Why do people listen to Dr. Oz?



  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Because Oprah told people to.

    yup. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    Yep, Oprah.

    He did a series of shows a while back called "The Truth About Food" that were pretty interesting. The show involved real doctors and scientists, and experiments that seemed legit. Other than that, I don't think he offers much. People used to listen to Dr. Phil, too. o.O
  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    When I was home on maternity leave, I watched a lot of daytime tv. I watched Dr Oz almost every day. By being a consistant viewer I found out that he would tell you to eat something for your health one week and the next week would tell you to cut that food out of your diet. He would say that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day would help regulate your blood pressure but then a week later would say stop drinking coffee and switch to herbal teas. Now anything he says I don't believe because he'll probably contradict himself within a week.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Yep, Oprah.

    He did a series of shows a while back called "The Truth About Food" that were pretty interesting. The show involved real doctors and scientists, and experiments that seemed legit. Other than that, I don't think he offers much. People used to listen to Dr. Phil, too. o.O

    I know-that's even more scary. He's become like Jerry Springer. LoL
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    people listen to Dr Oz because Oprah.

    I think he's misleading people, and ought to be ashamed of himself.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Ignorance + desperation = easy pickings for snake oil salesmen

    ***edited because spelling is lame
  • IFlover90
    IFlover90 Posts: 62
    Why not? I love watching dr. Oz :)
  • hollykelc
    hollykelc Posts: 1 Member
    His credentials are impressive. He's a professor in the department of surgery at Columbia and directs the cardiovascular institute and complementary medicine program at New York Presbyterian, in addition to his television career. Authored research papers, medical books etc. The New York Times called him "one of the most accomplished cardiothoracic surgeons of his generation." After graduating from Harvard, he completed his MD and an MBA in three years instead of the usual five it should have taken. He still practices medicine and performs surgery. His initial foray into television was to help people understand that small changes to their lifestyle would help them avoid meeting him later on the operating table. Admittedly, I don't watch Dr. Oz and have never actually seen him on Oprah. I don't live under a rock so when I saw an article on him, I read it and was kind of shocked at his accomplishments.

    All that being said, smarts, success and an apparent crap ton of energy do not necessarily equal ethics. Perhaps he's just forgotten why he got into the tv thing.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    He did an excellent demonstration showing the most advantageous way to relieve gas. It really worked. The rest of the show is just and infomercial.
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    I can't abide him. Maybe when he started out on the Oprah Show he was okay, and his heart was in the right place, but now the few times I've seen the show (never a full episode) he says one thing one day and something complete opposite the next.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Because Oprah told people to.

    ^^^^^^ THIS!!! :flowerforyou:

    This. Sadly.
  • quiltlady77
    quiltlady77 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for defending Dr Oz. I watch him too and of course, I don't necessarily buy the supplements or follow all his advice but he does have lots of knowledgeable guests that know what they are talking about, on his show. I have learned a lot from the show. Please stop knocking him, if you don't like him, you can hit the off or mute button or change the channel.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Lots of people need to believe and they can't tell you why. It's the reason lottery tickets and Las Vegas exist, it could change your life.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't pay much attention to him, but people listen to him because he's entertaining. He's a great speaker, even if his message is quackery. He also has some hilarious topics and demonstrations. He makes body parts seem like stuff to joke about rather than feed us a bunch of jargon. I've only seen his show a couple of times, but he was usually talking about poop or lady parts, so I found it to be amusing.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    He is getting on my nerves LOL everything is just shocking.... What happened to the truth tube?? Stopped doing that...
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    There are products that have come to my attention on the show that I now use daily (coconut oil, coconut sugar) - I didn't buy in without talking to other people about it, reading a little more...
    I also like the positive reinforcement of the value of the foods I eat; black beans are good for your brains, bright colored fruits, squash, sweet potatoes, blah blah.
    I think people need to read into things before buying in completely. I plan to do the 3 day detox once I am not nursing a baby, but I not because it's his, because I agree with the ingredients
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    DR OZ-- i do occasionally watch his show, he understands that he is not going to talk someone who has about 200 pounds to lose to immediately change his/her own life in an instant. So he gives them small starting steps.

    In the meantime, w/o following Dr Oz's advice but by eating what he actually eats, we can learn a lot. According to people who are around him, he eats a piece of fruit, a small amount of cheese, a handful of nuts etc about every hour...then he has a green salad for lunch, then for dinner a small piece of fish and fresh vegetables.

    Rather than just listening to him, follow the example he sets...he is always moving...walking everywhere possible and taking the stairs all day, when he can.

    No, i have never met him, but the above behaviors are well documented and actually are excellent to copy. He eats the 5-7 fruits and veggies, small amounts of healthy nuts, fish in moderation-- so he is a cardiologist with a heart- friendly lifestyle.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks for defending Dr Oz. I watch him too and of course, I don't necessarily buy the supplements or follow all his advice but he does have lots of knowledgeable guests that know what they are talking about, on his show. I have learned a lot from the show. Please stop knocking him, if you don't like him, you can hit the off or mute button or change the channel.

    If you don't like what people have to say, why can't you just close your browser? This is a place to voice our opinions, both negative and positive. Just because you don't like the fact that many people don't like Dr. Oz, it's still their opinion. This is not a Dr. Oz fan board.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    A miracle pill would work for everyone. There is a reason my former psychiatrists and doctors never suggested the first, second, third, or seventh anti-depressant I tried was a miracle pill. The miracle weight loss cure that works for even those with stuffed adrenals or thyroid (although getting those sorted first makes things easier/safer): calorie deficit.
  • that the closes they get to doctor examing table