eating breakfast



  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    I have only been counting calories for a month or so now and am still figuring out what works best for my body but here is my breakfast schedule.

    For me I tend to eat breakfast from Monday to Friday - roughly 500kcal and try not to eat anything between then and lunch. I haven't quite figured out what works better for me and haven't really thought about it to be honest until reading this post. I don't know whether a high protein, high fat or high carb breakfast (my breakfast can vary considerably) is best for me but I will have to spend some time figuring out what my body prefers because I do occasionally crave morning tea. When this happens I find some high protein high jaw movement beef jerky helps. Just 30g of jerky is a surprisingly decent snack and usually gives me about 15g of protein for only 100kcal.

    On weekends I tend to have a large meal (800kcal) at around 10-11 unless I am doing something that prevents this. I find that doing this I don't really crave a lot of food all day and might have a snack or sometimes just a protein shake (2-300kcal) in the afternoon before having dinner and potentially a drink or three. I have found this allows me a few beers or wines on the weekend, especially on Saturday night...
  • IFlover90
    IFlover90 Posts: 62
    I don't eat my "breakfast" until 2pm.
  • douglass1987
    douglass1987 Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone is different so do what your body tells you. On days I am working I will have a 200 cal breakfast on my first break at work around 10am. I am not hungry before then so no point even bothering. 200 cal tends to be either a bowl of porrige or a slice of toast with some beans or scrambled egg.

    However on days off I tend to have no urge for breakfast and just add that 200 calories to my lunch.
  • Ben_1960
    Ben_1960 Posts: 97 Member
    I always do my first session of training in a morning and start between 8 and 10 am. I do this because nearly all the races I intend to enter this summer and autumn start between these times.

    I could not train for 1-2 hours without my daily bowl of porridge with half a banana, strawberry and raspberry.

    For me its the opposite as eating a "slow release" food like this keeps me hunger free until I take lunch. I reckon without doing this I would have caved in craving for food in the early weeks.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    I work nights so breakfast is a relative term - but I do find have protein and fiber as my first meal keeps me full longer

    I'm shooting for a fiber bar and protein shake as my first meal - after I work eat and my morning workout to help keep me full until lunch
  • LibbyCaramia
    LibbyCaramia Posts: 69 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast and didn't really notice any side effects from it.
    Now that I do eat breakfast, I find on the days I miss it for whatever reason, I crash at around 3pm and have no energy left for the rest of the day. So I try to have something with good protein/carbs every morning! :)
  • suziq2708
    suziq2708 Posts: 14
    Hi all

    The general wisdom is that you should eat breakfast. If I do eat breakfast, I find I am ravenous all day and eat over my allowance for the day. So generally now I don't eat until mid morning (10.30ish). I usually only have a latte (with light soy milk) in the morning and that seems to keep me going for a while.

    What do you think? Should I be eating breakfast?

    ditto! I'm pretty much the same and so try to last out as late as possible before eating anything. Contrary to what the text books tell us, I actually don't think it makes any difference what time of day you eat, being a night worker also I do have to switch about a lot with my eating times anyway and it's not stopped me achieving major weight loss. Just getting back in to it to lose the stone I've regained that I'm struggling with :blushing:
  • photojunkie28
    How hungry you are due to eating breakfast can depend on WHAT you eat for breakfast as well. If you eat crap of course it wont be satisfying, but if you eat a good balance of protein, carbs and fat then it should hold you until it is appropriate for your body to eat again.

    Not eating breakfast because you are trying to avoid the "hunger signal" is not a good thing. When your body is telling you that it's hungry you should feed it! I won't go into depth about the "if-nots" and many other things to be said, but so long as you eat clean and healthy you can pretty much bet you will be satisfied and stop eating before your calorie goal is met, thus creating weight loss AND a happy fully fueled body.
  • MadisonLeo
    BREAKFAST is the MOST Important meal of the day! Well, it is if you don't want to eventually stall your metabolism by skipping. You are ravenous because that first meal revs your metabolism. I agree with protein for breakfast. This will help to keep you fuller until lunch. You also need to snack. It doesn't have to be a high calorie snack - low fat yogurt, a handful of Almonds or Trail Mix, A piece of fruit...all low calorie and will help curb any hunger you get between breakfast and lunch.

    You also need to be exercising. This will help you to earn back calories if you go over. I would not recommend skipping breakfast. Also, before you eat, drink 8-16 ounces of water. Another great way to rev your metabolism while making yourself feel fuller once you do eat breakfast.
  • Soxgirl97
    Soxgirl97 Posts: 44 Member
    I eat breakfast around 9:00. I eat 6 tbs of eggbeaters and a slice of cheese on a toasted English muffin. It's low in calories but usually keeps me satisfied until lunch. If I need a morning snack I'll have yogurt.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Breakfast is a choice based on what works for you. Some find that if they eat breakfast they are hungry ALL day - there's an interesting article on Lean Gains that explains this People like this may find that skipping breakfast will actually help them be more successful on their journey.

    For me personally, I find that if I do NOT eat breakfast I am constantly grazing on junk until lunch time. My boyfriend is one of the people who just CAN'T eat anything until at least 3 - 4 hours after waking up or he becomes physically ill.

    There are people here who have lost significant weight by eating and also by NOT eating breakfast so you can't really say that it is a 100% requirement.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    If I have a stereotypical breakfast of 'breakfast food" (cereal, toast) - I'm hungry again far too quickly.

    I figured out that if I have a breakfast that is high in protein and fat, it tides me through until lunch or beyond. A serving of cottage cheese (full-fat) keeps my morning nice and stable. Without it, I get too hungry by lunch, and don't feel so well. With it, I can often power through until midafternoon if I'm too busy to eat a real lunch.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    If I have a stereotypical breakfast of 'breakfast food" (cereal, toast) - I'm hungry again far too quickly.

    I figured out that if I have a breakfast that is high in protein and fat, it tides me through until lunch or beyond. A serving of cottage cheese (full-fat) keeps my morning nice and stable. Without it, I get too hungry by lunch, and don't feel so well. With it, I can often power through until midafternoon if I'm too busy to eat a real lunch.


    Any complex carbs or grains with breakfast and I'm starving all day

    Avocado and cottage cheese is new favorite thing. I work out before work so I have this right after my workout and I feel full all day

    Took me awhile to figure out what was right for me , you gotta experiment til something sticks
  • mgore0404
    mgore0404 Posts: 65 Member
    Well you know the old saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My nutritionist has told me to just at least eat a hard boiled egg, and maybe a yogurt. ( I hate breakfast) Also it doesn't have to be "Breakfast food" I have had leftover chicken in the morning from the dinner the night before.
    But also I find that if I don't eat Breakfast I don't hit my calorie mark, I actually have a hard time eating all my calories, but that will probably change as I keep loosing weight.
    Good luck to you ! :smile: