
Has anyone lost weight through just running and watching their diet?

I am thinking about taking up jogging/running with my sister. She started a couple of weeks ago, and lost a couple of kgs already. I would like to lose 5kgs, and I just want to be fitter and have more energy! I also like the idea of running with headphones for a bit of "me time".

How far did you run and how often to see results (weightloss)?
What has running done for you? eg, changed your body in what way, improved your endurance? etc...

Thanks :drinker:


  • sarahnull07
    sarahnull07 Posts: 18 Member
    bumping for curiosity
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Bumping because I just started running as well so I'd like to see the replies :)
  • StephGettinFit
    StephGettinFit Posts: 43 Member
    Running is awesome for weight loss! It's excellent cardio and great for "me time".. Especially if you are able to run outdoors.

    I used to hate running and now I go on 7 mile runs on the weekend to challenge myself.. Caught the running bug for sure!

    Good luck!
  • Apicius
    Apicius Posts: 61 Member
    I did the C25K program and it has enabled me to stabilise my weight at a lower plateau (about 2kg down). So I haven't noticed a huge weight loss, but overall I feel leaner, much fitter, faster and have more muscles than I used to, all of which is a good thing!

    My heart rate also dropped from around 80bpm to 60bpm. I have never run before and find I can now (after about 6 months) run for 30 minutes, and can sprint faster. I did the whole program, and now run three times a week for 20-30 mins a time.

    I figure I will look a lot better when I finally hit target, but it still looks like diet control is the most successful way of losing weight. I was dissappointed not to see the weight fall off, but I feel better, so would recommend running anyway. It does give a clear headspace, and also more energy for doing other exercise.
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    I am teaching myself to run now! I am still only beginning. This past week I have started to (seriously) watch my diet and keep track by holding myself accountable with mfp. But I have been learning to run for the past 2 months now. I could barely run a minute at first, but now I can run for up to 5 miles.

    Soo...I haven't seen any weight loss yet! But that's because I am only now starting to watch my diet. So, advice; yes, running can get you into great shape! But, you can't eat more just because you're running and "deserve it." Watch your diet, keep track of calories. I hope that I can follow my same advice and start seeing the scale go down. Have fun!
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    I just started C25K today. I'm hoping that along with eating healthier foods, the running will help get me in shape. I'm really looking forward to better stamina!!
  • veganlisa
    veganlisa Posts: 50 Member
    YES! It is working for me-I joined an exercise group and started run/walking & building up my intervals (more running) and distance as well. I started with 2 min walk/30 second run & now am at 30 second walk/2:30 run. I have completed two 5K's recently and have another this weekend. I am still not at the run only stage (but hope to be very soon).
    Until 2 weeks ago, I was run/walking 3 days a week and doing a long dog walk another day. Then 2 weeks ago I committed to working out another day or two during the week doing something different (spin class, elliptical, etc). I'm watching what I eat & how much too!
    If you are running and watching your food, I am sure you will be successful. It's worth a shot!
    BTW-My 'run' is not very fast- just a tad faster than my walk! :) I was a couch potato before though- so improvement!
    It has definately improved my endurance & tolerance for any type of exercise. I also had two people comment on my weight loss today which feels good.
    I started in January and have lost 25 lbs.
  • Birddog6424
    Birddog6424 Posts: 29 Member
    Running is the best calorie burner there is. But there is no way to tell you what kind of weight loss you will experience. Weight loss and fat loss is about diet. Not exercise. You can't out train bad nutrition.

    All I can tell with 100% certainty is that if your diet is dialed in, it is the best caloric consumption/ fat burner you could ask for.
  • Schann7
    Schann7 Posts: 218
    Thanks for all of the replies so far! I think I'm convinced to start running! :bigsmile:

    It sounds very successful!
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member
    Running is one of the best cardio exercises. It's also great at toning legs and glutes when running up hill.

    Running is even better for fat loss when done in intervals (power walk-run-power walk-run etc) in say 5:1 ratio (5 minutes run, 1 minute walk). It's meant to be more effective than just running at the same pace the entire time because your heart rate is going up then down and back up again etc.

    Definitely give it a go! Try and stick with it for at least 3 weeks before you think about giving up as after about 3 weeks it will stop being a "chore" or a work out you have to do, and you'll start loving it!
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    Running is a fantastic way to burn calories however it's important to remember that it's your diet that will mostly dictate your weightloss.

    I haven't personally seen any toning from running, I plan to start lifting soon for this reason.
  • skinnyme444
    Last year when I started running at intervals, I lost 4lbs in a week but that's because I did like no exercise before hand. I have now started to run, can only run 1.5 miles but a few weeks ago I struggled to run 1/2 a mile so i'm builiding it up slowly. You have nothing to lose, set yourself goals and you never know, you may start to love it! Good luck :-D
  • EmilyGMcK
    EmilyGMcK Posts: 37 Member
    Running is poss the best thing I have ever taken up. I am doing 10k Training currently and running around 3 times a week and I am now adding the cross trainer in too!

    I am healthy eat (bar the last week because that was a disaster!) and I have really noticed a difference. I have lost just under 2 stone since Jan!

    Most of all I have noticed a change in my body, when I was this weight before I was a basicly flab. Now my legs are toning up, my arms also.

    I agree with the above ^ Running is deffo good "me time". You can clear your head and think about how much you want to change yourself and discover how hard you can push yourself! Although you can become a bit of a fitness bore :P

    I hope you enjoy running as much as I have! and you see good results!

  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I have lost weight by running and watching what I eat. Anytime you have a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Any form of exercise will help with creating a deficit.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I love running, I have lost around 28 pounds in 3 months all because of running and checking on my food.You need to start really slow and then build up endurance.Also buy nice fitted running shoes else it would lead to injury.Proper form is also important.Stay well hydrated and get going!!!
  • bashomatsuo
    Yes - lots (10kg running 3 times a week - 5k to gym, short gym, 5k back home) and I also (eventually) started to get "runners high" every time.

    Try this:

    For motivation!


  • 7631282
    7631282 Posts: 29 Member
    I to, began with the C25K app on my phone. I had a difficult time running for a full minute the first week. I have now completed the program and beginning it again. Concentrating on my form and time this go round. Since January, I am down 35 pounds. This was by diet and exercise. Do I enjoy running? Am I one of those that misses not getting out there and doing it when I miss a day? NOT YET, but it burns the most calories in the shortest amount of time and I am seeing results, so I keep at it. That in itself is motivating me at this point.

    Give it a go, what have you got to lose, other than weight.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Your main factor for weightloss is calorie deficit - so watching your diet is the key. Adding any exercise is a brilliant idea. Running is my main form of exercise, but I've added in other things I enjoy over time too.

    C25 is great, if you're starting out. And get some decent shoes.
  • anubhavsharma18
    anubhavsharma18 Posts: 63 Member
    I have been running since January 2013 and have lost 16 pounds. I run around 5 miles everyday on average. I run outdoor and not on treadmill as that gets boring. Using Endomondo also helps tracking my run. Having good playlist and listening to songs via headset also keep my mood up while running. A good stretching routine after running keeps Muscle stiffness away for next day and taking protein shake helps in recovery. Also tracking food intake and maintaining calorie deficit of minimum 500 calories a day is helping me achieve my goal.
    It has changed my lifestyle as now i remain active whole day and have more energy. Frequent Migraine pains seems to have gone away.