Quick weight loss tips?!

Hi guys, im new to this board
Im just wondering of any quick ways or tips you know of that can help me shed the pounds fast, without going out and buying any equipment.
I know the more sceptical people say its not healthy to lose too much too quick. but i struggle to keep weight off

I use the gym at work, but im not too sure of the best exercise to get rid of those 'love handles' & 'man boobs'
Im also just going to start Insanity again

I try to eat healthy, but i like a drink at weekends too, i wont hide that, so wondered of the lowest cal alcohol to drink

In currently 171lb and my target is 150lb

Any suggestions welcome


  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Since you have only 20 pounds to lose, you should have just 0.5 pound weight loss per week.

    The slower it comes off, the easier it will be to keep it off!

    Please trust folks on this. If you want it to burn off fast, you might be successful initially, but it WILL come back on quickly as well.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Lots of people will tell you that you didn't gain the weight overnight, and it's not going to come off overnight either. Additionally, most "quick" weight loss is a result of water loss or loss of lean muscle.

    You don't have too much to lose, so your losses won't be as much as they would be for someone with a lot more to lose.

    I would suggest figuring out your TDEE (go here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937709-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0 for loads of great info) and setting your daily calorie allowance for around 15% less of that number.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I know the more sceptical people say its not healthy to lose too much too quick. but i struggle to keep weight off

    It is healthier and easier to maintain lost weight if it is done gradually. If it's hard for you to keep it off then doing it in that way will better allow you to overcome that obstacle. I would recommend calculating your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) on this site: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ and eat 20% below the number of calories it gives you and try to eat a lot of vegetables to give your body proper nutrition.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Here's this...Tip on Quick Weight Loss: If it's quick, it usually will come right back.

    Sorry. Quick fixes are usually things like fasting...juice fasts...diuretics......very restrictive diets

    Not long-term solutions...nearly impossible to maintain.
  • hally8
    hally8 Posts: 5
    Thanks guys
    The only reason i say i was trying to lose it quick is my up-coming wedding in 8 weeks, and as you can imagine, i have lots of social gatherings leading upto this...so not ideal for trying to lose it as planned!

    I have cut out snacking between meals, and i am trying 45 minutes either on the treadmill or cross trainer at the gym each morning during the week. It doesn't help that im a fussy eater, but try my best, any recomendations to get it off.
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    Hi guys, im new to this board
    Im just wondering of any quick ways or tips you know of that can help me shed the pounds fast, without going out and buying any equipment.
    I know the more sceptical people say its not healthy to lose too much too quick. but i struggle to keep weight off

    I use the gym at work, but im not too sure of the best exercise to get rid of those 'love handles' & 'man boobs'
    Im also just going to start Insanity again

    I try to eat healthy, but i like a drink at weekends too, i wont hide that, so wondered of the lowest cal alcohol to drink

    In currently 171lb and my target is 150lb

    Any suggestions welcome

    I'm not comfortable giving fast-fix weight loss tips, but to work on your love handles, you can work on your obliques to firm up that area. And as far as alcohol, my favorite is Guinness - it's only around 120 cals for 12oz. (similar to a light beer) and it's delicious and filling :drinker:
    Or red wine is always a good one.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    When it comes to "man boobs" and "love handles" there is nothing you can do that will make your body target those spots, you just have to pray that you are one of the lucky ones that it happens to come off in the areas you want it to. You can tone those areas to give the illusion of fat loss there though. Push ups and bench presses for the chest and sit ups and core exercises for the abs and obliques to work the mid-section.

    There are plenty of people on here who drink and lose weight, just make sure you are logging it and stuff. Struggling to keep weight off is usually a link to slacking off period. People for some reason hit a number on the scale, think "I can relax and not exercise as much,etc.." So then it becomes a snow ball effect. First they stop exercising, then they stop logging and finally they end up back in the same boat that they tried so hard to get out of.

    So my biggest tip would be to not stop when you hit one goal. Get to the goal then set another one to keep you going.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I have cut out snacking between meals, and i am trying 45 minutes either on the treadmill or cross trainer at the gym each morning during the week. It doesn't help that im a fussy eater, but try my best, any recomendations to get it off.

    If you're not doing so already (as I said) figure out your daily calories with a deficit. If it goes in your mouth, it goes in your diary - that's the only way to really know what you're eating. Hydrate. Exercise.
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    My weight dropped fastest when I was running. I think the long term solution is a combination of diet and exercise but if you put in some road work now, (and keep on a mild calorie deficit) you should see some "quick losses"

    Drinking is not a big deal if you fit it into your calories and can keep from snacking when you drink. I never quit drinking and I lost my weight on schedule. Although I planned out when I was going to drink and modified my daily intake ahead of time to make it fit.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    You can work out all you want, but the weight won't drop if your intake is greater than your expenditure - those drinks could be killing your chances of weight loss if you're going overboard.

    Focus on logging and tracking your intake, and eating at a moderate deficit to lose 0.5-1 lb/week, and keep up with your exercise.

    Make sure you're doing strength training which will help you retain muscle as you lose fat - you'll look better even if you don't drop all the weight you want in that short period of time. (And yeah, it is a short period of time, so your goal of 20 lbs in 8 weeks is pretty unrealistic, sorry).
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    Stomach flu. I've lost 5 pounds in about 5 days.
  • hally8
    hally8 Posts: 5
    Thats exactly right, i maybe did take my foot off the pedal at the start of the year, and recently seem to be just putting the weight on. like i say, iv recently started again with the gym and Insanity work...lets hope this helps me!

    I work nightshift so i dont drink during the week, its just a saturday night il drink and have a takeaway....as i treat really. Living in england we don't have light beers readily available, only in the supermarkets, not really in the pubs

    Iv set up a log of what im eating as from yesterday, is there a way of working out what food has what caleries on here?? like i say im new to it all, so i dont have a clue where to look etc

    Thanks again for your advice guys
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thats exactly right, i maybe did take my foot off the pedal at the start of the year, and recently seem to be just putting the weight on. like i say, iv recently started again with the gym and Insanity work...lets hope this helps me!

    I work nightshift so i dont drink during the week, its just a saturday night il drink and have a takeaway....as i treat really. Living in england we don't have light beers readily available, only in the supermarkets, not really in the pubs

    Iv set up a log of what im eating as from yesterday, is there a way of working out what food has what caleries on here?? like i say im new to it all, so i dont have a clue where to look etc

    Thanks again for your advice guys

    There's nothing wrong with drinks and treats - I enjoy both too! You just need to be aware of how many calories are in them so you can keep track of things.

    On the top of the page you'll see a tab that says "Food". It'll open a food diary for the day. You click on "add food", type a search term into the search engine, find the item you want in the database, and add the appropriate amount. This takes a bit of effort to do properly - you'll need to know the portion sizes of what you're eating (i.e. the weight ideally, if not then at least a cup measurement). Log everything - it all counts! Make sure you've set up your account to lose 0.5 or 1 lb/week - the "goal" intake you need to hit every day will show up on your food diary. (ETA: it'll also show goals for carbs, fat and protein. The latter two are generally pretty low estimates, don't be afraid to go over on those, especially protein).

    Also, note that there's an "exercise" tab. You add your exercise the same way as your food, basically (search, add amount of time, and add the calories burned if you have a heart rate monitor). When you burn exercise calories, the system will adjust your daily intake accordingly - you'll eat more on your exercise days.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Add strength training to your routine.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Log everything you eat. It really helps keep you accountable.
  • hally8
    hally8 Posts: 5
    Does it help cutting the carbs out?? and going for more protein?? or is that a myth
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Does it help cutting the carbs out?? and going for more protein?? or is that a myth

    Personally I don't think there's a need to cut carbs unless you have some kind of sensitivity or medical condition that might necessitate it, and I wouldn't eliminate any particular food group unless you think it will be sustainable for the long run. Also, I can't work out worth a damn with no carbs in my system. I'm sure you'll get other opinions on this though. The protein is important though, and the setting on MFP are pretty low. I'd aim for at least 1g protein/lb lean body mass (you can use online calculators to figure this out for your current weight). Focus on hitting that, let the carbs fall where they may afterwards.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Sorry, but it's not like weddings sneak up on you...why did you wait until just 2 months before your wedding?
  • hally8
    hally8 Posts: 5
    I agree, it hasn't just snook up on me...
    But it is also hard trying to keep weight off with all the social events leading upto the wedding, thats not an excuse, just reality.

    Im not trying to lose the 20lb in the 8 weeks left, that was my target weight to get to by the end of the year, i was just after some tips off people who are used to healthy living and eating to get some of it off sooner...but that doesn't sound a good idea by most on here so i appriciate their advice and will carry on with the daily exercise and see how it goes

    Again....thanks for your positive help
  • TRMite
    TRMite Posts: 60 Member
    Low cal drinks: liquor such as gin or vodka mixed in soda water. Squeeze of lime instead of using 7-up or triple sec.

    Wine and dark beer have some health properties so if you are going to booze they are a better choice than others.

    Enter something before you order it to let that help you decide if you really want to order it!