Starting over

Hey all! I have been a member of MFP for about a year now and for a while I did really well on it, but then I majorly slacked with it and at first I was fine but slowly I got back into my old ways and gained almost all of what I had lost back. Tired of the yo-yo and finally back into th mentality of wanting to be healthy I am starting over. I couldn't pick up from where I had left off so I deleted my old account and created a new one. A fresh new account for a fresh new start! Since I am starting over new and know I can't do this alone/without people to help hold me accountable and give me support (of which I will do for others!) I am looking for some new friends on here.

Good luck to you all on your journeys :)


  • brainfreeze411
    brainfreeze411 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome back. I'm just beginning this journey and am looking for some friends to help push me along. Feel free to add me. I know together we can all reach our goals and stay there.
  • Heather032190
    Heather032190 Posts: 138 Member
    I am happy for you! And wish you luck on keeping up good work, you can do this. We can do this together :)
  • carolynH5
    carolynH5 Posts: 6 Member
    You said what I've been thinking. I did really well at first and then fell off the wagon. back on now and looking forward to dropping some more weight before swim suit season. Good luck!
  • Islandaze
    Islandaze Posts: 1 Member
    I too am starting over today. I am also a Yo Yo dieter and today am trying to break that habit and tam going to stay focused and get this weight off. Good Luck to you!!!
  • bitterbrownie
    good luck! i'm sure you can do it, especially if you've done it before :) i did that when on maintenance after losing and the second struggle is SO hard haha, good luck!! x