changing your mind set to love your self

I've been seeing a lot of posts lately that show the OP is seriously lacking in self love. Whatever our goals are, we need to love our self for what we can do now, and what we have potential to do. What have you done in the past, or doing now to improve how you think about yourself?

1. The biggest change for me was to realize how strong I might be when I was doing my 1 rep max for an exercise.
I still don't really know how strong I am, because I'm still very new to heavy lifting, but that changed my attitude more than anything.

2. Listening to a podcast to help with the mental process of losing weight. I don't have many of the issues that others have with food, but it helped me to relearn eating intuitively again. This doesn't always mean I actually do that, but knowledge is power.

There is no magic number. it's not, oh at this weight or BF% i'll date again, or be happy, or do whatever it is you want to do with your life. If you don't have some self acceptance now, and along the way, you won't when you reach the end either, if you even make it, or make it to maintenance. without doing the mental work, you'll just gain it all back or more. I've been there.
Work on really changing how you think about your choices, your body, your food as fuel, as much as possible.


  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    You are so right. I think the biggest challenge with weight loss is learning to love yourself. Still a struggle but I have great support which makes it easier everyday.
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    Totally agree. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • betho217
    betho217 Posts: 50 Member
    Can you give us the name of that podcast? This is an area that I need help with. I still see the "old me" in the mirror:ohwell:
  • FettsLady
    FettsLady Posts: 82 Member
    Very true! The correct mindset is the cornerstone for success :)
  • shortxtina
    shortxtina Posts: 9 Member
    Great post! I totally agree...
  • Matholo425
    Matholo425 Posts: 45 Member
    im strugling with self aceptance and its so hard,i cant even look myself in the mirror.thanx 4 ur input
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I didn't list it in the OP, because I didn't want it to come off like I'm advertising for them or spamming or anything. Those of you that are on here regularly, know me, and I'm not like that. It's called Inside out weight loss. you can find it on Itunes, but years ago when I listened to it, I listened to it for free on personal life media they have a bunch of different pod casts.
    just google inside out weightloss, it's like the second link. you can listen right on your computer, prob. on your phone too. It's not meant to be done while you're losing. if this is more than just tweaking something here or there, you really need to try to stay at maintenance for awhile. not trying so hard to lose. not everyone can do intuitive eating, which is a big part of what she talks about, but knowing about it may help, and she covers other topics too. During this maintenance period you still take care of yourself trying to make healthy choices, exercising, but doing your mental homework she gives, and trying to make progress mentally. it's not going to matter how much you lose, if 2 months or a year from now you're right back at square one, because you binged until you gained it all back or more. find out why, what is behind your issue, attempt to resolve it.
    hopefully, you can, and when you lose the weight you can do it in a healthy way with a healthy lifestyle. or whatever your goal is, to be more muscular, or to gain during a bulk. there is a reason you feel you must restrict yourself, or that you are too lenient.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    bumping for more discussion
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Hear, hear...I just posted something about internal voices yesterday for my friends.
    Remember that your body hears everything your mind says. So stay positive, even in critiquing the faults you see in yourself. Own the imperfections you can't change, and change the imperfections you can. And remember, although we need to be in this moment to make the best choices we can, the choices we make now are really part of a life long choice we are striving to make to be healhtier overall. This is not all or nothing! Have an awesometastic day!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I just read an interesting article in "Whole Brain" magazine about affirmations to be happier. They don't work! They said instead, to start paying attention to what it is you need within yourself, so in the case of self love, you would take 10 minutes a day and "notice" all the things that are self loving. So you would say "I see the curtains full of love" I see the flowers full of love, etc. and pretty soon you start to see things like that - including YOU.

    Made sense to me!