Have been eating too little, now what?

Just worked out my BMR & TDEE and I've been eating about 400 cals too little (been eating less than my BMR). According to the advice on here, I should up my intake by 200 cals first for a week and not right up the full amount I should be eating. Is that right? I'm a little nervous about increasing my intake too much because I seem to gain weight so easily.

Would appreciate your advice.
My stats FYI
age 42
gender female
height 164cm
current weight 82kg


  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    I have this same problem! I went to see a nutritionist (its free for military spouses) and he told me to SLOWLY increase so you don't get sick. he told me to eat a light breakfast like yogurt (i don't usually east in the am) and to add in a snack between breakfast and lunch. so maybe try to apply the same idea to whenever you're numbers are low.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Increase gradually. It can be scary at first but just realize that you need to give it time. You're likely to put on a little water weight when you first increase them, but that should level out.