6 Breakfasts that crush cravings

I found this article this morning and thought I would share it. What are your best go-to recipes to keep you full?


6 Breakfasts That Crush Cravings (the page has the link to the recipes)


Healthy Eating April 5, 2013 | Leave a Comment
If you feel hungry all the time, your morning meal (or lack thereof) could be to blame: Eating a protein-rich breakfast may help control appetite and curb the urge to snack in the evening, according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The research, conducted at the University of Missouri-Columbia, included 20 overweight or obese females aged 18 to 20 who normally skipped breakfast. Participants rotated through three different groups: a group that ate a 350-calorie cereal breakfast that contained 13 grams of protein, a group that ate a 350-calorie breakfast made of eggs and lean beef that contained 35 grams of protein, and a group that skipped breakfast. After six days of following an assigned eating pattern, the women went through a day of testing, during which they provided blood samples, answered questionnaires about their hunger/satiety level, underwent brain scans, and were offered a variety of post-dinner snacks. Researchers gave participants a week off between each phase of the experiment.

PLUS: Decode Your Food Cravings

After having a protein-packed breakfast, participants reported feeling less hungry and ate fewer indulgent snacks after dinner. What’s more, the brains of people who had eaten a protein-rich meal in the a.m. showed less activity in response to images of food later in the day. “Eating a high-protein breakfast stimulates the secretion of a very potent satiety signal (the gut hormone Peptide YY), leading to increased fullness,” says Heather Leidy, PhD, lead author of the study. “These responses appear to last throughout the morning hours and into the afternoon/evening.”

Even if you’re not big on meat, you can still reap the hunger-busting benefits of eating a high-protein breakfast, Leidy says. Just try to incorporate plain Greek yogurt, nuts, cottage cheese, or soy-based meat substitutes into your a.m. meal. Not a breakfast person? These tasty protein-packed options will change your mind:

Yogurt and Berry Parfaits
29g protein

Smoked Turkey Hash
36.3 g protein

Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon, Asparagus, and Goat Cheese
33.9g protein

Fruit-Filled Protein Shake
50.6g protein

Protein Cottage Cheese
35.2g protein

Banana Protein Pancakes
27g protein


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Ger ready for the onlought of people who will tell you that eating breakfast isn't important.

    I've found that eating breakfast does keep me being so hungry at lunch and I do think it's helped me to lose weight because of that, but I'm not so sure about it keeping me from feeling hungry into the evening. But then I'm only getting 6-10 grams pof protein for breakfast. Interesting...

    It's also interesting that MFP has my goal set at 85 grams/day, and this is saying I should eat almost half of that for breakfast. Also, I've heard (on this site) that people should be eating .5-1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. That would be a LOT of protein for me! (although getting less and less!).
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    I agree with protein rich breakfast. I usually try to do 300-400 calorie breakfast. I know many people will say WHAT...but I start my day with 45 min - 1 hr on treadmill before eating anything. I then eat my breakfast, I'm refueled and have already burned most if not all of what I just ate. It works for me. I also feel less hungry. This is also the time of day I feel least guilty of eating carbs. They absorb better when eaten with protein and they are usually high in fiber so that helps keeping the full feeling.

    It won't work for everybody but it works for me.
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    Oatmeal with chocolate protein powder -- healthy but it tastes like a treat!
  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    I have noticed this myself to be true in years of trying to stay healthy.
  • itsHealthy
    itsHealthy Posts: 119 Member
    Agreed!!! thanks for the link!

    I used to skip breakfast in college and realized I was hungry all day.
    Eating a healthy- protein rich breakfast is a great way to start your day!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm the type of person who if i eat breakfast, it leaves me hungry all day and i just can't stop eating, so i tend not to. However, sometimes i do wake up hungry in the mornings, but because i don't usually eat that early then it makes me feel guilty, and i tend try and ignore the hunger, which just leads to me stuffing my face later. But these recipes will be perfect, thanks for sharing!