Resisting snacks and junk food

I'm new here and trying to get my life back to being healthy. I'm 22, living on my own, and really wanting to make a change in my lifestyle. I have a huge issue with binging/snacking, especially on unhealthy foods. I just can't seem to resist. I snack when I am bored and sometimes I am not even hungry, just craving a food. Sometimes it's hard to know if I really want a food or if I just crave it. I am heading to the store this week to restock my fridge/cupboards. Beforehand I am cleaning out all the unnecessary foods. Anything else, such as baking ingredients (baking soda, sugar) - as I like to bake for others, I'm putting in another cabinet away from my general food.

My issue is snacking. I don't know how to stop it. I crave bread or something carb-loaded and desserts (like ice cream) a lot. I am hoping going to the store and buying new food will help. I have a huge list of healthy foods (I always make a list before going to the store). The only packages foods/drinks I am getting are tofu or alternative meats (I'm vegetarian), Silk Dark Chocolate Pure Almond Milk, possibly applesauce, liquid egg whites (easier for me), quinoa (if I can't find it in bulk), possibly lentils, and maybe graham crackers. I am wary about that last one. Everything else will be fresh fruits and vegetables and bulk items.

I was wondering if anyone has any support or advice they can give on not giving into the unhealthy snack foods. I always make excuses for myself and I need to stop. I usually find myself getting a craving and running to the corner store when I really don't need to eat the unhealthy food or spend the money. I am scared of buying junk food and giving in to eating it, especially all at once. I am wary of buying bread/bagels/etc at the store for that reason; not that I eat much of it, but I don't want having large quantities of it to be an issue. I am trying to lose a few pounds and be healthy/stay in shape and the excess junk isn't helping. I don't have access to a gym, nor am conditioned for running (especially with the cold weather), and don't have much upper body strength. I am also in an emotional slump right now (doesn't affect food, as I crave/eat the junk despite emotions), so I haven't been exercising as much. If possible I want to try to walk more and maybe find a few at-home exercises I can work on. I really need to get my eating and snacking under control first.

I know that was a lot, but yeah, any advice would be great.


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't know what your living situation is - I live alone so it's easier for me to just not have the junk in the house. That means if I really want so me junk food (snacks) it's a decision rather than just habit or impulse, and I have to actually go somewhere to buy the stuff. It sounds like that's what you already are working on.

    I find that if I'm getting enough protein I'm not nearly as hungry in between meals or in the evenings.

    Also, now that I'm going to the gym after my work day I'm not geting home until 7:30 or later. Sometimes I'll have an afernoon snack, usually a handful of almonds, and then a protein bar (~200 cals and ~10gm of protein) after my workout. I'd always heard all the taboo stuff about eating after 8 or 9pm, but I've found I really like eating about 7:30-8pm because then I'm not hungry in the evenings and looking for some calorie-dense snack.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I keep going wayyy over my calorie limits by just evening snacks, they are deadly!!
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    Junk in the house = Junk in the trunk.

    Make a veggie run to the grocery store, cut them all up, and have them readily available in the fridge and you can grab a handful when you feel like snacking.

    Follow nutritional serving sizes as on the boxes. If 4 crackers are 80 cal (like Triscuits are, my weakness, but I can't have them in the house cause I can down a whole box in a flash), only take four crackers out of the box and walk away.

    When you feel a craving coming on, down a big glass of cold water. A lot of times our body is dehydrated, and people mistake it for hunger.

    If you can, try eating dinner a bit later so you're not hungry later in the evening and want to grab something before bed.

    It takes willpower, dedication, and commitment. It will all get easier :)
  • eastcoastcountrygirl
    eastcoastcountrygirl Posts: 21 Member
    Wow, I could have written your post (except the vegetarian part)! I am a chronic snacker too. Especially when my hubby isn't home. Not sure if I'm bored, or lonely, or just don't think about it. I try to keep only healthy snacks in the house, but I have to have stuff for kids lunches, and my hubby has a chip habit too. I'm not a chip lover, so I can mostly stay away from them.

    I love dips, particularly crackers and dips, so I try to keep some fat free sour cream & dip mixes around, and either use Veggie Chips, baked chips, or use veggies. When I decide I want to dip crackers, I HAVE to count them or weigh them, or I will eat the whole box.

    Also, I agree on the tip about more protein.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    What's really helped me is to log all the snacks. When you have to think about how many calories are actually in your favourite snacks, you'll find yourself eating less of them/choosing something else. What has also been working for me is planning out my day's "regular" meals to my MFP calorie limit. Any snacks have to be "earned" through exercising the relevant number of calories. It really makes you think: is eating a thick chunk of cheese (my weakness) worth several hours of treadmill? Instead of a chunk; I'll have the 30 gram portion with an apple instead.

    You'll be more successful if you indulge your cravings by exercising moderation. Otherwise, you're just setting yourself up for a huge binge.
  • marlown
    marlown Posts: 59 Member
    Great idea about planning just meals to your calorie limit and then exercising to "earn" calories. That will change it up a bit! I'm going to try that.
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    I am a horrible cracker eater..... I find that at least some of the time I can substitute seedless grapes..
    The calories are low enuff that they can fill that "TV Eating " space...
  • GettinIT6
    GettinIT6 Posts: 44
    Planning it out is great!! Maybe try getting lots of fruit and making fruit salads to ease your hunger.....or greek yogurt? You can add peanut butter to it and make a good dip for fruits:) Hummus and veggies? :) Just some ideas maybe have a jar and everytime you want to go to the store put the money in there instead and get something from your cupboards.....I wouldn't buy anything that's unhealthy or that you don't want on your meal plan because then you will eat it. (if you're anything like me) good luck! Any other questions ask:)
  • blueopaque
    blueopaque Posts: 9 Member
    Planning ahead of time works awesome f(for me at least) cause then I have to actually take time to think about if I really want/need that snack. Also, not buying them in the first place so they are not around. I heard that some people will take a walk or do something they enjoy (hobby) as that will take their mind off the craving. Cold water also helps and for myself- GUM is a lifesaver. Good luck. Believe It, You'll Achieve It!
  • valeriemcmichael77
    Planning ahead also makes a huge difference for me!!
  • christomsteve
    I have the same problem with junk food and a beginner at this program to but one thing I am trying is chewing a piece of xtra gum when I crave something. Most of snacking is just a bad habit that we need to replace with something else. Good luck to both of us
  • nycgirlie87
    I would definitely plan your meals at the start of your day. I do it within the first hour of being at work or even the night before.

    I also find that I really want to snack when I am not doing anything or when I am watching TV. So instead of sitting on the couch, I spend my down time learning about photography. Find something you like to do whether its reading good book, writing, painting... something that involves your hands so you stay busy and those hands dont drift near a chip bag :)
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    I also find that I really want to snack when I am not doing anything or when I am watching TV. So instead of sitting on the couch, I spend my down time learning about photography. Find something you like to do whether its reading good book, writing, painting... something that involves your hands so you stay busy and those hands dont drift near a chip bag :)

    ^^ Totally agree!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I had to keep those kind of trigger foods out of the house for awhile. These day it doesn't bother me if my wife is having a bowl of chips or something...I don't really crave them anymore. I tend to crave weird things these days...the other day I came home with a huge bag of radishes because I was having a major radish craving. My wife thought I was nuts and they'd all go to waste...they're almost gone.
  • BIW2012
    BIW2012 Posts: 97 Member
    I think you need to think carefully about your portions. Even if you have healthy foods or snacks in the house, you can easily chomp down on an extra 500 calories worth of healthy food like peanut butter, almonds, yogurt, etc.

    Try getting pre-portioned snacks and tell yourself "if I eat more than this portion, I'll go over my calories for the day and I won't see a difference on the scales".

    Hope this helps

  • BIW2012
    BIW2012 Posts: 97 Member
    CMay16, I agree. Yesterday I left work and was starving and ready for a snack... I was planning on eating an apple and PB as soon as I got home... then I got home and I was super busy with getting some things done around the house so I didn't eat til dinner at around 7pm.

    Stay busy to get slim!
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    What has helped me is pre-logging in my main meals breakfast, lunch and dinner. That what way I can see how many calories I have left and what snacks to have. I keep healthy snacks in the house cuties, greek yogurt, and nuts. I also keep wheat thins, special k chips and 100 cal packs. They help when I want something crunchy and are low in calories. The servings are enough to keep me happy. Also for at night I have 100 cal or less ice creams from weight watchers, skinny cow ect and I buy frozen yogurt. I also find planning the times I eat my meals and snacks help keep me from getting hungry which helps keep me from over eating.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    I have one main trick - whenever I crave an unhealthy snack I drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If I then still 'need' it then I add it into my calories for the day and I have it! Most often, the 'need' for it has gone away by the time the 20 mins has passed! I find that If I don't give in on the odd occasion - then the binging can get worse!

    My second trick is to knit or crochet during the evening - when you are creating something the last thing you want to do is to make the yarn greasy or chocolaty!

    My third trick - done this evening - I took the dog on a longer walk so I 'earned' enough extra calories to allow myself a mini chocolate bar! As long as everything is logged - you soon learn how to work with your own cravings and 'up' the exercise to accommodate the extra calories required for an unhealthy snack!
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I'm in the same boat!!! I've found that eating good meals and getting lots of protein in is essential! If you get hungry for a snack, drink some water, if you're still hungry after that, have some protein bars on hand.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I have the same craving for snacks & carbs. I also log my food for the day to see what kind of snacks I can eat. Another thing that has helped me enormously is drinking hot beverages. I make a huge (like 32 ounce) cup of hot tea with 1 scoop of dry milk powder (protein) & a bunch of no calorie sweetener. The warm drink makes me feel more like I'm eating food & I make it sweet enough to satisfy my junk food craving. I've also done this with the Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate--2 packets (16-20 ounces of water) & 1 scoop of dry milk--low calorie, creamy & chocolatey.