Help, starting at the gym tomorrow!?

kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, I just got my gym membership. It took me 3 months to finally take the plunge, but I did it! I am hitting the gym in the morning and while when I was younger I was very serious into it I have not actually stepped foot in one for um...14 years? Wow, ok so I am pretty sure I'm rusty!

I am looking to all that are experienced to tell me what I should start out with, how often I should go at first and any basic tips you may have. I would like to do a good amount of cardio and add in some weight training and am unable to afford a trainer at this time. I have about 2 hours of time that I will eventually work up to and would really like to push myself to get into shape ( I used to be athletic as a teenager and young adult) but don't want to over do it at first. I'd like to know what I should start with and how often.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me, I definitely appreciate it.


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Ok, I just got my gym membership. It took me 3 months to finally take the plunge, but I did it! I am hitting the gym in the morning and while when I was younger I was very serious into it I have not actually stepped foot in one for um...14 years? Wow, ok so I am pretty sure I'm rusty!

    I am looking to all that are experienced to tell me what I should start out with, how often I should go at first and any basic tips you may have. I would like to do a good amount of cardio and add in some weight training and am unable to afford a trainer at this time. I have about 2 hours of time that I will eventually work up to and would really like to push myself to get into shape ( I used to be athletic as a teenager and young adult) but don't want to over do it at first. I'd like to know what I should start with and how often.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me, I definitely appreciate it.
    YAY YOU!
    Most good gyms will do a walk through with you and help you figure out what you would like to do and explain more about the machines so you are at ease with using them and setting them up etc. I'd say ask questions if you need help, when I'm at the gym and see someone looking a bit lost and likely new, I'm more than happy to help them set up a machine they've not used before. :)

    I think you'll enjoy going to the gym, I find it far more motivating, or maybe I should reword that, I AM far more motivated when working out with others that are also working out with healthy/fitness in mind.

    Well enjoy, try not to stress and just remember you're there for YOU, not anyone else Hon :)

  • Congrats on getting a gym membership! That is amazing! I like you use to be a gym rat and am getting back into the groove as well. I decided to take an all or nothing approach. I went for 2 weeks, 5 days a week and did 30 minutes if cardio each day. On the third week I started adding weight machines and exercises to work my whole body. At this time I started working up from the treadmill to the elliptical. I hope this helps!
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    Congratulations on joining! I recently joined the gym myself and we get one 30 min session with a trainer each week. They told me to start with 20 min of cardio on elliptical 3 times a week, they will work me up to 30 min eventually. I will also get info on strength training machines, and I believe the idea will be to do it after cardio as well... they were saying to follow up cardio with strength training.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions. I ended up gonig to the gym this morning and doing 20 mins on the treadmill, 20 mins on the bike, 10 mins on the stairmaster, and 10 mins on the eliptical. I was going to do some strength training but with trying to figure out how each machine worked a wasted a little time so ill have to do that tomorrow. Had a pretty good workout especially for 5am! lol. I was completely exausted though when i got home and had a hard time staying awake until about noon. Im gonna head to bed now since I feel like im gonna pass out lol. Thanks everyone.
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