30 Day Shred

I'm looking for fellow 30DS'ers for motivation. I'll be doing Day 6 Lvl 1 tomorrow morning bright and early! :smile: This is my 3rd attempt to complete 30DS and I am very determined to finish this time. Let's help each other out! :happy:


  • FaithRunner29
    FaithRunner29 Posts: 11 Member
    I completed Day 6 Leval 1 today! Its an amazing workout and I am determined to finish it. My goal is be done in 6 weeks, working 5 days a week and 3 weeks at each level. Its such amazing work out and i have already noticed the changes.

    This is what I did to help me track my workouts.
    I printed out April calender and wrote out my work out goals for that day. This way I know what I need to do everyday and what are my rest days. I also feel a sense of accomplishment each day I cross out. Feel free to friend me if you are looking for a virtual workout buddy.

  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    Today was Day 3 for me (level 1). I've never tried before, and it's kicking my butt...literally! Ha! I did a 10K yesterday (only ever done 5Ks before, and on Day 2 of a new workout regime?!?!) and then did 30 day shred several hours later. During 30 day today, my left knee started bothering me and has been ever since. UGH! I'm totally motivated to keep going, just hope my knee will let me. Anyone else take before pics? No one will EVER see mine--unless of course, at the end of this 30 days I've made some AMAZING transformation! We can do it!!!
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm looking for fellow 30DS'ers for motivation. I'll be doing Day 6 Lvl 1 tomorrow morning bright and early! :smile: This is my 3rd attempt to complete 30DS and I am very determined to finish this time. Let's help each other out! :happy:

    I am supposed to be on level 3 and I have done it every day but I didnt give it everything I had because I found level 2 really hard. So instead I added 30 min of cardio to the 30ds and stuck to level 1. I have 7 days left and just started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution today. So for 7 days I have an extreme workout routine which I am looking at as punishment for not giving my 30ds everything I had:)

    You can do it!! It will suck more to quit now after 6 days then it will to complete it:)
    Oh and turn your own tunes on and drown Jillian out!! Makes a huge difference and makes it fun!
  • I finished Level 1 Day 8 today! Starting to notice a difference in my body already!
  • I just finished level 1 day 8. The push ups have gotten easier! I am trying to stay motivated to do the whole thing.
  • three40one
    three40one Posts: 12 Member
    i just finished Level 1 Day 4, honestly i feel like puking. Using MFP to keep me on track. Wish you luck and will check back for everyone's progress and for my own.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm starting tonight with level one. I did it months ago and quit because listening to her say the same things (or any person) over and over gets tiring. I am thinking of it differently now and will have it as a goal to finish and go on to something else. I have to modify certain ones because of my knees hurting but think any exercise to keep your heart rate up will work.
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    I'm starting Level 3 today, and I saw massive improvements with Level 1. I hated Level 2 SO MUCH - I just didn't enjoy it like I enjoyed Level 1. I also had knee problems so had a two day break because it was just too much to continually be hammering my knees. If someone wants to tell me how to upload pictures I have my Day One-Day Ten pictures. My Day Twenty pictures haven't been created yet...
  • helcart01
    helcart01 Posts: 46 Member
    I've just done level 1 day 7. My body hasn't changed one bit yet although I'm giving it all I've got. Someone please tell me its worth continuing!
  • Im 7 days from being done with it! I was doing it 4 days in a row taking a break and then doing another 4 days, but Im just getting over the flu so I'll be starting back on level 3 tomorow. Im going to do level 3 for a full 10 days just because Ive had about a 5 day break since I last did it. I took measurements at day 14 and lost 4 inches from my hip/waist and 3" from my upper thigh AND my wedding dress fit looser so Im excited to see what the results will be when I FINALLY finish. Im going to be starting Jillian's 30 day ripped after i finish the Shred
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I just started day 1 level 1 yesterday, hoping that I see the same amazing results that others have!
  • bas27
    bas27 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm getting ready to do level 2 day 6 today
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    I'm so happy to see all these responses this morning! Lvl 1 Day 6 DONE!!! It sure does get easier everyday!

    I'm going to have to remember to put my own music on, that will help a lot!

    I wanted to take before and after pics, I forgot until Day 4 but better late than never.

    Keep up the great effort everyone!
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    I would say listen to your own music after the first one, I have then gone back after about 5 days to listen to make sure I am doing everything correctly. I have just completed L2D7 - level 2 isnt my favourite, looking forward to what level 3 has in store. I do it every morning before I do anything and I have carried on playing squash and running a couple of times a week. Keep at it and you will notice your fitness improving no end - I can actually do a complete press up - I have NEVER been able to do one before! xx
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    I'm getting really scared for lvl 2 since everyone says it's hard! LOL

    I'm beginning with my C25K as well as this and go for walks with my kids too (not that it's any pace to burn calories with a 3 y/o in tow...lol). I've been feeling soooo good!!! But soooooo hungry. Anyone else? I feel like I can't get enough food in my tummy!
  • I just started day 1 level 1 yesterday and im determined to go til the end....if my change is dramatic i'll upload before and after pics :D
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    I'm getting really scared for lvl 2 since everyone says it's hard! LOL

    I'm beginning with my C25K as well as this and go for walks with my kids too (not that it's any pace to burn calories with a 3 y/o in tow...lol). I've been feeling soooo good!!! But soooooo hungry. Anyone else? I feel like I can't get enough food in my tummy!

    Dont get scared - its just different moves, I do enjoy parts more than I thought, as i can actually do moves now, I didnt think I would be able to do before :) xx
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    BTW everyone, feel free to friend me too! I'm in need of accountability, lots of it! :smile:
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Just finished day 1 , level one. Had to really modify squats, knees hurt, but rest was okay...I love the punches...gets out the stress. : )
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    I just did level 2 day 1 today. I definitely felt it lol. I've tried 30 ds in the past but never got further than day 7, so I am proud of myself!