Best way to strengthen lower back?



  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
  • jamantha
    jamantha Posts: 118 Member
    I would really really recommend some pilates. I used to have such trouble and then I got a copy of Body Control The Pilates Way with Lynne Robinson, and did the 20 minutes intro every morning and wow, things got so much better! It's really gentle, and no problems with not being able to do it, even if you're out of shape. I used to do it 1st thing, and as it's all laid down on the floor it didn't feel like hard work at the time so was a gentle start to the day, but it still did the job! At that time I had a job where once a month I had to load a couple of heavy boxes into my car and drive off to different places, unload the kit, do some work, load it all back again and take it back to unload at the office. I knew that would make my back sore, so would plan my social life not to be doing anything on the evening after one of those days, and to have an easy day the following day too. After a few months of pilates, I had to do a day which involved the intial load up of kit into the car, then THREE visits, each with an unload and reload, and then the final unload at the office. On previous form that would have have me hardly able to move - but I did it with no problem, no pain, and was still able to go out that night!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Don't push it on the treadmill if it is causing your back pain. Walk till it starts to hurt and then stop.

    I had lower back surgery many years ago. For years after just standing any length of time would cause it to ache and then hurt. That stopped when I started eating low carb, even before the weight started to come off. Low carb diets eliminate excess water weight and reduces inflammation. Just a suggestion to try.

    Other recommendations: Check your shoes. Make sure they have good support. Strength training: Weights and weight machines are better for you right now than aerobic exercises.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Core work...
  • Daresie
    Daresie Posts: 41 Member
    I feel for your back pain! My lower back sometimes flares up badly when I am walking - whether treadmill or on the street (rarely when using the elliptical). I have found that stopping and doing some deep squats seems to release those low-back muscles. For me, just a few seconds - maybe 1/2 minutes of stretching/squatting really helps and I am good to go again. If you are on the treadmill, you might pause it and hold the sides for support. My PT also has me use the treadmill backwards VERY SLOWLY for a couple of minutes as well as sideways. These all strengthen those muscles and seem to help me a lot.

    I hope you find something that will help you relieve the pain. Just remember to take it slow and easy. Let your body be your guide. Good luck!!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    deadlifting is probably one of the best exercises available to strengthen the lower back.

    Also superman's are great for lower back strength

    This! If you have any range of motion issues you might try the "Seated Hyperextension"... it's a machine with a pad across your back and you lean back against to contract the lower back muscles.