what am i doing wrong?

I just started mfp a month and a half ago and have been going to Snap fitness, a week ago i started going 2xs/wk to kickboxing i know looking at the scale is pointless so i'm trying to look at how my clothes are fitting. I'm getting soooo discouraged, my clothes feel exactly the same =( I have a very sedentary , over night job but do go work out almost every day after work. I come under my calories if i work out by about 400 during the week on the weekends i change to a "normal" schedule to be with my family and tend to go a little over because i'm awake moving around more. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas why i'm seeing no changes?


  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    People are going to ask you to open your diary so they can help you.
  • tazzie12
    tazzie12 Posts: 3
    how do i do that?
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    settings/diary settings
  • Try switching up your workouts. I was stuck at a plateau for about a month and it was so frustrating. My brother in Law suggested doing 5 reps of a weight that I struggled getting up by the 5th rep. Instead of my usual 8-12 reps at a lighter weight and the weight has started to come down again.
    Try something different that "shocks" your system. See if that works. Your body might just be use to the routine. That goes for the foods you are eating as well.
  • lilibetnix
    lilibetnix Posts: 7 Member
    I think the media makes weight loss seem immediate, but I think sometimes a person's body just needs to adjust. This is strictly my opinion, but I think it's better to focus on how you are feeling. Do you feel like you have more energy? Is it easier to work out? MFP always tells me I should be losing weight, but I stay pretty steady at the same weight. I don't think MFP can be perfect, but it's so great to be aware of eating and being physically active is so great no matter what weight you are.
  • MandyPhoe
    MandyPhoe Posts: 94 Member
    Hey tazzie112, please don't get discouraged and TRUST me, it will get better! I had been on MFP since end of February but I have been on this whole 'healthier me' thing since January. It is discouraging when you don't see results but you will soon enough but it WILL happen.

    Sometimes it takes your body a while to kick things in action. I have been there. I hit a plateau in March after I saw the needle shift to 2 measly kilos from all the hard work I had been doing since Jan. Trust me, I did not handle it well. I was binging and refusing to work out because I was convinced that it was not worth it. I hope you never get into that mindset.

    Perhaps you can start with looking at how much better you feel, physically. Surely with all the working out that you have done, climbing up a flight of stairs is easier, you are stronger and you have more energy. THOSE are signs that your body is changing. Give it a little time and you will see the difference. :)
  • lyninit2winit
    lyninit2winit Posts: 70 Member
    don't get mad stick with it it takes time.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    not eating enough
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    not eating enough

    not nearly enough
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    It's a good thing you opened your diary; but you may not feel that way by tomorrow.
    If you are serious about wanting to lose weight and get healthier, the entries in your diary don't depict the road to that goal.
    I'm sure you are about to get a bunch of wisdom dropped on you.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    not eating enough

    not nearly enough

    for reals. try to meet your calorie goal! No need to starve.
  • you are more valuable than the number on the scale stressing will actually cause you to gain weight and believe me i am struggling myself but i have to say ok that number dont mean a thing it is just a number, also don't weigh everyday and pick a time to weigh and keep that a constant you will weigh less in the morning than you do at night. Portion your food and always eat protein first at each meal as it will help you fill fuller I weighed 409 lbs a year and a half ago i am down to 245 and have hit a stand still but i follow my life change plan and now i can get back to walking again I am sure I will be loosing soon enough. I wish you the best and hope I have been able to help
  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    You've lost 14 lbs in only 1.5 months. You have over 50 lbs to go. Be patient. 14 lbs is a very good amount. Stop worrying.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    not eating enough

    not nearly enough

    for reals. try to meet your calorie goal! No need to starve.

    These two are wise. Very wise.
  • just a suggestion don't skip a meal and try cutting the carbs down instead of two or 11/2 slices of bread try eating one slice. I do Atkins but geared to me and what i can tolerate I rarely eat bread or crackers but i do take vitamins and calcium and b12 I do alot of protein as i stated it will fill you up better, eat healthy snacks like string cheese or a fruit or veg you can make a really great veggie dip with dry ranch mix and plain greek yogurt, but if you are doing a 2000 cal diet then try to hit that without going over but to put your body is starvation mode will only increase activity from fat cells and really cause cravings and blood sugar drops which then you turn to the wrong things to eat . Once again hope I helped
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I just started mfp a month and a half ago and have been going to Snap fitness, a week ago i started going 2xs/wk to kickboxing i know looking at the scale is pointless so i'm trying to look at how my clothes are fitting. I'm getting soooo discouraged, my clothes feel exactly the same =( I have a very sedentary , over night job but do go work out almost every day after work. I come under my calories if i work out by about 400 during the week on the weekends i change to a "normal" schedule to be with my family and tend to go a little over because i'm awake moving around more. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas why i'm seeing no changes?

    The bad news? You're doing something wrong and that's probably why you're not seeing results.

    The good news? It's SUPER easy to fix! And it's FUN! You get to eat more food! YAY FOOD!!!

    Seriously though, your body needs the fuel of food to survive and function properly. You should be eating at or at least close to the amount of calories MFP gives you. And you should be eating back your exercise calories too. And try to eat better meals. Some of your meals look like they're full of empty calories and don't seem to be very filling! To me, a soup and salad is SO much more filling than a bag of chips and they're both around the same amount of calories! Also, don't skip meals! Very bad for you! Why are you skipping lunch so often? Make sure to eat AT LEAST 3 meals daily, but preferably 4-6 smaller meals.

    The system works! Trust us! We've all been losing following this system! Good luck! You can do it!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    eat frequently, meet your calorie goals, and be patient. thats the best advice i can give. it took a month of doing things right and busting my *kitten* to FEEL different, and another month to start looking different, no one really noticed until 3 months in. give it time.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    You're not eating nearly enough. It seems that most days you are netting way under 1200 calories. If I were you, I'd figure out my TDEE and eat 20% less then that number .. Or at least eat above your BMR. I've heard many on these boards say to eat above your BMR & below your TDEE so give that a try. I'd almost bet money that you not eating enough is what's causing you not to lose. Right now your body is probably holding on to every pound of fat for dear life. Good luck & don't give up. You can do this!
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    You're definitely not eating enough -- try to meet your calorie goal or come in close to it, as others have said. Try getting some vegetables into the mix, too! The days I looked at on your diary were very carb heavy, with no veggies or fruits to speak of. If you don't like a lot of veggies and fruits, find some you do like, or find ways to sneak them into other dishes. It really does help.
  • tazzie12
    tazzie12 Posts: 3
    because i work 10 hour overnights ( in a very sedentary job) i sleep in the day time from 11am to about 4pm so thats why there isnt lunch most day. I feel guilty if i eat when i know i'm not gonna be able to 'work it off' and honestly i very seldom feel hungry. but i am going to take your alls advice and try to eat more calories weather i feel like it or not. Thank you to you all for your advice and help and encouragement!!!!!