. Oooor like many have said, they're jealous or just mean etc. The jealousy one is obviously the more likely scenario, but I was just throwing that out there :)
  • HardDon
    HardDon Posts: 204
    misery love company
  • Run_Forever
    Run_Forever Posts: 147 Member
    I've seen this before with other people and every time I think its an issue of jealousy and their own guilt. I think what happens is people see your dedication and it plants this seed of guilt in them that they should be more healthier. Instead of giving you the praise you desrve they go on the defensive and attack. Just ignore them, deep down inside they wish they could do what your doing. You rock, keep it up and don't be discouraged by anyone else. :)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Goal oriented people can be intimidating to wanderers. And everyone on MFP is goal oriented (says so right in most of their sigs).
  • FitToBeKim
    FitToBeKim Posts: 85 Member
    Here recently this has been happening to me.

    At first I was hurt pretty deeply, well really deeply to be honest...... then eventually I got mad !
    Now, I just don't care because I know it is their problem not mine. They are not happy with themselves..... it wasn't about me at all.

    I am doing this the safe way, counting calories and netting a certain amount.
    I have a family that I cook for and they see me eat, and they know I am doing this safely. If I get hungry I EAT !!!
    SO to those haters and jealous people I say.... Screw them !

    As long as you are doing this for the right reasons and in a safe way then honey I am all for it and cheering you on !!!
  • crysta1000
    crysta1000 Posts: 25 Member
    Oh yeah definitely since I was about 12 I grew up and had my entire family poke at me... eww your fat. Oh look at you big legs and arms. Don't eat that or your going to get fat. I'm 5"1.5 and even when I was thin about 120 lbs I would still get picked at. It's so funny how they never seem to notice your weight loss but as soon as you gain a few pounds they have something negative to say. A few months ago I told my cousin I was going to start working out and eating right and her comment was... Well even if you lose weight your body is not meant to be thin so you will never be skinny! Anyway don't ever let anyone discourage you. Keep doing what your doing. :)
  • Jetta1492
    Jetta1492 Posts: 47 Member
    For one reason or another one day I found myself at 5ft 3.5inches (the half inch matters) and 184 lbs, since which time I’ve lost 30lbs. I’m still overweight according to every chart and calculation and I’m 20lbs heavier than I’ve been most of my life. I’ve done this slowly over a year. Still my friends and family chastise me for watching my diet and regularly exercising implying that I’m wasting away. I really don’t understand this as they were fine with me being a healthy weight 3 years ago so why all the complaining and the discouragement now? Has anyone else experienced this? It's so demoralizing.

    I used to be in the overweight range BMI wise. I have lost 43 lbs & am now in the healthy range. I get people saying I have lost too much weight even though I would have to lose quite a bit more to be underweight BMI wise. When I was younger, I was about this weight, and no one ever said I looked too thin...In fact, I think that I was skinnier then, but a lot less defined. I am more muscular now. Yet, I get that I am too thin...I think that people's perceptions of a healthy weight have changed. I watched the original footloose movie recently and thought to myself that the actors look way too thin that it made them appear sickly. But, then I realized that back when the movie came out in 1984, they weren't considered unusually thin....Our perceptions have changed!!
  • jenna808
    jenna808 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm not sure why some people react like that, maybe they are jealous that they choose to not have the discipline you do? And it is very discouraging to feel like your family and friends don't support you! I'm in that boat now, my friends and family make fun of my eating and exercising habits (most of these people are very unhealthy, which is where I get my reasoning from). The way I see it is good for you for taking control of your life and health, because it is YOURS, not theirs. Just keep on rocking it!
  • Mariposa_Lily
    Mariposa_Lily Posts: 38 Member
    I'm just trying to lose a few lbs--I just turned 40, and I'm trying get down to the weight I typically was in my 30s--and just become more fit. I'm discovering that I can't talk about my goals because everyone says I don't need to lose weight, I'm already skinny, etc.

    Then the truth came out at a recent gathering: "I don't know why you're trying to lose weight; you're the smallest person here." Ah ha! Attempting to become healthier, particularly when you're already seem healthy in comparison to those around you makes those people uncomfortable, maybe because it makes them think about themselves critically, something they'd prefer not to do?
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    I'm still living with my parents (college student money saving mode) so I get to hear my dad talking about how I need to eat more all the time. I'm trying to control my diet because my metabolism is slowing down tremendously comparing to high school. I put on weights more easily but my parents refuse to understand it. Everyday I come home from late night class (~9:30 ish) they would left an Asian-size rice bowl with various food on the table and say "we left it for you since you will be tired, etc". That just makes me feel so bad not eating it. But... that totally ruins my diet :( I know they mean well, but ...