Hello guys

Ok, so idk about all of this. I am 23 years old and at 351 lbs I am looking to lose down to 200 eventually, a weight I have not seen since 8th grade! I have lost weight successfully in the past as I was previously up to 390 but I have been plateaued at 350 for so long that I went off of my diet and exercise routine. I am currently trying to get back into the swing of things being back in the gym for almost two weeks now I just have to try to get more nutrient dense calories throughout the day. Anyway, I am looking for support and was hoping you guys could help.


  • IMD918
    IMD918 Posts: 49
    Motivation is going to be the most important thing. You don't have to absolutely kill yourself every time you go to the gym. What matters most is that you go consistently. The days that you're tired, and thinking it would be so much easier just to stay home and veg, but you go to the gym anyway, those are the days that you win the battle.
  • JonnaM0916
    JonnaM0916 Posts: 113
    Hello there, You've got this just keep up the good work!
  • alwayswinter303
    Good Luck!!
  • michellebutler73345
    michellebutler73345 Posts: 44 Member
    keep up the good work , to stop now will make all your hard work so far a waste so keep going , motivation is the key !!
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    Great job getting back tot he gym.
  • irish_angel
    Welcome! Sometimes just reaching small goals every day is huge, like just taking the dog for a walk. No its not a huge workout but your still being active and that's what counts. Feel free to add me for more support
    yes, getting off the diet happens to normal people. I weight 368 pounds and growing. 4 1/2 years ago working at the ymca , slowly but steady to prevent burn out. today I am at 274 pounds. eating less and exercise. I think eating less is the important issue and little more healthier eating habits. good luck and do not give up.
  • Beachbody4life
    You can do this!! Just so you know, It takes 21 days for something to become a habit. So eat well and work out for 21 days then it won't seem like such a struggle. Get a friend to do it with you or a parent. Working on being health with friends is a great deal easier than by yourself because the group keeps each other motivated and on track. Add me if you want to.
  • Leonardo_Gosh
    Ok, so idk about all of this. I am 23 years old and at 351 lbs I am looking to lose down to 200 eventually, a weight I have not seen since 8th grade! I have lost weight successfully in the past as I was previously up to 390 but I have been plateaued at 350 for so long that I went off of my diet and exercise routine. I am currently trying to get back into the swing of things being back in the gym for almost two weeks now I just have to try to get more nutrient dense calories throughout the day. Anyway, I am looking for support and was hoping you guys could help.

    Good to hear that ur ready for a change !! The highest i have been is 250 that was last year !! Then i started counting calories and exercising everyday !! and now i am 198 lbs !! Which is a perfect weight according to my height which is 6'3 !! but i've still 8-10 lbs to go !! but as it says that u r 300 + which is dangerous !! My advice would be to start immediately before u put on more weight !! Just count calories like if i need 3000 cals to maintain weight and if i want to lose weight then i would decrease 500 cals each day to lose 1 pound a week which is 3500 calories and if i also burn 500 cals everyday that could be 2 pounds !! really is it that simple ?? yes ,decrease cals and workout !! limit the junk food and focus more on healthy stuff !! The weight will come off !!

    Good luck !!