Calling Ballerinas

Or anybody who used to seriously dance...... I think older ballerinas (dancers) have different weight/body image problems than "normal" people. I'd love to hear from some of you about the challenges you face while trying to stay in shape and getting older.... any new dancer friends out there?


  • DancingDreams1234
    I love dancing, it makes me feel really happy. I'm a beginner though, and I know that many Ballerina's do suffer from eating disorders which is so sad.
  • thereshewrites
    :flowerforyou: I'm a dancer now, and have been for about 14 years now. It's something I hope to persue at least on the side in the future. The reason I'm trying to lose weight is to make my dancing feel a bit more free, but I wanted to do it the healthy way, so I went with MFP.
  • joanith88
    joanith88 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a dancer! I went to college for theatre with a dance minor and graduated in 2011. I started dancing when I was 3 and loved it. When I was around 7 I realized I wasn't blessed with a dancers body :/ I kept dancing till I was about 12 and got sick of the snarky comment and whispers . Worst choice I ever made...when I got to college i started dancing again and love it more mow than ever. But that doesn't make it any easier being the biggest girl in class no matter if your a little kid or in your 20's it's still rough especiallybwhen you're not only the biggest but the only big girl in I use it I'm a great dancer even though I am big and take pride in the fact that I can dance just as well as the ' skinny' dancers. I currently take a tap and ballet class a week because it not only makes me happy but it'd a fun way to incorporate exercise into my week. Now I just need to work on eating bbetter foods and smaller portions an I'll be on the right track